

The Research on Plant Landscape of Freeway in the North of China

【作者】 张琳

【导师】 车代弟;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为国家重要的基础设施之一,高速公路建设对我国国民经济的发展起着促进作用。随着高速公路建设步伐的加快,人们逐渐意识到了高速公路建设带来交通便利的同时对生态环境也造成了极大的破坏,对于高速公路的安全性、生态效益等各方面的要求也在不断提高,人们试图在发展高速公路建设的同时兼顾高速公路的景观建设,使其在环境的美化与生态的恢复方面起到积极的作用。我国高速公路景观设计的相关研究还处于初级阶段,与高速公路的建设发展水平相比还很落后。从我国高速公路植物景观建设现状来看,见缝插绿、各地相互效仿的绿化现象较为严重,各地高速公路景观建设受到自然环境条件与经济水平的限制出现了发展不均衡的状况,南北方差异较大。我国北方地区由于气候干燥寒冷,冰雪天气较多,难以维持长久的植物景观,北方高速公路植物景观建设的相关研究与报道也相对较少,缺乏较为成熟的北方高速公路植物景观建设的理论体系。因此,探寻适合我国北方地区高速公路植物景观建设的合理方法就显得尤为重要。本文主要通过文献查阅与调查分析相结合的方法,分析国内外高速公路及其植物景观发展现状,归纳总结高速公路植物景观组成、功能,从整体上把握高速公路植物景观的基本概念和内涵,同时对北方地区高速公路植物景观现状进行分析,得出制约北方高速公路植物景观建设的影响因素;针对制约因素,提出北方高速公路植物景观设计的目标及原则;从目标出发,确定了北方高速公路植物景观设计的关键点,提出从高速公路安全性角度、环保生态角度、可持续发展角度进行植物景观设计,开发北方高速公路植物景观的创新性设计,旨在为北方高速公路植物景观的建设和发展提供理论依据。通过研究,得出以下结论:1.在对高速公路植物景观基本组成、功能作用及北方高速公路植物景观做基础性分析后,得出了制约北方高速公路植物景观建设发展的因素,即①缺少专业景观设计指导,景观效果不佳;②植物景观建设科学性不足;③忽视环境制约因素,生搬硬套;④建设体制不完善,粗施工、轻养护;⑤缺乏对北方高速公路植物景观建设的深入思考,确定了北方高速公路植物景观建设研究的切入点,即从植物群落稳定性的角度出发建设北方高速公路植物景观。2.提出了设计有利于北方高速公路安全性的植物景观、构建稳定的高速公路植物群落、营建环保型的北方高速公路生态植物景观,保持北方高速公路植物景观可持续发展的北方高速公路植物景观设计目标,以及包括以人为本,尊重自然原则、可持续发展原则、适宜性原则、安全性原则、形式美原则、综合性原则等内容的北方高速公路植物景观设计原则,为北方高速公路植物景观设计提供了理论基础和依据。确定了北方高速公路植物景观设计的关键,即基于北方高速公路安全性的植物景观设计和可持续性的环保生态型植物景观设计。3.基于北方高速公路安全性的植物景观设计,从北方高速公路安全性影响因素分析出发,确定安全性设计的切入点。提出了缓冲防护植物景观及中央分隔带防眩植物景观安全性的设计要点,即选择具有密集的枝条、较强的柔韧度、较好的耐冲撞性等特性的低矮灌木类或修剪的绿篱对高速公路进行绿化,能够起到较好的缓冲防护作用;中央分隔带上采用间距种植型植物防眩措施是保证北方高速公路安全性的有效手段。4.将环保思想和生态理念融入到北方高速公路植物景观设计中。环保思想体现在了北方高速公路植物景观防风及减噪作用的设计上。分析了生态型高速公路植物景观的设计特点,针对中央分隔带、边坡及互通立交区等几处绿地提出了相应的植物景观设计内容,提出了保持北方高速公路植物景观可持续发展的稳定性植物群落营建的设计要点,即从降低北方高速公路植物群落生态脆弱度角度进行植物选择与配置。5.对北方高速公路植物景观进行了多元化的设计,提出将地形、水景等其他园林要素结合到高速公路植物景观建设计中的创新思想,通过灯光、标识等非生命元素的增加,丰富北方高速公路植物景观。6.在以上北方高速公路可持续性植物景观建设方法的基础上,从其他角度提出了北方高速公路植物景观可持续发展策略,即设计前充分掌握高速公路所在地域概况、成立多学科专业设计团队、根据不同部位进行有针对性的养护、建立高速公路植物景观综合评价系统。

