

The Effect of High Voltage Electric Field on Germination of Iva Xanthifolia

【作者】 赵吉柱

【导师】 陶波;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 假苍耳是一种外来入侵的恶性杂草,具有快速定居、快速生长并产生大量种子、快速传播的特性,而且往往能快速形成单一群落对周围植物形成抑制作用。恶性杂草假苍耳刚刚侵入我国不久,其萌发作用的研究国内未见报道,并有快速蔓延的趋势。因此研究假苍耳的萌发作用对明确假苍耳发生危害具有重要作用,对控制假苍耳的蔓延具有重要的指导意义。在静电场生物效应方面,国内外学者已做了大量的研究工作,并取得了丰硕的研究成果。近年来,在将静电技术应用于某些农业育种等方面的研究中,不同程度上达到了增产增收,改善农产品品质的效果。但是作为电场处理杂草种子却尚未报道,因此探索经不同时间及不同场强处理后的杂草种子,对其萌发的影响研究具有理论和现实双重意义。本研究采用电场强度为(100Kv/m、200Kv/m、290Kv/m)的电场,设置了三个不同的时间梯度(30min、60min、90min),观察测量其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数,并用生化检测手段检测萌发假苍耳种子的α-淀粉酶(α-amylase)、β-淀粉酶(β-amylase)及过氧化氢酶(POD)活性和可溶性蛋白含量(soluble protein content)和激素(ABA和GA)等指标。本研究主要研究结果如下:1.高压静电场对假苍耳种子萌芽具有促进作用,在条件为290kV、60min电场处理组的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数分别比对照组提高了28.8%、20%、105%和136%,所有电场处理组的α-淀粉酶活性、可溶性蛋白含量较对照组均有显著增加,其中电压为290kV、60min实验组与对照组相比α-淀粉酶活性增加了18.4%,可溶性蛋白含量增加了16.7%;但对β-淀粉酶和过氧化氢酶的影响是随电压增长呈先促进后抑制趋势,其他各组均有不同。2.经过不同电压和时间的电场处理确实能够促进假苍耳种子的萌发,但并非时间越长、电压越高,对假苍耳种子的萌发促进效果就越明显。高压静电场对假苍耳种子萌发过程具有明显的促进效果,并且这种影响具有明显的“电窗口效应”。3.电场处理假苍耳种子对激素ABA和GA的影响效果明显,随着场强和处理时间的增加,促进了GA的合成及延缓了ABA含量的增加,对假苍耳种子有明显的推动作用。4.高压静电场对假苍耳萌发具有促进作用,宏观方面,使其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数等指标大大提高;微观方面,使α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶和过氧化氢酶的活性及可溶性蛋白含量等生化指标显著增加,提高程度随电压不同而变化。但是电场对已经萌发假苍耳种子的芽长增长却有促进作用,可使某些酶的活性增强,而使某些酶的活性降低。某些电压下,电场可以大大提高种子的发芽率、发芽势等宏观指标,对α-淀粉酶、β-淀粉酶和过氧化氢酶的活性及可溶性蛋白含量等也有一定的促进作用。另外,同种电场的不同时间对假苍耳种子萌发的作用也有很大的差异。

【Abstract】 Iva Xanthifolia was a vicious alien invasion of weeds, fast settlement, rapid growth and produce large seeds, rapid spread of features, and often can quickly form a single community in the formation of inhibitory effect on the surrounding plants. Weed Iva Xanthifolia just invade our country soon, the germination of the role of domestic not reported, and a fast spreading trend. Therefore, the germination of Iva Xanthifolia role of specific Iva Xanthifolia occurrence plays an important role in controlling the spread of Iva Xanthifolia important guiding significance.Biological effects in the electrostatic field, the domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research work, and achieved fruitful research results. In recent years, an electrostatic technology in agriculture and breeding of certain aspects of the study, reached a different extent, increase production, improve the quality of agricultural products results. However, weed seeds, as electric field has not yet been reported, so explore at different times and different field treated weed seeds, their germination with both theoretical and practical significance. In this study, the electric field (100Kv / m, 200Kv / m, 290Kv / m) electric field, set up three different time gradient (30min, 60min, 90min), Observing and measuring the germination rate, germination energy, germination index, vigor index, and biochemical detection means detecting Iva Xanthifolia seed germination ofα-amylase (α-amylase),β-amylase (β-amylase) and catalase (POD) activity and soluble protein content (soluble protein content) and hormones (ABA and GA) were measured.The major findings of this study are as follows:1. Iva Xanthifolia high voltage electrostatic field on seed germination was stimulated.In the conditions of 290kV, 60min electric field treatments, the germination potential, germination rate, germination index and vigor index than the control group increased by 28.8%, 20%, 105% and 136%. All field treatments ofα-amylase activity, soluble protein content than the control group had increased significantly, which voltage is 290kV, 60min experimental group and control groupα-amylase activity increased by 18.4%, an increase of soluble protein content 16.7%; butβ-amylase and catalase effect is increased with the voltage suppression was first, but then the trend of other groups are different.2. After the electric field of different voltage and time of treatment can indeed promote Iva Xanthifolia seeds germination, but not the longer, higher the voltage, on Iva Xanthifolia seed germination for the more obvious effects. Electrostatic field on Iva Xanthifolia seeds germination obvious promotion effect, and this significantly influenced the "electric window effect."3. Iva Xanthifolia seeds electric field fake hormone ABA and GA will be affected significantly, with the field strength and treatment time increase, and promote the synthesis of GA and ABA slowed the increase of the content on false Iva Xanthifolia seeds significantly boost.4. Electrostatic field on leave Iva Xanthifolia germination was stimulated macro level, to the germination rate, germination energy, germination index, vigor index were significantly improved; the micro level, so thatα-amylase,β-amylase and catalase activity and soluble protein contents were measured in a significant increase, raising the degree varies with the voltage. But the electric field on Iva Xanthifolia seeds have germination leave there to promote the role of bud growth, can enhance the activity of certain enzymes, bring some of the enzyme activity decreased. Certain voltage, the electric field can greatly improve the seed germination rate, germination energy and other macro indicators of theα-amylase,β-amylase and catalase activity and soluble protein content, also have some role in promoting. In addition, the same field at different times of the false Iva Xanthifolia Seed Germination, there are big differences.
