

【作者】 张昆巽

【导师】 吴兆录;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 发育生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 栖息地或称生境(habitat)是动物生活的场所,是维持其正常生命活动所依赖的各种环境资源的总和。近几十年来,随着人类生产活动范围不断扩大,土地利用/覆盖的改变,使栖息地破坏程度加强。本文利用遥感及地理信息系统技术,结合野外生态调查,研究了云南会泽黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)国家自然保护区的土地利用变化及其对越冬黑颈鹤栖息地的影响和黑颈鹤可利用食物。得到的主要结果如下:(1)1992年以来在会泽自然保护区,越冬黑颈鹤种群数量明显增加,但越冬地理空间范围基本稳定。(2)1992年至2006年间,该保护区两个片区的土地利用发生了变化但转换方式不一样。大桥片区显示出了有林地和灌木林的大面积减少和耕地大面积增加,且减少的有林地和灌木林绝大部分转换为耕地;长海片区有林地和灌木林的面积减少和耕地和草地的面积增加,且减少的有林地和灌木林大部分转换为耕地。这就说明,这两个保护片区林地的丧失主要是由于耕地的扩张,而扩张是为了满足当地人口增长、经济发展的需要,而草地面积、林地面积、水域面积和湿地面积的增减则主要由政府决策行为,如修水库、造人工林、恢复湿地和人工种草等原因驱使。(3)会泽保护区黑颈鹤越冬觅食地以耕地为主。黑颈鹤越冬栖息地进一步遭到挤压,迫使它们离开沼泽另寻栖息地,甚至有部分离开保护区管辖范围,这些行为显示出该保护区越冬黑颈鹤的不稳定性。(4)在会泽黑颈鹤的夜宿地已由原来的浅水和沼泽区域转变为四周无掩体远离人户的水库边缘泥泞湿地或远离水域的山坡地。说明黑颈鹤为适应环境变化,改变了生活习惯。(5)该保护区黑颈鹤主要以马铃薯、油菜籽、草根茎、昆虫、蔓菁、小麦、荞麦、紫花苕为食。在耕地、草地、沼泽草甸、泥泞湿地和裸地等不同的生境类型中,耕地和泥泞湿地中的食物的可利用性最高。

【Abstract】 Wild animal habitat is the sum to of various environmental resources on which wild animals maintain their normal life activities. In recent decades, with the increasing scope of human activities and the changes of land use / cover,wild animal habitat was destructed.Based on the remote sensing image, geographic information system technology, and field survey, this paper focused on the land use change and its impact on the habitat of the wintering Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) as well as food available in different habitat types in the Huize Black-necked Crane National Nature Reserve. The main results were as follows.1. In the nature reserve, the basic wintering range of geographical space is not changed obviously since 1992, although the population of the wintering black-necked crane has increased significantly;2. The land use change varied obviously in the studied two districts of the reserve from 1992 to 2006. In the Daqiao district, the area of woodlands and shrubs decreased substantially, most of them were converted to farmlands, and that of farmlands increased; in the Changhai district, the areas of woodlands and shrubs decreased and that of farmlands and grasslands increased. This indicated the fact that human population growth and economic development drove the conversion of woodland and shrubs into farmlands. The changes of other habitant were depended on the local landuse policy such as reservoirs building, afforestation, wetlands restore, grass planting.3. The lack-necked cranes foraged mainly on farmlands in the reserve. The other kinds of habitat of the black-necked crane were degenerated, which made the birds departed from the marsh to a new habitat, some of them left the reserve districts. This indicated the instable behaviour of black-necked cranes wintering under human disturbance.4. The black-necked cranes have switched their night habitat from the area of shallow waters and marshes to unsheltered and unpopulated reservoir muddy wetland or dry slopes far from water, indicating the change of the crane in order to adapt to the changeable environments. 5. The black-necked cranes are living primarily on potatoes, rapeseeds, grass roots, insects, turnips, as well as wheat, buckwheat and purple flower vetch. In arious habitat types, Like farmland, grassland, swamp meadow, wetlands and bare land , the food availability was highest in farmland and wetlands.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【下载频次】177