

The Study on Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation of Paddy Rice in the Phaeozem

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 李芳花;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 东北地区拥有大量的黑土资源,是我国重要的粮食生产基地。水稻又是粮食作物的主要品种,全省水田种植面积呈不断扩大趋势。但同时水资源不足也是该地区农业生产发展的主要制约因子。因此,研究黑土区节水调控机理对合理利用有限水资源和进一步增加粮食产量都具有重要意义。本文通过2008、2009两年在黑龙江省绥化市庆安县试验基地进行的试验,研究了黑土区调亏灌溉条件下水稻产量与耗水量之间的关系。本试验采用田间试验与室内分析相结合的研究方法,采用U6(66)均匀设计的方法,通过控制灌水量的方法设计不同程度的灌水处理。通过取土样室内实验,采用压力仪法,测定试验区土壤的水分特性曲线。通过对水稻生物性状(株高、叶面积指数、根系、有效分蘖率)、以及最终产量的研究,分析了不同水分处理对这些因素的影响并确定水稻不同生育期的最优水分下限。应用水稻不同灌水处理的耗水量计算结果及对应的产量试验资料,用Jensen模型、Blank模型、Singh模型、Stewart模型分别对庆安地区水稻的水分生产函数进行了拟合并对得出的模型求解结果进行了比较分析与检验。采用LINGO计算软件的非线性规划数学模型对有限水量在作物整个生育期的不同阶段进行优化分配。结果表明:土壤水分对水稻生长发育有重要的影响。在不同土壤水分处理的条件下,作物株高、叶面积指数的变化趋势相似,但高水分处理作物的生物性状(株高、叶面积指数、干物质重量)优于低水分处理。在非充分灌溉中,处理2、处理3的株高、叶面积指数优于其他灌溉处理,形成较为合理的植株群体;水稻分蘖数量会随着灌溉土壤水分的增加而增加,以处理7为最多,但有效分蘖率会降低;处理2的产量高于其他处理;处理1的水分利用效率效果较好。可见,调亏灌溉可以提高作物的产量及水分利用效率。在计算水稻各生育阶段水分敏感指数的模型中,通过检验分析可以得到,乘法模型Jensen优于其他分段计算模型。根据求解出的水分敏感指数,利用LINGO非线形规划数学模型计算软件计算出不同划分阶段的优化灌溉水量,在获得相同产量时,由模型优化得到的灌溉用水量要小于实际灌水量,也就是说优化模型能以较小的灌溉定额取得高产,达到节水高产的效果。在水资源相对匮乏、农业灌溉用水不能增加而粮食需增收的背景下,在东北黑土区研究作物需水与产量的生产关系,将有限的灌溉用水在作物不同生育期优化配置,以及对作物进行精准灌溉控制具有重要的意义,可以为节水高产提供有力的保证。

【Abstract】 The area of northeast China had a lot of phaeozem resource, and it was the important production base of the foodstuff. Paddy rice was the most important variety of foodstuff, the area of paddy rice was becoming lager and larger. Because the lacking water resources was the primary factor for agriculture developing, researching saving mechanism was greatly beneficial to both rationally using the water resources and increasing the foodstuff yield in phaeozem area.According to the field experiment made in Qingan County, Heilongjiang Province from 2008 to 2009, researched the yield and the water consumption of the paddy rice in phaeozem region. This article adopted the field-testing research technique and the room– analyzing methods. It used uniform design U6(66), through controling water quantity to devise the different disposal. The experiment used pressure instrument through taking soil bake to measure soil water characteristic curve. Through the biology character (plant height, leaf area index, root, effective tillers) and the yield, analyzing the different water disposal for these factors influences and determining the lower water limit of different stages. Depended on consumed water quantity and the yield of the different irrigated, used Jensen model, Blank model, Singh model, Stewart model to calculate the Paddy rice- water Production Functions in the phaeozem area of Qingan County, and tested and analyzed the results. Adopted the calculated software of the LINGO of the non-linear programming model to accomplish optimum distribution of limited water during the different growth stages of the crop.The result indicated following content. The soil moisture was important for growth of paddy rice. Under different water disposal, the variational trend of the plant height and leaf area index was similar under the different water disposals. But the biology character(plant height, leaf area index ,dry matter)of the high water disposal was better then that of the low water disposal. Under the deficit irrigation, plant height and leaf area index of disposal 2 and disposal 3 were batter than the other disposal. And these soil moisture was favor of forming reasonable group. The quantity of tillers was growing in pace with addition of soil moisture,disposal 7 was the most, but effective tillers would be reduce. The yield of disposal 2 exceeded the other disposal, and the water use efficiency of the disposal 1 had finer effect comparing with the comparison of the other disposal. It can clearly be seen that deficit irrigation of paddy rice can increase the yield and water use efficiency.Through checking and analyzing the models, Jensen model excelled other models for calculating the different phases of water sensitive index. According to the water sensitive index, in the condition of gaining the same yield, the method could save the water quantity, which was used the calculated software of the LINGO of the non-linear programming model to accomplish optimum distribution of limited water during the different growth stages of the crop. That is using little irrigation quota to gain more yield.Under the condition of the lacked water resource, the restricted agricultural irrigation water and the increaser foodstuff requirement, researched the relation between the crop requirement water and the yield, accomplished optimum distribution of limited water during the different growth stages of the crop, and actualized accurately irrigation had important significance and provided powerful guarantee for the saving water and the high yield.
