

Study on the Geographic Variation of Main Economic Characters of Sapindus Mukorossi

【作者】 岳华峰

【导师】 姜景民;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 林木遗传育种, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无患子为无患子科(Sapindaceae)无患子属(Sapindus)落叶乔木,果皮中含有的皂苷是理想的环保型化妆品、洗涤剂原料,种仁中的油脂可开发生物柴油,是潜在的重要经济树种。本文在野外调查采种的基础上,对无患子果实形态性状、种仁油脂含量和果皮皂苷含量进行了地理变异研究,同时,对其子代苗木性状遗传变异进行研究分析,主要研究结果如下:(1)不同产地无患子果实形态性状的地理变异9个产地间的无患子果实各性状产地间差异均为极显著,质量与体积受环境因子的影响较大。不同产地间果实性状之间及与产地地理因子间存在一定的相关性。随纬度升高,年日照时数增加,年降雨量减少,果实、种子质量增加,体积增大;随经度减小,果皮有加厚的趋势;聚类分析表明无患子产地间果实性状依据地理聚类。(2)无患子种子出仁率及种仁含油率的地理变异不同产地间、产地内株间无患子种仁含油率和种子出仁率差异均为极显著,且株间差异大于产地间。含油率较高的是浙江的遂昌、庆元和广西的龙州,含量最低的是最北部的河南西峡,而出仁率高的产地是浙江天台、庆元和河南西峡,较低的为福建武夷山和江西宜丰。相关性分析表明的是无患子种仁含油率与地理因子之间的相关性不明显,而出仁率随年平均日照时数的增加显著升高。(3)无患子果皮皂苷含量的地理变异研究不同产地间,产地内株间的无患子果皮皂苷含量产地间差异极显著,且产地间差异大于株间差异。含量较高的依次是江西分宜、贵州榕江、广西龙州。不同产地的无患子皂苷含量与纬度、年平均气温、年平均日照时数和年平均将雨量相关性均不显著,但与经度呈显著负相关,与产地海拔高度呈显著正相关。(4)无患子种源苗期性状的遗传变异研究无患子一年生苗在一年中大致可以分为三个生长时期:生长初期,速生期和苗木硬化期。速生期从5月下旬到10月上旬。无患子苗高生长与地径生长不完全同步,地径生长高峰要迟于苗高生长的高峰。从遗传参数来看,种源和家系的苗高、地径遗传力都较高。相关性分析表明无患子种源苗高、地径与纬度呈显著负相关,与年均温、年均日照呈显著相关,与其它气候因子间相关性不显著。

【Abstract】 Sapindus mukorossi is a deciduous arbor belonging to Genus Sapindus. The saponin of its pericarp is the ideal raw material of cosmetics and detergent environmentally and friendly. Oil from its seed kernel can be developed in the bio-diesel. So it is a potentially important economic specie. Based on field survey and seeds collecting, the geographic variations of fruit morphological traits, contents of seed kernel oil and pericarp saponin are studied, then the results are as follows:(1) The geographic variations of morphological traits of Sapindus mukorossi fruitsExtremely significant differences are found according to the study on fruit traits of sapindus mukorossi from nine different areas. Weight and volume are easily influenced by environmental factors. There is a certain correlation between Fruit traits and geographical factors. With latitude reducing, annual sunshine hours increasing and rainfall decreasing, the weight and volume of fruit and seed increase. With longitude increasing, the pericarp becomes thickened. Cluster analysis shows that fruit characters of Sapindus mukorossi are clustered basing on geographic origin.(2) The geographic variations of seed kernel rate and content of kernel oilExtremely significant differences are found between content of seed kernel oil and kernel rate from different areas. And the differences from different individuals is bigger than producing areas’. The producing areas with highest oil content are Suichang ,Qingyuan in Zhejiang province and Longzhou in Guangxi province, Xixia in Henan province is of the lowest oil content. Fruits from Qingyuan, Tiantai and Xixia have the high kernel rate, and the lower are from Wuyi Mountain in Fujian province and Yifeng in Jiangxi province. Correlation analysis shows that the correlation between the contents of seed kernel oil and the geographical factors is not obvious, but the kernel rate increases significantly with the increasing of annual average sunshine hours.(3) The geographic variations of the saponin content of pericarpSignificant differences are found in the saponin content of preicarp between producing areas and individuals, and the differences from producing areas are bigger than individuals’. The higher content is from Yifeng in Jiangxi province, Rongjiang in Guizhou province, Longzhou in Guangxi province. There is no significant correlation between saponin content and rainfall, latitude, annual mean temperature, annual average sunshine hours in different producing areas,but there is a significant negative correlation with longitude, and a significant positive correlation with altitude.(4) Study on the genetic variation of seedling stage traits of Sapindus mukorossiThe growth process of Sapindus mukorossi at seedling stage can be divided into 3 periods: early growth period, fast-growing period and induration period. The fast-growing period is from the late May to early October. Seedling height of Sapindus mukorossi don’t synchronize with seedling diameter. The growth peak of seedling diameter is later than seedling height. From the perspective of genetic parameters, the seedling height and base diameter of the provenance and family all have a high heritability. Correlation analysis shows that growth of seedling height and base diameter are remarkably correlated to latitude, annual average temperature and hours of sunshine.
