

【作者】 王蘅露

【导师】 冯用富;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着中国经济持续快速增长、外资流入规模日益扩大、外汇监管政策不断调整等,进出口贸易在中国经济发展中起到了举足轻重的作用,进出口企业面临着新的发展空间,企业迫切需要金融机构为其提供更为灵活的金融服务。因此贸易融资服务也日渐活跃。贸易融资是指银行根据进出口贸易商的资金需求,结合国际结算的各个环节所提供的资金融通或信用便利。它具有高收益、低风险、资本占用少的特点,因而逐渐成为商业银行的一项重要业务。作为城市商业银行的重庆银行在资产规模、国际筹资能力、专业化经验和国际地位等方面均落后于国有银行、股份制商业银行以及外资银行。那么,重庆银行如何根据市场的变化结合自身的特点全面开展金融创新活动,努力适应市场竞争的要求,是重庆银行在发展中急需研究的课题。本文就是在进出口贸易蓬勃发展,贸易融资业务竞争加剧的背景下来探悉重庆银行贸易融资发展的有关问题,旨在帮助重庆银行解决贸易融资业务发展中存在的问题,为重庆银行贸易融资业务的发展提供一个清晰、严谨、科学的发展方向。本文借鉴了“自偿性贸易融资理论”、“结构性贸易融资理论”和“供应链融资理论”的相关内容并结合重庆银行实际去寻找推动重庆银行贸易融资业务发展的对策。本文能为重庆银行的实际工作提供借鉴,具有一定的理论、实践意义。本文共分了四个部分:第一部分首先介绍了贸易融资的的基本概念和特点,并介绍了贸易融资的相关研究概述,具体包括金融界传统的“自偿性贸易融资理论”、近几年备受推崇的新兴“结构性贸易融资理论”、“供应链融资理论”等。这些核心理论为全文的研究奠定了理论基础。第二部分,分析了贸易融资市场的现状,指出近二十年,贸易融资业务在中国得以真正地发展和普及,但是国内商业银行在产品创新、风险管理、方案设计等方面还与外资银行存在差距。接着分析了在中国经济快速发展,银行之间竞争不断加剧的态势下,目前贸易融资业务呈现出的一些新的发展趋势。第三部分,对重庆银行进出口量、贸易融资等方面的数据进行了统计,并分析了重庆银行开展贸易融资业务的现状和存在的问题。第四部分,借鉴了“自偿性贸易融资理论”、“结构性贸易融资理论”和“供应链融资理论”的相关内容,并结合重庆银行实际得到了树立正确的贸易融资创新理念、建立产品服务创新模式、改进贸易融资授信标准、建立有效的风险控制体系、优化营销策略、加快电子化进程及加强人才队伍建设等几个发展重庆银行贸易融资业务的对策,对促进重庆银行贸易融资业务的发展具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the sustainable and rapid growth of our national economy, the enlarged scale of the flowing of foreign capital and the constant adjustment of the foreign exchange administrative policy, both import and export trade have been playing a more and more important role in our economic development, at the same time, these import and export enterprises are facing a new development, therefore, they need the financial institutions to provide more and more convenient financial facility for them.As a result, the market of trade financing is getting prosperous. Bank of Chongqing.,as the third rank banks of Chinese banking industry, lags far behind the state-owned and stock-held commercial banks no matter how big in the respect of the assets-scale, the ability of international funding capacity, the professional experience, the layout netting and the international status. How to develop innovative financial projects in the respect of products-innovation and credit-management according to the changing of market and own characteristics and adapt to the market competition is the urgent subject of the development of Bank of Chongqing.This article discusses the relevant problems regarding the development of trade financing of Bank of Chongqing in the context of prosperous import and export trade and the fierce competition of trade financing business. At the same time,it uses the relevant content of the self-liquidating trade finance theory,structured trade finance theory and Supply Chain Finance theory as reference to search for the problems of trade financing of Bank of Chongqing and explains the development trend of its trade financing business, it puts forward some suggestions to promote the trade financing business of Bank of Chongqing. This article can provide some useful reference for the practical work of Bank of Chongqing, and is of certain theoretical and practical sense.This article can be divided into four parts. The first part gives an introduction to the basic concept of trade financing and its function in the business development of commercial banks, which is the core concept of trade financing and sets a theoretic base for the whole article.The second part analyzes the present status of the trade financing market and points out that in the recent 20 years, the trade financing business has developed a lot but our commercial banks still lag behind the foreign banks in the respect of innovation of products, risk-control and schedule designing. Still, by analyzing the main characters of the trade financing market, it reveals the trend of trade financing and the potential of the whole market.The third part analyzes the present condition and problems of the trade financing of Bank of Chongqing.And finally the last part puts forward some advice and suggestions for the development of trade services of Bank of Chongqing in the respect of establishing innovative concept of trade financing, the innovative mode of products, and the emphasis on the risk-control and the optimizing of strategies and accelerating the digital process.

  • 【分类号】F832.2;F740.45
  • 【下载频次】299