

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 田振国;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:分析“溃结方”健脾益气组中各味中药所起作用的主次,及药对搭配的交互作用,从而估计最佳的药物配伍方案优化该方剂的组成。材料与方法:本研究以大鼠为实验动物,采用目前比较先进的三硝基苯磺酸(TNBS)-乙醇溃疡性结肠炎动物模型,应用正交设计方案,来观察及分析我院院内制剂“溃结方”中各组成中药的主次关系,及相互间是否有交互作用。通过实验达到选择最佳配伍,优化组方的目的。结果:通过正交设计实验数据的分析,溃结方中药物的重要程度依次是A>B>C>D,即党参>白术>茯苓>甘草,在大体观察指标及病理评分的比较中结果一致。而交互作用方面在大体观察与病理观察的评分比较中略有出入但总体显示三味药物的配伍均表现出明显的协同作用,而两味药物的配伍中,党参、白术、茯苓三味药物的任意组合均有明显的协同作用。值得一提的是甘草在两味药物的配伍中作用不明显,但加入三味药物的配伍时则表现出明显的协同作用,比另外两味药物的配伍均能有所提高,这也许正是中药复方的特点所在。结论:1溃结方中健脾益气组药物对溃疡性结肠炎的治疗作用依次为党参>白术>茯苓>甘草。2溃结方健脾益气组中药存在明显的交互协同作用,可有效提高组方对溃疡性结肠炎的治疗作用。3溃结方健脾益气组药物有补气类中药方剂四君子汤而来,其组方经过我国传统中医界应用与检验,精当合理,本次实验也证明了其组方的合理性,未能就其方剂组成做出优化和精简。

【Abstract】 Purpose:To analyse the effect of the medicines in“the prescription to cure ulcerative colitis”whether is the major or secondary. And whether they have the benefit effect each other. Then we can estimate the best collocation of the prescription and we can remove the unnecessary medicine to optimize the prescription.Material and method:We use the SD rat to make the animal model. The reagent which used to make the model is (2, 4, 6– trinitrobenzen sulfonicacid, TNBS) and alcohol. It is a more used advanced method recently. My experiment plan is use an orthogonal design program to observe and analyse the medicines in“the prescription to cure ulcerative colitis”whether is the major or secondary. And find out whether they have the interaction each other. Then we can estimate the best collocation of the prescription and find the way to optimize the prescription.Results:After analyse the data of the experiment depend on orthogonal design, we find that the order of the medicines important degree is Dangshen、Atractylodes、Poria cocos、Licorice. We get the same conclusion in the data analysis both from gross specimen and Tissue section. There is some different in the data analysis. But we can find that there is some benefit interaction in the combination of each three medicines. And each combination make up with any tow of Dangshen、Atractylodes and Poria cocos has the same interaction. It is worth mentioning that the Licorice is not display any benefit interaction in the combination with any single medicine, but it display a benefit interaction in any combination with three medicines include it. It has a clear improve than the combination mixed up with the other tow. That is just the characteristic of the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions.Conclusion:1. The important degree order of the group of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi medicines in“the prescription to cure ulcerative colitis”is Dangshen、Atractylodes、Poria cocos、Licorice.2. There is some benefit interaction in the medicines of the group strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi in“the prescription to cure ulcerative colitis”. It can improve the effect of treatment to the ulcerative colitis.3. The medicines in the group strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi of“the prescription to cure ulcerative colitis”is come from the Sijunzi decoction. It has been used in clinic for thousand years. Our experiment is also prove the prescription is reasonable. We can’t remove any medicine from the prescription and optimize it.
