

Analysis on Ecogeographical Characteristics of Soil Animal Groups of Tropical Urban Greenbelt in Haikou

【作者】 范燕琴

【导师】 唐本安;

【作者基本信息】 海南师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土壤动物是陆地生态系统中重要的组成部分之一,在生态系统的物质循环和能量转化过程中起着不可替代的作用。城市绿地是一个特殊的陆地生态系统,对改善城市生态环境、促进城市经济发展具有越来越重要的作用。因此开展城市绿地土壤动物群落结构研究具有重要意义。本研究以海口市生态绿地为研究对象,于2009年7月到2010年1月通过对不同绿地类型、不同植被布局的城市绿地土壤动物群落的数量组成、生态地理特征及环境要素对土壤动物的影响做了详细调查,并对城市绿地系统与同地带自然生态系统中的土壤动物特征加以比较和分析。调研所捕获的土壤动物共计7169只,隶属3门12纲24目,其中优势类群为蜱螨目和弹尾目,共占总捕获量的78.95%;常见类群为膜翅目、综合目、等翅目、盲蛛目、双翅目、双尾目、蚯蚓目和鳞翅目,共占总捕获量的16.29%;其余为稀有类群,占总捕获量的4.76%。优势类群和常见类群构成了海口市城市生态绿地土壤动物的基本成分,对于土壤性质的表征起重要作用,常见类群和稀有类群突出了该群落的多样性特征。从优势类群来看,蜱螨目和弹尾目在每个样地、旱雨季都出现在优势类群中,且A/C值(蜱螨目与弹尾目之比)雨季大于旱季;常见类群中除鳞翅目外其余类群是各样地、各季共有的常见类群,其中等翅目和鳞翅目在旱季多于雨季。各样地土壤动物的水平分布不同,四样地中人民公园绿地土壤动物的捕获量最多,类群数最丰富,其次是万绿园绿地;研究区土壤动物具表聚性特征,沿着土壤剖面至上而下土壤动物密度迅速递减,其中优势类群蜱螨目和弹尾目主要集中在土壤的0~10cm层,而常见类群和稀有类群主要集中在土壤的5~15cm层。从绿地类型来看,公园绿地Shannon--Wiener多样性指数H和Pielou均匀性指数J都最高。从土壤背景角度分析,本土的土壤动物群落Shannon--Wiener多样性指数H高于客土的,万绿园土壤动物群落Shannon--Wiener多样性指数H和Pielou均匀性指数J都明显高于龙昆南路。对四样地土壤动物进行系统聚类分析将其为三类:万绿园和龙昆南路、海南师大校园(南校区)、人民公园。三种绿地布局结构中乔‐灌‐草结构的绿地土壤动物捕获量及丰富度最大,其次是灌‐草型绿地;从土壤动物的表聚性来看,乔‐灌‐草绿地土壤动物分布最集中;旱雨季的交替不仅对土壤动物群落组成、数量及多样性产生影响,而且由于土壤动物随旱雨季变化改变栖息地,使垂直分布也发生交替变化;灌木‐草结构的土壤动物Shannon--Wiener多样性指数H最大,Simpson优势度指数C小,其土壤动物较其他布局绿地的分布均匀,成为土壤动物最适宜的绿地植被结构类型。土壤的理化性质对土壤动物有不同的影响。对土壤动物类群数和密度与3种环境因子进行回归分析得,土壤动物类群数主要受土壤有机质含量和含水率影响,且均呈正相关,其中有机质含量对土壤动物类群数影响最大;土壤动物密度主要受土壤有机质含量影响,且呈正相关。城市生态系统与同地带自然生态系统比较结果为:土壤动物数量和类群均是前者>后者,具体体现在优势类群、常见类群、稀有类群的对比上。但自然生态系统的Shannon--Wiener多样性指数H和Pielou均匀性指数J大于城市绿地,Simpson优势度指数C小于城市绿地。这种差异与其所受人类活动影响程度密切相关。