【Abstract】 As one of the national critical infrastructure, freeway construction plays a significant role in our national economic development. Along with the quick step of freeway construction, people gradually realize the convenience that the freeway has brought, the great ecological damage is followed. The requirements of highway safety, eco-efficiency are also increasing. People are trying to give consideration to both the development of the freeway construction, and the landscape construction of freeway, which can play an active role in beautifying the environment and ecological recovery.Compare with the construction and development of freeway, the research about plant landscape of freeway is still in the initial stage in China and fall behind. The constructions of plant landscape of freeway in the most parts of China are nearly the same.Because of natural environment conditions and the limited economic level, which lead to the great difference between the south and north parts of China. Due to the dry and cold weather, more snow in winter, it is hard to maintain a long-existed plant landscape. Few studies have assessed the construction of plant landscape of freeway in north China and the theory system is immaturity. So it is important to research on plant landscape of freeway in north China, and find out the reasonable approaches of construction.By the method of reading documents, investigation and study, we analyze the current development situation of plant landscape of freeway in home and abroad. Sum up the composition and function of freeway plant landscape. Through these studies we can hold the basic concept and contents and find out what restrictd the development of the construction of freeway’s plant landscape in north China. Then we propose our objectives and principles make sure the key point. of the construction of freeway’s plant landscape in north China.Propose freeway safety from the perspective of environmental and ecological point of view, the perspective of sustainable development of landscape design and landscape development of the north expressway innovative plant design, the aim is to provide the basic theory for the north highway construction and development of plants. Through the research, the paper draws the following conclusions:1. In our study, we analyze the composition and function of freeway plant landscape, and get the restrictive factors of development of the construction of freeway’s plant landscape in north China.①Lack of the professional guidelines of landscape design, and the landscape is always ineffective.②The construction of plant landscape is lack of scientific.③Ignore the environmental constraints.④The building system is incomplete, rough construction of maintenance.⑤Lack of the deep consideration of plant landscape construction in the northern freeway, enture the entry point that is from the perspective of stability of plant community to develop plant landscape in northern freeway landscape.2. Proposed the design of the plant landscape in northern that is conducive to the freeway safety, the environment-friendly landscape and ecology of plant communities, build stable freeway, maintain a sustainable development of landscape plants in north freeway north, including people-oriented principle of respect for nature and sustainable development principles, the principle of appropriateness,safety principles, the principle of formal beauty, general principles of the northern freeway, which includes the principles of landscape design, landscape design for the provision of the north freeway the theoretical foundation and basis. We identified the key of freeway’s plant landscape in north China, which is based on the security of the north freeway and the environmental sustainability, ecological landscape design.3. Based on the security of the north freeway’s plant landscape design, we determined the entry point of the construction of the plant for the sake of thinking about the north freeway safety, and proposed buffer protection of median plant safety and the design focus point. Select branches with dense, strong flexibility, better properties, or pruning of the hedge on the freeway greening, can play a better role of a buffer protection. The effective way to guarantee the security is to plant median strip on the use of distance measures.4. Plant landscape in the north freeway put forward the sustainable development of environmental protection and ecological concepts into design ideas to the north freeway. Environmental protection is embodied in the design of wind and noise reduction. Ecological plant landscape analysis of highway design features, for the central reserve, the slope and the interchange zones puts forward several green landscape design elements, that proposed the design points of maintain sustainable development of the north freeway stability of plant landscape and plant construction. From view of reduce the ecological vulnerability of plant communities in northern freeway to determined the plant selection and configuration.5. The design of plant landscape in north freeway is pluralistic, and provide new insights that combine topography, water features and other garden plants landscape elements to freeway construction. Through increasing light and mark, which are non-life elements, to enrich landscape plants in north freeway.6. On the base of methods of sustainability plant construction of the north freeway,we should offer the development strategy of sustainable plant landscape from other aspects. Design before the full grasp of freeway, found multi-disciplinary professional design team, targeted preserve according to different parts, and establish comprehensive evaluation system for freeway plant landscape.
