

Clinical Aspect of TCT and Pathology Result in Cervical Lesions of 173 Cases

【作者】 伊丽达娜·米吉提

【导师】 马彩玲;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 妇产科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨我院173例可疑宫颈病变患者中液基薄层细胞学检测(TCT)在宫颈病变诊断中的临床意义。方法:将新疆医科大学第一附属医院自2008年6月至2009年9月妇科门诊、住院部病房就诊行妇科检查疑似宫颈病变或体检常规行TCT检查结果提示异常的173例患者,对其年龄、民族、避孕方式、临床症状进行归纳、分析研究的同时,行TCT检查,并与我院行阴道镜下宫颈可疑组织活检或对级别较高者行宫颈锥切术,以阴道镜下病理学检查及宫颈锥切后病理结果做为金标准,分析评价这173例患者中TCT检查的敏感度、特异度及假阴性率、假阳性率,并对不同病理学级别宫颈病变所对应的TCT结果做一临床分析。结果:TCT检测的敏感度为60%,特异度为71.4%,假阴性率为40%,假阳性率为28.6%。随着宫颈组织病理学级别的升高,TCT的阳性率及敏感度分别为48.7%、52.2%、62.1%和89.5%,呈上升趋势。结论:本研究中,随着宫颈组织病理学级别的升高,TCT的敏感度随之升高。TCT与病理诊断有较高的符合率,可作为宫颈病变的一筛查指标,但它仍存在一定的假阴性、假阳性率,不能以此作为判断宫颈病变的依据。

【Abstract】 Objective:To study the clinical value of thin-prep-liquid-based cytology tes(tTCT)in the diagnosis of our hospital’s 173 cases of cervical lesions.Methods:173 cases of patients from Junly 2008 to September 2009 in the first Subsidiary of Xin Jiang Medical University were screened by TCT,based on the pathology result as a golden standard,to aspect the sensitivity,specificity and fake negative rate of the TCT Test. Results:The postitive result cases of TCT were 84,the positive result cases of pathlology were 110. The sensitivity of TCT were 60%,the specificity were 71.4%,the fake negative rates were40%,the fake positive rates were 28.6%.In pace with the raise of pathological scalar,the positive result rate of TCT were 48.7%,52.2%,62.1% and 89.5%. Conclusions:In this research,in pace with the raise of pathological scalar,the positive result rate of TCT were become higher and higher,and TCT can be one of cervical lesion screening technology,but it still has the fake negative rates and fake positive rats,it can not be used as a diagnosis foundation of cervical lesion.
