

The Aquaculture Technique of Tilapia in Henan Province

【作者】 刘猛

【导师】 李明; 李治勋;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 养殖, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过查阅大量资料,总结了罗非鱼的生活习性、繁殖习性、生长习性等重要的生物学特性,概述了罗非鱼在我国及世界各地的分布及养殖情况,并就养殖过程中存在的问题和方法进行了深入的讨论,为政府部门制定罗非鱼发展规划,并为投资者及养殖户发展罗非鱼的养殖提供决策依据;通过对塑料大棚内水温的观测和分析,与罗非鱼的生物学特性进行比较,提出了塑料大棚适宜罗非鱼大规格苗种的培育。投放苗种应在每年的3月中旬进行,培育时间为2个月,苗种规格可达到20g/尾左右。塑料大棚水池的透明度、溶氧量、PH值等主要指标完全可以调节到罗非鱼养殖用水最适宜指标范围内;通过对饲养时间与罗非鱼体重关系的研究,提出塑料大棚水池培育罗非鱼苗种到当年养成商品鱼,适宜的捕捞上市时间应在每年10月初或中旬,同时应尽可能避免越冬:除此之外,本文结合当前生产的实际情况,对于利用塑料棚培育罗非鱼大规格苗种到当年养成商品鱼的技术难点进行了研究,并提出了解决问题的几个途径和措施。通过整个养殖过程管理中存在问题的总结,提出了日常管理应注意的事项,研究结果表明,罗非鱼这种热带鱼类在我国北方利用塑料大棚培育成大规格苗种到当年养成商品鱼的一整套技术是成功的,塑料大棚的使用使放养时间提前了50天,缩短了生长周期,并且苗种的成活率提高到95%以上,每667m2产生利润6136.4元。

【Abstract】 This research summarized the living habits、breeding habits、growth habits and others important biological characteristics of Tilapia,also summarized the distributing and breeding state of Tilapia in home and abroad, and discussed the issues and methods in the process of culture, provided development planning for government and reference for investor and culturist of Tilapia. Through observed and analysed the water temperature of plastic greenhouse, compared to the biological characteristics of Tilapia, obtained that plastic greenhouse was fit to cultivate large-sized seed of Tilapia. Tilapia culture begin in mid-March each year was good,the times were two months, the weight of each fish could reach to 20g or more. The transparency、dissolved oxygen、PH and others important indicators of plastic greenhouse were fit to live environment of Tilapia. Through researched the relation of feeding time and weight of Tilapia, obtained that the appropriate time from cultivated large-sized fish seed to finished fish was in early in October or mid-october, and avoided hibernation was essential. Another, in this paper, according to the actual state of current production, the aquaculture technical issues were discussed about culture Tilapia. And provided several approaches and measures.Through the whole process of breeding husbandry, important notices were realized. The results showed that the aquaculture technique that used plastic greenhouse cultivate large-size fish seed to finished fish of Tilapia was successful,and the time of begin was 50 days in advance, growth cycle was shorted. And the survival rate was increased to more than 95%, genrate profit is 6136.4 yuan per 667m2.

【关键词】 罗非鱼塑料大棚养殖技术
【Key words】 Tilapiaplastic greenhousesaquaculture technology
  • 【分类号】S965.125
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】83