

The Study of Zhangshi’s Confucian Classics and Neo-confucian

【作者】 胡杰

【导师】 蔡方鹿;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 张栻是南宋时期著名哲学家、理学家与教育家,湖湘学派的代表人物与集大成者。他与“闽学”代表人物朱熹、“婺学”代表人物吕祖谦,在南宋理学领域鼎足而三,并称“东南三贤”,“一世学者宗师”。张栻生活于理学思潮崛起的时代,北宋至于南宋特殊的历史文化背景以及张栻的家学师学渊源、同道会讲以及仕途经历,对张栻思想的发展与成熟皆有不同程度的影响,而宋明理学与中国经学所具有的密切联系,也体现在张栻经学与理学的关系中。其一,张栻经学是其理学的载体,是其理学的基础和根据魑晃挥杏?响力的思想家,张栻注意吸取二程、张?⑼醮蟊Α⒑甑人枷爰业南喙厮枷耄?又与吕祖谦、朱熹等同时代的学者相互交流,在诠释《周易》、《论语》、《孟子》过程中,提出“治经以兴发义理”;其二,张栻的理学思想体系,是由一系列相互联系的理学范畴及由范畴构成的理学理论所组成,而这些范畴、理论,大多是张栻在对儒家经书及经典范畴的解析过程中提出的,或者是在张栻与同时代诸多学者的相互交流中而深化发展的。离开了经学、离开了对经典范畴的解析就谈不上张栻理学理论的建构:张栻易学“《易》之书所以载道”、重象数与义理的结合及其太极、阴阳范畴、道器关系说,皆有独特之处;其四书学潜心《论语》发明仁说,用义理解读《孟子》阐发其义利观,发明性命之微,治《中庸》而展开“中和之辩”,阐释《大学》并提出认识论与道德修养论。张栻不仅突出“四书”,将“四书”义理之学作为经学发展的主体;又能兼采汉宋,把章句训诂之学与义理之学相结合,构建了义理为主亦重注疏,经学与理学相结合的新经学思想体系,在宋代经学中占有一席之地;其宣扬和表彰周敦颐、二程在道统中的作用和功绩;在与朱熹相互博约中发展了二程学说;确立了集众家之长的湖湘学派;提出居敬穷理的修养方法,在理学史上也占有重要的地位,对理学的发展也产生深远的影响。其三,张栻的理学则是其经学之义理阐发的逻辑体系,是其经学的指导及其哲学上的理论根基,在其经学基础上的深化、展开和进一步发挥,亦即经学的哲理化、系统化。在张栻看来,太极论、天理论等理学理论就存在于以“四书”、“五经”为代表的儒家经书之中;同时他结合时代变迁和社会发展演变的客观需要,从中提炼出适合社会发展的价值体系,以指导人们的思想言行。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Zhang Shi is a well-known philosopher, Neo-Confucian and educator in NanSong Dynasty as well as a representative and synthesizerof the school of Huxiang .He and Zhu Xi,the representative of the school of Min, and Lv Zuqian,the representative of the school of Wu ,are like the three legs of a tripod in areas of Neo-Confucianism in NanSong Dynasty .They are called“Mikatas in Southeast”and“Masters all times”.Zhang Shi lived in the era of the rise of Neo-Confucianism. The special historical and cultural background in Song Dynasty , the Zhang Shi’s family-taught study history, arguing questions with scholars and his career story had different influences on his maturity and development of ideas.While Neo-Confucian in Song-ming Dynasty and the studyof Confucian classics have close relation which were reflected the relationships in ZhangShi’s Neo-Confucian and his studyof Confucian classics .First, ZhangShi’s studyof Confucian classics is the carrier and basis of hisNeo-Confucian. As an influential figure ,during interpreting ZhouYi ,the analects of confucius and Mencius,he had an thought“to study Confucian classics to get Yili(principle)”with absorbing the relevant ideas of Er Cheng ,Zhang Jun, Wang Dabao, Hu Hong and other thinkers ,also exchanging thoughts with contemporary scholars, like Zhu Xi and Lv Zuqian .Second, ZhangShi’s ideology of Neo-Confucian is made of a series of categories and theories in Neo-Confucian, which were come up with when Zhang Shi analyzed Confucian classics and Classical Categories , or developed when he exchanged ideas with other scholars in the same times . Without them, ZhangShi’s ideology of Neo-Confucian could not be built.In His Yi studies , Zhang Shi said“yi is a tool of carrying principle”, and he combined images and numbers,with Yili (principle),There were categories ,such as Tai chi ,yin-yang,and the relationship of law and matter, which had unique merits , In the study of Four Books, Zhang Shi studied the analects of confucius to illustrate benevolence,and explained his concept of loyalty and interests by making clear Mencius .Between he and ZhuXi, an argument about the doctrine of the mean happened at the time of his studyingThe Doctrine of the Mean. Besides, he got his epistemology and theory of moral cultivation . Zhang Shi did not only highlight Four Books, regarded argumentative philosophy on Four Books as a central subject of development of the study of Confucian classics, but also build a new ideology , emphasising of Yil(iprinciple)and Commentary and Subcommentary ,and combined the study of Confucian classics and Neo-Confucianism .Therefore, Zhang Shi’s study of Confucian classics had an important role in the study of Confucian classics of Song dynasty.So did it in history of Neo-Confucianism.And it had a profound effect on the development of Neo-Confucianism.Four reasons as follows: Zhang Shi propagated and praised Zhou Dunyi and Er Cheng for their effect and merits in Confucius’ doctrine; He developed Er Chengs’ study during academic exchange with ZhuXI and found the school of Hu Xiang,collecting other schools’ advantages; Also,he put forward to the cultural method of exploring respectfully Yil(iprinciple).Third, ZhangShi’s Neo-Confucian was the direction of his studyof Confucian classics and the foundation of his philosophy .Basing on his studyof Confucian classics , ZhangShi’s Neo-Confucian was deepened, expanded and expounded, namely, it was philosophizing and systematic of the studyof Confucian classics .For ZhangShi, the theories in Neo-Confucian like Tai Chi Theory lies in Confucian classics,for example, Four Books, the Five Classics.Simultaneously, he refined the value system for Social Development to direct people’s thinking of words and deeds according to time’s changing and the objective needs of Social development and evolution .

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