

Chinese Character Modules and Traditional Book Layout

【作者】 林国彪

【导师】 靳埭强;

【作者基本信息】 汕头大学 , 设计创作与中国文化研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 现代书籍印刷的各种组成部分已被更加先进和便捷的电气化替代,而传统雕版刻的制作方法也无法适应现代的节奏,除了设计师在排版过程中能够通过对文字细心调整能找到一些行为上的一致以外,也没有更多的踪迹可寻。除了活字印刷,活字的系统被整个电子化再现于我们的电脑储存中,而我认为,活字系统并不适合于体积庞大并一直在增加新字的汉字,历史在向前走的每一个刻度,都伴随着一些生命的消失;只是在西方强势系统的影响下,我们的版式跟着西式的阅读习惯,渐渐把传统的版式方法放弃,我觉得是很不明智的行为,现在铺天盖地的书本,再也无法看到汉字版式的传统,这是消逝让人惋惜的。本文将以中国传统书籍为主要研究对象,通过对古籍的版面形式如开本、版框与界行、目录、标题、插图配置等的比较、分析和研究,寻找传统书籍设计的内在规范和特点;同时对构成书籍内容的汉字形态的转变,在新工业手段的当下是否具有新的书写可能性,对书籍以及汉字文体进行探讨书籍艺术设计的审美内涵,希望对现代书籍的版式设计能提出新的观点。

【Abstract】 A variety of modern book printing has been part of a more advanced and convenient alternative to electrification, but the traditional method of making woodblock carving can not adapt to modern rhythms, in addition to designers in the layout process can be adjusted through the text carefully to find some behavior than consensus, and no more traces to be found. In addition to movable type, type of system is the electronic representation in our computer store, while I believe that the type system is not suitable for large volume and has been adding new characters in the character and history to move forward in every scale, are accompanied by some loss of life; only strong in the West under the influence of the system, along with Western-style layout of our reading habits, gradually abandoned the traditional layout methods, I think it is very unwise behavior, now overwhelming the books, no longer can not see the layout of the traditional Chinese characters, which is passing people pity.This paper will study traditional Chinese books as the main object, the layout of the ancient forms, such as format, edition box and sector lines, directory, title, illustrations configuration comparison, analysis and research to find the internal norms of traditional book design and features; At the same time constitute the book’s characters form the content of changes in the new industrial instruments present the possibility of whether the new writing on books and books on Chinese art and design style to explore the aesthetic, hoping the format of modern books designed to introduce new point of view.

【关键词】 汉字模件版式系统雕版活字
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 汕头大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】J524
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】133