

【作者】 康佳

【导师】 陈乙;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国成都作为国内外都颇具名气的休闲城市,市民以会享受生活而闻名国内外。趁周末难得的休闲时间到城郊乡村去体验大自然的和谐和农村淳朴的乡风民俗,参与体育健身娱乐活动,已经成为市民生活的重要组成部分。成都东郊的龙泉驿区,具有发展乡村旅游的地理、区位、交通、资源和社会经济发展的独特优势条件。区内龙泉花果山、桃花故里、书房村、枇杷沟、万亩观光果园等,是颇为有名的乡村旅游景区(点),花、果生产已形成产业优势,观赏性、参与性强,景区内农家乐众多,一起构成了其独特的景观优势。一年一度的中国·成都国际桃花节为龙泉乡村旅游的发展提供了强大的品牌效益。随着人们生活方式的不断转变和改善,以及对健康生活休闲方式的越加重视和追求,龙泉乡村旅游必将迎来更多的发展机遇,但也面临着旅游产品较为单一,文化特质不够突出,整体统一规划尚不足,基础服务设施还较差,服务水平还偏低,产品同质竞争问题初显,资源环境保护压力巨大等困难和挑战。系统研究和探讨龙泉乡村旅游经济发展战略,让龙泉乡村旅游产品更能持久吸引消费者,推动龙泉乡村旅游经济的健康可持续发展,已是迫切需要。本文在对国内外乡村旅游经济发展及现状研究的基础上,运用SWOT分析方法,对龙泉乡村旅游发展的(1)优势(Strength),包括地理位置、旅游资源、交通体系、区位条件、自然环境、社会经济发展等条件;(2)劣势(Weakness),包括旅游产品单一性问题、文化旅游资源发掘问题、基础设施配套问题、整体和统一规划问题、旅游从业人员素质问题、节庆旅游存在问题;(3)机遇(Opportunity),包括政策的大力支持、旅游需求的不断增加;(4)挑战(Threat),包括城市化进程带来的影响、环境保护、产品同质竞争等,进行了较为深入细致的研究和分析,探讨提出了龙泉乡村旅游经济可持续发展的策略:抓特色化旅游开发,搞好旅游产品设计,丰富旅游方式;将龙泉乡村旅游区纳入“两湖一山”总体规划实现区域联动,促进旅游开发与社区建设协调发展;加大旅游项目招商引资力度,打造重点景区,实现品牌-景区拉动;狠抓市场营销,扩大客源市场,拓宽目标定位;加大政策扶持力度,努力提升经营服务水平;搞好资源环境保护,实现社会、经济、生态环境全面可持续发展。上述对龙泉发展乡村旅游的优、劣势条件进行的较为全面、系统的梳理和分类,并提出的可持续发展战略、对策与措施,亦是本文试图取得的主要研究成果,期望能对龙泉乡村旅游的蓬勃发展提供一些参考价值和帮助。

【Abstract】 Chengdu are quite well known as a leisure city in China and abroad, the people of which are known to be able to enjoy life. Taking advantage of a rare weekend leisure time to the Suburbs to experience the harmony of nature and the rural simplicity of the rural folk style, participating in physical fitness and recreational activities, has become an important part of life. Eastern suburb of Longquan District has the unique advantages of rural tourism geography, location, transportation, resources and socio-economic development. There are Flower and Fruit Mountain, Peach Hometown, Rural Study, Loquat Ditch, Mu Orchard in Longquan District, all of which are quite well-known scenic spots of rural tourism. Flowers, fruit production have formed its industrial advantages. Ornamental function and participation function, the scenic spot of many Happy Farmhouses, together constitute the advantages of its unique landscape. The annual International Peach Blossom Festival in Longquan, Chengdu, provides a strong support and a name card for the development of Rural tourism in Longquan.With changing and developing of people’s life styles, and pursuit of healthy leisure life, Longquan Rural Tourism is bound to see more opportunities for development, but also faces a series of problems, such as single tourism production, no cultural characteristics prominence,less overall unified planning, a lack of basic services and facilities, homogeneous product competition, resources and other environmental pressures. System Research and economic development of rural tourism strategy are necessary for Longquan, to attract consumers and promote Longquan rural tourism sustainable, healthy development.In this paper, based on the economic development of rural tourism at home and abroad and current situation, I use SWOT analysis, conduct a more in-depth detailed study and analysis of development of rural tourism on the Longquan. (1) Strength, including location, tourism resources, transportation systems, geographic conditions, natural environment, socio-economic development conditions; (2) weaknesses, including the unity problem of tourism products, cultural tourism resources to explore the issue, supporting infrastructure problems, the overall and uniform planning, tourism, quality of problem, employees, festivals and tourism problems; (3) opportunity, including policy support, the increasing travel demand; (4) Threat, including the process of urbanization impact of environmental protection, product homogeneity competition. Discuss Longquan sustainable economic development of rural tourism strategies:focusing on characteristics of tourism development, improve tourist product design, rich in tourism; the Longquan tourism into "mountain lakes," the overall plan for regional linkage, and promote tourism development and the coordinated development of the community; increase the intensity of tourism investment projects, build focus area, to achieve brand-scenic driving; pay close attention to marketing, broad customer base, broaden the target location; strengthen policy support to improve service level management; improve resources and environmental protection to achieving comprehensive and sustainable development of society, economy, ecological environment.The above mentioned part classifies the advantages and disadvantages of the development of Longquan rural tourism, and puts forward strategies for sustainable development, strategy and measures, also is the main achievement of this paper, which is to get, looks forward to providing some help and reference for the rapid development of Longquan Rural Tourism and help.

【关键词】 龙泉乡村旅游可持续发展战略
【Key words】 LongquanRural TourismSustainable DevelopmentStrategy
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】545