

Effects of Different Planting Densities and Modes on Developmental Characteristics of Summer Maize Populations

【作者】 梁书荣

【导师】 赵会杰;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 植物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生产条件的改善和产量水平的提高,玉米群体内的各种矛盾更加突出。要想进一步提高产量,必须充分发挥玉米群体的生产效率,使群体能够生产更多的光合产物并高效地转移到籽粒中去。因此,构建优良的玉米群体,提高玉米群体质量已成为实现夏玉米超高产的技术关键。本研究针对豫北灌区的夏玉米生产条件,研究河南主推玉米品种超高产的群体质量指标,为采取调控玉米群体质量的技术措施,构建高质量玉米群体,实现大面积上的高产高效提供依据。本实验于2008 -2009年在河南省温县平安科技公司试验田进行,采用三因素裂区设计,主区为品种A(A1:郑单958;A2:浚单20);副区为种植方式B [B1:等行距(60cm);B2:宽窄行距(80+40cm)];副副区为密度C(C1:6.75、C2:7.50、C3:8.25、C4:9万株/ hm~2),研究了不同品种、密度和种植方式对夏玉米群体发育特征的影响。主要结果如下:1.不同密度和种植方式对两个品种的群体质量性状的影响。两个品种的叶面积指数(LAI)、干物质积累量、株高、穗位高随着密度的增大而增大或增高,茎粗随着密度的增大而减小。通过Duncan法进行多重比较表明,品种、种植方式和密度差异性显著,郑单958优于浚单20,宽窄行距优于等行距,密度为8.25万株/ hm的2产量最佳。从最佳产量结果来看,在密度为8.25万株/ hm~2和宽窄行距的种植方式下,吐丝期时郑单958的高产群体的LAI为6.69左右,浚单20的LAI在6.61左右;郑单958的群体干物质积累量为31103~31860kg/hm~2,浚单20为28154 kg/hm~2左右;郑单958的株高、穗位和茎粗分别是272.04、143.67和2.59cm;浚单20的分别为:284.57、161.30和2.55cm。2.不同密度和种植方式对两个品种的源端代谢的影响。两个品种的叶绿素含量、光合速率(Pn)、叶片蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性、叶片硝酸还原酶(NR)活性、叶片谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性、叶片可溶性糖含量随着种植密度的增大而降低或减小。通过Duncan法进行多重比较表明,品种之间、种植方式之间和密度之间差异性显著,郑单958优于浚单20,宽窄行距优于等行距,由最佳产量结果推出最适群体密度为8.25万株/ hm~2。在宽窄行距和密度为8.25万株/hm~2情况下,吐丝期时郑单958叶片的叶绿素含量5.10mg/g、Pn是55.20μmol/m~2·s、叶片SPS活性是40.90μg/g·h、NR活性是80.46μg/g·h、GS活性是1.96A/mg·h、叶片可溶性糖含量是2.41%;浚单20叶片的叶绿素含量是4.89mg/g、Pn是53.45μmol/m~2·s、叶片SPS活性是38.30μg/g·h、NR活性是76.83μg/g·h、GS活性是1.87A/mg·h、叶片可溶性糖含量是2.26%,说明此时的群体结构达到最佳优化,进而影响到终产量。3.不同密度和种植方式对两个品种的库端代谢的影响。两个品种的籽粒蔗糖合成酶(SS)和籽粒蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性均随着密度的增大而减小,在宽窄行种植方式和密度为8.25万株/hm~2时达到显著性差异。通过Duncan法进行多重比较表明,品种之间、种植方式之间和密度之间差异性显著,郑单958优于浚单20,宽窄行距优于等行距,由最佳产量结果推出最适群体密度密度为8.25万株/ hm 2。在宽窄行距和密度为8.25万株/hm~2情况下,郑单958籽粒吐丝期的SS和SPS活性分别是188.15μg/g·h、197.21μg/g·h,浚单20的SS和SPS活性分别是176.82μg/g·h、188.36μg/g·h。4.不同密度和种植方式对两个品种的籽粒灌浆过程和籽粒品质的影响。两个品种的籽粒体积、籽粒干物重、灌浆速率、籽粒蔗糖含量、籽粒蛋白质含量、籽粒淀粉含量随着密度的增大而减小,均在密度为8.25万株/hm~2时达到显著性差异。通过Duncan法进行多重比较表明,品种之间、种植方式之间和密度之间差异性显著,郑单958优于浚单20,宽窄行距优于等行距,由最佳产量结果推出最适群体密度为8.25万株/ hm 2。在宽窄行距和密度为8.25万株/hm~2的情况下,郑单958在成熟期时籽粒体积是29.63cm3/grain、籽粒干物重是327.67mg/grain、灌浆速率是11.67mg/grain·d、籽粒蔗糖含量是3.83%、籽粒蛋白质含量是9.60%、籽粒淀粉含量是71%,浚单20在成熟期时籽粒体积是28.39 cm3/grain、籽粒干物重是316.19 mg/grain、灌浆速率是11.47 mg/grain·d、籽粒蔗糖含量是3.32%、籽粒蛋白质含量是8.19%、籽粒淀粉含量是70.48%。5.不同密度和种植方式对两个品种的抗逆性的影响。两个品种的叶片的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均随着种植密度的增大而降低,过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量随着种植密度的增大而增大。通过Duncan法进行多重比较表明,品种之间、种植方式之间和密度之间差异性显著,郑单958优于浚单20,宽窄行距优于等行距,由最佳产量结果推出最适群体密度为8.25万株/ hm 2。在宽窄行距和密度为8.25万株/hm~2情况下,郑单958吐丝期时叶片的SOD活性是684.07u/g、CAT活性是70.95 u/g、POD活性是144.43 u/g、MDA活性是12.56μmol/g;浚单20吐丝期时叶片的SOD活性是676.96 u/g、CAT活性是67.67 u/g、POD活性是153.53 u/g、MDA活性是13.65μmol/g。6.不同密度和种植方式对两个品种的产量性状的影响。两个品种的穗长、穗粗、穗粒数、千粒重和经济系数随着密度的增加而下降;秃尖长随着密度的增加而增长;出籽率随着密度的增加先升高再降低;郑单958在宽窄行种植方式和9万株/hm~2的密度下产量最高,达到14236.97kg/ hm~2,浚单20在宽窄行种植方式和8.25万株/hm~2的密度下产量最高,达到13333.51 kg/ hm~2。综上所述,不同密度和种植方式对夏玉米上述性状均有不同程度的影响,其中密度为8.25万株/hm~2的宽窄行距种植方式,有利于提高植株地上部干重、叶面积指数、株高和穗位高,使夏玉米的群体质量性状得到明显改善;有利于提高叶片的光合速率和叶绿素含量,使夏玉米保持较强的光合能力;有利于提高叶片硝酸还原酶、蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性和籽粒蔗糖合成酶的活性、玉米籽粒的体积、干物重、灌浆速率以及籽粒中可溶性糖、蔗糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量,使夏玉米的库端碳水化合物的积累能力得到提高,为高产奠定了基础;有利于提高夏玉米叶片SOD、CAT和POD活性,降低MDA含量的效果较好,有利于延缓叶片衰老;对提高玉米籽粒千粒重的效应较大,最有利于提高玉米产量。所以建议采用密度为8.25万株/hm~2的宽窄行距种植方式种植,有利于提高豫北夏玉米的高产。

