

The Globlization of Human Movement and Strategy Research on the Entry and Exit Management of Foreigners

【作者】 梁家全

【导师】 刘国福; 王小红;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 人员流动的全球化是不可阻挡的历史潮流,是人类社会不可逆转的全球化进程中的重要表征。特别是“二战”后,在贸易增长、科技进步等因素的推动下,人员的跨境流动日益呈现加速化、多样性、复杂性、政治性的特点,无论在广度上还是深度上,都达到了前所未有的水平。人员跨境流动与革命、战争以及大国兴衰等全球重大事件不无关系,与经济发展、国家创建及政治改革等议题密切关联,同冲突、迫害、权利剥夺等问题也息息相关。为了应对人员流动全球化的挑战,维护国家利益,很多国家纷纷对其移民(入出境)管理体系进行变革。外国人入出境管理,是指各国对入出本国的外国人提供方便或者实行有效控制,管理居留在本国的外国人的行政行为,涉及一国的主权、安全与利益,与国际关系密切相关。从广义上看,外国人入出境管理属于移民管理的范畴。在人员流动全球化的历史背景下,我国外国人入出境人数日益增多,外国人在华身份日趋多元化,广泛参与到我国社会生活的方方面面,这一方面有利于我国扩大开放、发展对外友好关系,为经济社会的发展创造良好的条件;另一方面,伴随而来的外国人非法入境、非法居留、非法就业以及犯罪甚至恐怖活动给我国的安全与稳定带来很大的压力。如何平衡安全与发展的关系,在有效打击各种非法入出境活动和其他犯罪行为以确保国家的安全与稳定的同时,保障外国人合法入出境权益,是我国外国人入出境管理的重要课题。目前,我国外国人入出境管理取得了很大的进展,管理理念逐渐从统治控制型向管理服务型演进,初步建立了以《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》为核心的法律制度,形成了体系化的管理机构,但还存在一些弊端,不能适应新形势下发展对外关系、维护国家利益、保护外国人合法入出境权益的要求。本文系统分析我国外国人入出境管理存在的不足,结合国外移民(入出境)管理的变革实践,提出了树立开放、包容的观念及全球视野、制订统一的外国人法典、建立整合性的外国人入出境管理体系等思路与对策,以应对人员流动全球化带来的挑战。

【Abstract】 In the course of irreversible globalization, the globalization will bring about theinternationalization of Human movement. After war II, under the impetus of trade growth,advancement in the science and technology, the migration shows the feature of acceleration,complexity, diversity, as well as political. Whatever the scope and the depth, the migration hasachieved an unprecedented growth. Superficially the migration is an international populationflow; indeed, it has something related with the problem of the safety and development, theproblem of the revolution, war and risen and fall of the empire, besides, it has bounded witheconomy growth, establishment of country, political revolution. Furthermore, it is well connectedwith conflict, persecution and deprivation of right. In order to adapt the trend of globalizationand defend national sovereignty and national interest, a lot of countries are flocking settled withthe management with emigration.The management of foreigner’s entry and exit is an administration behavior which conductscontrol, provide the help and manage residence for the foreigners who entry and exit the country.It belongs to the country’s sovereignty problem and the safety and interest which are closedrelated with the international relationship. Under the background of the globalization, thenumber of foreigners leaving the country kept growing, the identities of foreigners presentdiversity form. Furthermore, they participate in the different forms of the society. Broadlyspeaking, the management of foreigners is relating to the scope migrate management. On onehand, it will help to create a good term for broadening the opening-up policy, developing outsiderelationship and economy society. On the other hand, the problem about foreigners’illegal entry,illegal employment, and illegal residence in china is getting severe, which brought to theoverwhelming pressure for safety and stabilization in our country. It has become an importanttopic to our country’s migration authorities how to prevent and blow illegal immigrants andcross-border terrorism effectively and how to safeguard the interest of foreigners’exist.At present, the management of foreigner’s entry and exit has made great progress. Themanagement concept is from the dominate management to service management. It takes the of law systems, the People’s Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Aliensand management authority is well established.But it still has a lot of problems which can not adjust the outside relationship; national interestand the legal requirement of the foreigner exist. This article is to analyze the disadvantage of themanagement problem of entry and exit, combined with the practical experience, raised theconcept of inclusive tolerate and global perspective. This article will analyze the existingproblem of foreigner’s entry and exit management, combining with revolution experience.Besides, it put forward the open, inclusive and global perspective and raises the measures andthinking of establishing the foreigner’s code and the management of entry and exit, in order toconfront the challenge of global migration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期