【Abstract】 Soil animals are important composition in terrestrial ecosystem that play an important role in the substance circulation and energy transform. Urban greenbelts are special terrestrial ecological system, and they have a vital role in improving the city’s ecological environment and promoting the city economic development. So to study the community structures of soil animals in urban greens have very important signification.This artiele studied the greenbelts in Haikou.From July 2009 to January 2010,within four different green types,three different types of greens vegetations,we investigated the soil animals communities composition of greens,ecological geographic features of animals groups, and environmental factors influenced on soil animals.We also compared and analysised the urban greens system and natural ecological system in the same zone with soil animals characteristics. We get a series of data about soil animals and soil environment.Soil animals in the four categories of greenlands are 7168 and belong to 3 phyla,12 class,24 groups.The dominant groups were Aeonite and Collembola,while Hymenoptera, Symphyla, Isoptera, Diptera, Opiliones,Diplura,Lepidoptera,Opistopora were the ordinary groups and Others were rear groups.The dominant groups and the ordinary groups account for 78.95% and 16.29% of the total respectively,They formed the basic composition of soil animals in ecological green of Haikou city, which plays an important role in the characterization of soil properties.?Common groups and rare groups showed the characteristics of biodiversity.From the advantage groups, Aeonite and Collembola always appeared in each kind of plots, whether a dry season or rainy ,the A/C(the ratio of Aeonite and Collembola) of monsoon?was greater than the dry season’s. The common groups always appeared in each kind of plots apart from Lepidoptera,whether a dry season or rainy.?Thereinto the individual number of Isoptera and Lepidoptera in rainy season was more than that in dry season.Horizontal distribution of soil animals in every plots was different. the amount and group number of caught soil animals in the People’s park greenbelts was the most of that in different types of land, followed by Wanluyuan park’s;The vertical distribution of soil animals is descending with the increasing of depth of soil layers, the individual numbers put up obvious nature of surface gathering. Thereinto Aeonite and Collembola distributed mainly in the 0 ~ 10cm layer of soil, common groups and rare groups are mainly concentrated in the 5~15cm layer of soil.Form greenbelt types,the Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H) and Pielou eveness index(J) of park’s greenlands were the biggest.? From the greens which baekgrounds were differen, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H) of the domestic soil greenbelts was bigger than the extemal soil greenbelt one’s,the Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H) and Pielou eveness index(J) of Wanluyuan park wre obvious bigger than Longkunnan road green one’s.The?cluster analysis of soil animals in four plots,they were divided into three categories: Wanluyuan park and Longkunnan road greenbelts;? Hainan Normal University campus greenbelts(South campus); People’s park greenbelts.The abundance index of soil animals in the arbor- shrubs -herbaceous greenland was the biggest among three kinds of greenbelts whoes space layout structure were different. Followed shrubs -herbaceous Greenland. From the nature of surface gathering of soil animals, the distribution of soil animals in the arbor- shrubs -herbaceous greenland was the most ?concentrated of three greenbelts, Alternating dry rainy season impacts on not only soil animal community composition, quantity and diversity but also the vertical distribution of changes, because soil fauna habitat has changed with the turn of season.?The Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H) of shrubs -herbaceous greenland was the biggest, and it’s Simpson dominant index(C) was the lowest.It meaned that distribution of soil animals in there is more uniform than other greens vegetation structure types.The soil physical and chemical properties have different effects on soil animals.Applied regression Analysis on the group number and density of soil fauna and three kinds of environmental factors,the?group number of soil fauna was mainly influenced by soil organic matter content and water content. In addition,it was positively related to soil organic matter content and water content.The?density of soil fauna was mainly affected by soil organic matter content,and it was positively related to soil organic matter content.Compare the urban ecosystem with natural ecological systems, soil animal number and groups of the former are biger than that of the latter. But the shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou eveness index of natural ecological systems was the biger than urban ecosystem’s, and it’s simpson dominant index was the lower than urban ecosystem’s. These differences depend on influence extent of human activities.
