

【作者】 胡悦

【导师】 翟立宏;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中小企业是我国经济发展的重要支柱,是国家财政收入的主要来源,在活跃市场经济、改善收入分配、解决就业、技术创新、促进社会和谐等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。近年来,在南充市政府的大力扶持下,当地中小企业在数量和规模上快速发展,成为南充经济的发动机和推动器。与此同时,南充各银行业金融机构已经意识到发展中小企业客户群体的巨大利益,争相抢夺中小企业信贷客户资源,使得南充中小企业信贷市场的竞争日益加剧。目前,农行总行提出了大力发展中小企业信贷业务、积极抢占中小企业信贷市场的经营战略,对南充农行中小企业信贷业务的发展提出了更高要求。而南充农行目前的中小企业信贷业务面临着整体规模小、市场占有率低、业务发展缓慢等现状。因此,加强中小企业信贷业务策略研究、加大中小企业信贷业务占比和市场份额,无论是从支持当地中小企业的发展的角度,还是达到实现南充农行商业价值最大化的目的,这都是一个值得研究和思考的课题。本文在了解了我国中小企业的定义、授信业务的认定、中小企业在我国整个经济运行中所占据的地位与作用、中小企业信贷需求的特点之后,以南充各银行业金融机构和南充农行中小企业信贷业务发展情况的实际分析入手,从经济发展的必然选择、优化客户结构的必然趋势、战略转型的客观需要、相关政策的制度导向等四个方面分析了南充农行发展中小企业信贷业务的必要性。之后,从银行内部经营管理的原因、中小企业自身的原因和外部环境的影响三个方面剖析南充农行发展中小企业信贷业务缓慢的原因。在此基础上,运用信息不对称、企业生命周期、产业集群等理论,在确定客户选择标准、明确信贷业务基本策略、创新营销方式、加强产品创新、丰富担保品种、建立科学的信用评价体系等六个方面进行探讨,提出了南充农行发展中小企业信贷业务的策略选择。最后,为了保障南充农行中小企业信贷业务策略的有效实施,分别从建立符合中小企业信贷业务发展的专业机构、打造专业的中小企业客户经理团队、建立适应业务发展的激励约束机制、优化信贷业务流程、建立信息收集通报与交流制机、建立有效的风险防控体系等六个方面提出了构建起适应发展中小企业信贷业务的组织保障体系。本文研究的主要价值:通过对南充农行开展中小企业信贷业务的分析与实践,提出更适合当地中小企业信贷需求特点和符合南充农行实际情况的中小企业信贷业务发展策略,对南充农行发展中小企业信贷业务提供一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 SMEs is an important pillar of our national economy and main source of national revenue.lt plays important role in activating market economy, improving income distribution, solving the employment, innovating technique,and promoting social harmony, etc. In recent years,N.C ABC has become its economic engine and properller,as its rapid development in number and size for strong support coming from local Nanchong Government. At the same time, banking institutions of Nanchong have realized the enormous benefits SME customer groups can bing,so are competing for resources of SME credit customers,which is the reason why competition credit market is hotting up visibly.The headquater of Agricultural Bank of China has proposed some strategies of developing SME credit business, seizing credit market shares. Meanwhile, the headquater also brings forward higher requires to N.C ABC. However, N.C ABC is confronts to some difficulitis, such as the bank is small, the shares of marketing percentages are low, and the business development is slow. To strengthen the strategy of SME credit and expand the business and market share,which supports development of local SME and also carries out the maximum of commercial value, is well worth studying.This thesis, basing on the understanding of the definition of SMEs in China, the basic concepts of credit business, the economic position and role of SMEs in China, the characteristics of credit reuirement of SMEs;accroding to practical conditions of banking financial institutions in Nanchong and N.C ABC,the inexorable selection of economic development, the inexorable trent of optimizational customer structure,the objectivity of strategic change,the direction of relative policy, etc..., analyzes the necessity of developing SME credit business. Then the thesis analyzes carefully the reasons for slow business development from business and management of bank,the inherent factors of SME,the influence of outer envioroment. On the basis above applying asymmetry information theory, theory of enterprise life cycle and innovation of enterprise management;making the selection criterion of customer, basic policies of credit,the ways of creating marketing,and enhancing product innovation,increasing the methods of guarantee,building up the system of scientific evlation,finally I put forward the management measures. At last, to make sure measures came into effct, I give six ways of oranization guarantee system, including building up speacialist agencies,manegement team,the system of information collection and announcement and comunication,the system of effective credit risk prevention-control,the incentive and restrictive mechanisms,business process.In a word,the main value of this thesis:it has an imporant direction for practical credit policies and credit business of N.C ABC through analysis and practice.

【关键词】 商业银行中小企业信贷策略
【Key words】 commercial bankSMEcreditstrategy
  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】279