

Study on Biological Characteristics and Processing Technology of Cornus Officinalis

【作者】 吴卫刚

【导师】 张重义; 孙耀志;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业推广, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc.)为山茱萸科山茱萸属植物,以干燥成熟果肉入药,为2005年版《中国药典》收载品种。本品酸、涩,微温,入肝、肾经,具有补益肝肾,涩精固脱的作用,是六味地黄丸、八味系列地黄丸的主要原料,是全国40味主要大宗药材品种。在我国主要分布在河南、浙江、陕西等省,河南产区主要集中在西峡县。近年来,其应用范围逐渐扩大,对山茱萸的药理、药效研究也日益深入。研究表明,山茱萸具有降血糖、抗衰老、增强免疫机能等作用,可用于治疗糖尿病等多种疾病,药用价值极高。目前有关山茱萸规范化栽培研究的报道很少,为规范山茱萸药材市场,提高药材质量,本文以西峡县山茱萸为实验材料,对山茱萸的开花、结实习性及其与温度的关系展开研究,明确山茱萸在花期、果实生长期、成熟期的外部形态变化,建立外观形态方面的质量标准体系;同时结合各有效指标成分的测定,确定最佳采收期,选择最佳的初加工工艺,为山茱萸的标准操作规程(standard operating procedure,S0P)的制定提供理论依据。主要研究结论如下:1、山茱萸开花和结实习性及其与温度的关系3月上中旬为山茱萸蕾期;3月中下旬为小花开放期;4月中下旬为山茱萸座果保果期;5-6月上旬为果实迅速生长期;6月中旬-7月为果实缓慢生长期;8-9月上旬为果实内部充实期;10-11月为山茱萸果实成熟期。3月上中旬(蕾期)日均温稳定在8℃以下或3月中下旬(小花开放期)日均温稳定在12℃以下,山茱萸绽蕾、开花将推迟。2、不同树龄山茱萸果肉中化学成分的动态变化山茱萸树每隔20-30年进行一次结实枝组的更新,在结实枝组更新期内,山茱萸树体较弱,结实量一般并且果实较小,干燥果肉中化学成分的含量也较低,不同树龄干燥果肉含量的高低与树势、果实的饱满程度成正相关。树龄为20-30年,50-70年,100年以上的,均处于结实旺盛期,30-50年,80-100年的处于枝条更新期。3、山茱萸在霜降之后采收最佳山茱萸中马钱苷的含量与鲜果色泽关系较大,外观色泽越浅,含量越高,山茱萸果实完全着色以后(即霜降后采收),水浸出物、醇浸出物含量最高,马钱苷含量也较稳定。山茱萸在霜降以后,即山茱萸果皮、果肉变为红色时采收最佳。4、初加工工艺中烫煮时间对山茱萸药材品质的影响最大初加工工艺中烫煮时间对山茱萸药材的质量影响最大,其他因素(摊晾时间、干燥温度、翻炕间隔时间)均没有显著影响。烫煮时间应根据鲜果含水量进行判断,一般在0-6分钟之间,鲜果含水量越高其烫煮时间就越短;烫煮时间过长,醇浸出物、马钱苷、收率均较低,外观性状也较差,烫煮后的水颜色变红,并且水很浑浊,部分果已被煮烂。试验分析结果,山茱萸的最佳初加工工艺为,采摘后的鲜果净选后,沸水烫煮4分钟,经淘洗、沥水后,摊晾24小时,机械去核,果肉装盘至盘高2/3,温度调至65-70℃,每隔80分钟翻炕一次直至烘干。

【Abstract】 Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc. belongs to the Cornus officinalis genus Cornus, its dry ripe fruit is used as medicine, and contained in "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" 2005 edition. This product is acid, shibuya, gentle, hepatic, renal, as with liver and kidney tonic, tonifying Kidney to control nocturnal emission,is the main raw material of Liuweidihuangwan and Bawei series and one of 40 varieties of medicinal herbs. In our country, it mainly distributed in Henan, Zhejiang, Shanxi and other provinces and in Henan provinces, it mainly concentrated at the areas of Xixia County. In recent years, application range of dogwood is gradually expanded; the research on its pharmacology and efficacy is deeply increasingly. Research has shown that dogwood can hypoglycemic, anti-aging and enhance the role of immune functions, can be used to diabetes and other diseases and has very high medicinal value.At present, reports about the standardization of the cultivation of dogwood are few, in order to standardize the market and improve the quality of dogwood, in this article, studies on the biological characteristics of dogwood in Xixia were carried out. The purpose of this dissertation is to elucidate the bloom and fruitification of dogwood and its relationship with temperature Influence and establish the quality standard system of appearance shape. Best harvest time and best pretreating of processing were simultaneously determined through the determination of effective constituents as a reference for the establishment of standard operating procedure (S0P).The main findings are as follows:1. Habit of bloom and fructification of dogwood and the relationship with temperatureInfluence.Bud stage of dogwood is in mid-March; it blooms in mid-late March; the dogwood fruit period is in mid-late April; fast growing of fruits is from early May to June; slow growing of fruit is from mid-June to July; internal enriching of fruit is during August and September; the fructescence of dogwood is during October and November.Bud split and blooming of dogwood will be delayed if daily mean temperature is sustained lower than 8℃in early-mid March (bud stage) or lower than 12℃in mid- late March (floret blooming stage).2. The dynamic changes of chemical constituents of dogwood of different tree age.Bearing branche of dogwood updated one time every 20-30 years, during the period, the tree is weak, fruit few and typically smaller fruit, and low content of chemical composition in dry fruit. Dry flesh yield of different tree ages is proportional to tree vigor and plumpness of the fruit. Dogwood is in full fruit period which tree age is between 20 and 30 years, between 50 and 70 years or more than 100 years while it is in bearing branche updating period which tree age is between 30 and 50 years, or between 80 and 100 years.3. The best period of Cornus officinal is harvested after frost.Content of loganin of dogwood has direct relation with d fruit color, the lighter the appearance color, the higher the content. The content of water extract and alcohol extract is highest and the content of loganin is stable after the dogwood fruit fully colored (namely of harvested after frost). The best harvest period of dogwood is after frost when the peel and flesh is red.4. The hot cooking is the most influential factors in the pretreating processing which effects medicinal quality of dogwood.The hot cooking has the most effect on medicinal quality of dogwood in the pretreating processing, while there is little effect of time of air-dries, drying temperature and turn interval time. Boiling hot water should be determined by the water content of fresh fruit, generally between 0-6 minutes, the higher water content of the fruit, the shorter the cooking time. If hot cooking time is too long, content of alcohol extract and loganin and yield is low relatively, and the appearance characters is also worse, the color of water after hot cook became red and turbid, some fruit has been destroyed. The analysis result has shown that the best pretreating processing of dogwood is boiling 4 minutes after picking the fruit and air-dried for 24-hour after washing and detearing, then remove fruit stone by machine and drying at the temperature from 65℃to 70℃, turn it every 80 minutes until the drying time.
