

Design of Electrical Control System for Zero-speed Splice Machine

【作者】 刘焕

【导师】 范颖晖;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 零速接纸机是一种可与多种软包装机械设备配套使用的通用辅助设备。为实现生产过程的连续化,在要求主机不停机的同时保证整个生产过程中张力满足工艺要求,零速接纸机应运而生了。零速接纸机,顾名思义,指的是在接纸过程中,接纸部位保持零速,而主机可以根据设定的速度运行。能做到这一点的主要原因是它较普通塔架式接纸机构增加了一套储纸机构。接纸过程中,主机生产所需纸张由储料架暂时供应,使接纸部位纸张不动,即为“零速”。这样既保证了相当高的接纸成功率和对接时的准确性,又可以保证生产过程无中断。提高产品质量的同时,提升了生产效率。另外,由于接纸可靠性的增强,接头较高速驳接变短,也增加了原料的利用率。本课题研究的零速接纸机着眼应用于印刷机、涂布机、制袋机等软包装机械,具有接纸成功率高、应用范围广、安装操作简单安全性能好的特点。本文首先通过对国内外零速接纸机发展现状的调查,了解了其发展现阶段取得的成绩和依然存在的技术壁垒。针对现阶段零速接纸机在实际应用中对速度和张力的要求,提出了电控系统设计的主要性能指标。由此,针对性地进行硬件的选型和软件设计。主要研究了放卷电机、传感器、制动电阻等硬件选型时需要考虑的要素以及机器运行过程中对薄膜张力的控制的方法,并提出一个初步张力控制方案:闭环PID控制。然后用MATLAB/SIMULINK建立了系统的数学模型,利用该模型分析系统的稳定性和鲁棒性以及其阶跃响应的动态和稳态性能指标。最后,将基于西门子S7-200控制器的零速接纸机的控制程序按照软件特征和控制要求进行编写,并作最后调试。经论证,能够符合接纸过程中张力平稳、速度过渡平滑和安全系数达标的要求。

【Abstract】 Zero-speed splice machine is a kind of universally used accessorial equipment which can match up with multiplicate soft packaging machine. To carry out“produce without pause”, the mainframe should not pause while the tension can meet the requirement set by users during all the process of manufacture, the zero-speed splice machine comes into being. Zero-speed splice machine can keep the splice unit stationary while the mainframe could run according to the set speed. How can it perform? It is depend on a unit of film tank which is not existed in the commonly used equipment of turret splicing unit. During the splice process, the film used by the mainframe is supplied by the film tank while the film in the splice unit is held still. In this way, not only both the rate of successfully splice and the veracity is enhanced, but also“produce without pause”is ensured. Both the quality and productivity is improved greatly. In addition, as the rate of successfully splice is raised and the tie-in is shorten, the rate of material utilization is raised. This paper research focuses on making the zero-speed splice machine an accessorial equipment for print machine, coating machine and bag-making machine etc, which is of high rate of successfully splice rate, widely used, easy to mount and operate and of good security.Firstly, by investigating the status quo of the zero-speed splice machine from both home and abroad, the achievements and the problems still existing are known, to meet the requirements on speed and tension in zero-speed splicer machine, the key performance target of the control system is brought forward. With this, the next is to choose hardware and design the software for the control system accordingly. Mainly this paper researched the problem of how the unwind motor, the sensor and the break resistance should be chosen and how the tension during the flow is controlled. The control stratagem of PID control is used here. With the help of the math model set up by the software of MATLAB/SIMULINK, the system stability, robusticity and its dynamic and stable index is analyzed. Lastly, the control program is written on the platform of the S7-200 controller from Siemens according to the feature of the software and the requirements of the control system. It is proved that the designed control system can meet the requirements: stable tension in the manufacture process, smoothly transition in velocity and good security.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期
  • 【分类号】TB486
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】121