【Abstract】 The contradictions is become more prominent with the improvement of production conditions and levels of summer maize.To increase yield further more, production efficiency of population maize should be full expressed, making population produce more efficient transfer of photosynthetic products and trafer to the grain. So to build a good group and improve the quality and yield of summer maize is the key technology of ultra-high-yield. This project under the summer maize of North Henan irrigated production conditions, study the summer maize’s population quality indicators of main super high-yielding varieties of in Henan, quality and yield of maize to take control of technical measures to build high-quality corn groups, to achieve high efficiency on large area. To take control technical measures of quality and build heigh yield of maize and achieve a large size to provide evidence on the high efficiency.This experiment is designed by split plot with three factors, effects of different planting densities and modes on developmental characteristics of summer maize populations were studied in two varieties (Zhengdan958 and Xundan20) under high yield condition in the technology company of Ping’an of Henan Province between 2008-2009. The results are as follows.1. Effects of different densities and planting modes on developmental characteristics of summer maize populations in two varieties.The ear area index (LAI), chlorophyll content of leaves, biomass of shoots, plant height and height of ear position of two varieties with the increase of density or increased stem diameter as the density increases. By Duncan multiple comparison method showed that the variety of Zhengdan958 and wide-narrow row planting method were significantly superior than Xundan20, and the best yield’s density was 82,500 / hm2. The results from the best yield and in the wide-narrow row planting mode and density of 82,500 / hm2 condition, the LAI of Zhengdan958’s silking stage was about 6.69, Xundan20 LAI was about 6.61; Zhengdan958 groups of dry matter accumulation was 31103-31860kg/hm2, Xundan20 was 28154 kg/ hm2; plant height, height of ear position and stem diameter of Zhengdan958 were 272.04,143.67 and 2.59cm; Xundan20 were 284.57,161.303 and 2.55cm.2. Effects of different densities and planting modes on the source metabolism of the two summer maize varieties.Two varieties of chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate (Pn), leaf sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity, nitrate reductase (NR) activity, leaf glutamine synthetase (GS) activity and leaf soluble sugar content decreased with the increase of the density.By Duncan multiple comparison method showed that the variety of Zhengdan 958 and wide-narrow row planting method were significantly superior than Xundan 20, and the best yield’s density was 82,500 / hm2. In the wide-narrow row planting mode and density of 82,500 / hm2 condition, the leaf chlorophyll content of Zhengdan958’s silking stage is about 5.10mg / g, Pn is 55.20μmol/m2.s, SPS activity of leaf was 40.90μg-1h-1, NR activity was 80.46μg-1h-1, GS activity was 1.96Amg-1h-1, soluble sugar content was 2.41%; the leaf chlorophyll content of Xundan20 was 4.89mg / g, Pn was 53.45μmol/m2.s, SPS activity of leaf was 38.30μg-1h-1, NR activity was 76.83μg-1h-1, GS activity was 1.87Amg-1h-1, leaves soluble sugar content is 2.26%. The results indicated that the group structure was optimized, then affected the final output.3. Effects of different densities and planting modes on the sink metabolism of the two summer maize varieties.Sucrose synthase (SS) and grain sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity of two varieties were decreased with the increasing density, and the both of SS and SPS’s activity were reached the significant level in the density of 82,500 / hm2. By Duncan multiple comparison method showed that the variety of Zhengdan958 and wide-narrow row planting mode were significantly superior than Xundan20, and the best yield’s density was 82,500 / hm2. The results from the best yield and in the wide-narrow row planting mode and density of 82,500 / hm2 condition, The SS and SPS’s activity of Zhengdan958 were about 188.15μg.g-1h-1, 197.21μg.g-1h-1 at silking stage, the SS and SPS’s activity of Xundan20 were 176.82μg.g-1h-1, 188.36μg.g-1h-1.4. Effects of different densities and planting modes on grain filling and grain quality of summer maize in two varieties.The grain size, grain dry weight, grain filling rate and grain sucrose content, protein content and starch content of two varieties were decreased as the density increases, above of all were reached the significant level in the density of 82,500 / hm2. By Duncan multiple comparison method showed that the variety of Zhengdan958 and wide-narrow row planting method were significantly superior than Xundan20, and the best yield’s density was 82,500 / hm2. In the wide-narrow row planting mode and density of 82,500 / hm2 circumstances, The mature grain volume、grain dry weight、filling rate、sucrose content、protein content and starch content of Zhengdan958 were 29.63cm3/grain、327.67mg/grain、11.67mg.grain-1d-1、3.83%、9.60% and 71%.The same characters of Xundan20 were 28.39 cm3/grain、316.19 mg / grain、1.47 mg.grain-1d-1、3.32%、8.19% and 70.48% .5. Effects of different densities and planting modes on the resistance of the two varieties of summer maize.Leaves of two varieties of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity increased with planting density decreased, peroxidase (POD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) were decreased with the increase of planting density. By Duncan multiple comparison method showed that the variety of Zhengdan958 and wide-narrow row planting method were significantly superior than Xundan20, and the best yield’s density was 82,500 / hm2. In the wide-narrow row planting mode and density of 82,500 / hm2 circumstances, the SOD、CAT、POD and MDA activity of Zhengdan958’s silking stage were 684.07u / g、70.95 u / g、144.43 u / g and 12.56μmol / g. The same of above were 676.96、67.67 u / g、153.53 u / g、13.65μmol / g.6. Effects of different densities and planting modes on on the two varieties yield.The results showed that characteristics of ear, grain yield and harvesting index were significantly influenced by planting density and mode in two varieties. Two varieties of ear length, ear diameter, grain number, grain weight and economic coefficient decreased with the increase of the density; Bald long as the increase of the density growth; the seed rate increased as the density increases first and then decreased ; The yield of Zhengdan958 was the highest (14236.97 kg/ hm2) at a density of 90000 plants per hm2 in wide-narrow row planting mode, while the yield of Xundan 20 was the highest (13333.51 kg/ hm2) at a density of 82500 plants per hm2 in wide-narrow row planting mode.In a word, effects of different planting densities and modes on above characteristics of summer maize populations were studied in some degree, of which the density is 8.250 000 / hm2 and wide-narrow planting mode will be beneficial to plant dry weight, leaf area index, plant height and ear height, so that the quality characteristics of summer maize groups significant improvement, and help to improve the photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content to maintain a strong maize photosynthetic capacity; help to improve nitrate reductase, sucrose phosphate synthase activity and the activity of sucrose synthase, grain size, dry weight, grain filling rate and soluble sugar, sucrose, starch and protein content, so the capacity of summer maize’s sink was increased for accumulation of carbohydrates, laid the foundation for the high yield. Density of 82,500 / hm2 and wide-narrow planting mode had highered SOD、CAT and POD activity and lowered MDA content and was conducive to delayed leaf senescence; the density of 82,500 / hm2 and wide-narrow planting mode enhanced the effect of higher grain weight of summer maize grain and maize yield .So the density 8.250 000 / hm2 and narrow-wide row planting mode was recommended to improved the yield of summer maize in North of Henan.
