

【作者】 宝力高

【导师】 任国英;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族社会学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 近十年来国家对生态环境的关注,使得内蒙古草原成为人们关注的焦点。国家在草原地区大力实施生态政策,其实际的效果却没有达到预期的目标。在国家的生态政策中,草原牧区被想象成为个体社会,物质资源的补偿以户为单位发放,制度资源则被投放到嘎查这一行政级别上。现实的结果是,本为利国利民设计的生态政策却没有得到来自基层的配合与支持。社会学中寻找社区的意义就在于此。社区的寻找能让我们看到草原上分散居住的牧户之间是怎样区分彼此,又是怎样联合起来的。社区的寻找能为急需制度化的生态秩序提供有益的政策建议。那么在草原牧区中,社区的边界在哪里?在草原牧区特殊的生态环境和文化环境中,社区的形态又经历了怎样的历史演变?本文以国家与牧民关系的理论视角作为切入点,对传统的牧业社会组织——“阿寅勒一爱马克”做出了历史的分析。试图通过对四个历史阶段中的不同“阿寅勒一爱马克”形态的论述,来展现草原牧业社区变迁的真实逻辑。“阿寅勒-爱马克”本是传统牧业社会中家户与牧团的组合。由于清朝时期,中央政府实行的盟旗制解决了中原王朝与北方游牧集团的对峙关系,使得北方草原上的大型游牧走向终结,加之鄂尔多斯万户是因祭祀成吉思汗“八白室”而形成的晚近蒙古万户,使得“同姓”小牧团组合——“阿寅勒-爱马克”成为清朝鄂尔多斯地区的普遍现象。清末随着中华民族对新的国家形态的探索,盟旗制走向衰落。人口的大量流动,使得“阿寅勒-爱马克”中同族结合性日趋薄弱。牧业由游牧转变为定居,“阿寅勒-爱马克”也随之从血缘的社会组织转变成为地缘性的社区。解放后,新型的民族-国家凸显了它对基层社会规划的能力,将牧业社会整合到了国家机器当中。牧民们放的羊是属于嘎查的,牧民们的劳动成果也是由嘎查来分配。集体经济的后期,牧民们的学习和劳动互助都是在生产小队的范围内进行,所以嘎查和生产小队成为集体时代的鄂尔多斯地区的“阿寅勒-爱马克”。集体经济解体后,草原牧业社区经历了更为深刻的、经过国家规划的社会变迁。国家在试图形塑个体主义社会的同时,牧民也依托生态环境和已有的亲属网络,通过敖包祭祀、互赠“灶火饭”和正月里的拜年,形成新的互利型的“阿寅勒-爱马克”。

【Abstract】 The government’s attention to the ecological environment,bring the mongolism prairie herd in to the central stage.Many policies are constituted and put in to effect to protect the environment, but it does not work. From my point of view, that is because, the prairie are imagined to be a individual society when the policy are constituted and the political resources are given to "GaCha" which is a administered organization, that make the policy are not accept and support by the people.so it is necessary that we have a deep understanding of the community, we should know what is its real border?In this thesis, the traditional herd organizations "ail-aimag" will be analyzed historically form the prospect of the relation between the government and the herdsman in order to present the vicissitude of the prairie herd community."ail-aimag"is a tradition origination that formed by the family and the herd group initially.In Qing dynasty, with the "MENGQI policy" put in to affect, the hostility between the central dynasty and the northwest nomadic nation that also makes the nomadic group came in to its end.in erdos ten thousand people came in to together by sacrificing Genghis khan,so a small nomadic groups organization came in to being,that is called "ail-aimag." At the end of Qing dynasty, with people moving more frequently, "ail-aimag" begin to decline. It change gradually form a social organization united by consanguinity in to organization united by the regional relation.After the liberation,the herd society are combined in to the central government,The herding belong to the GaCha and the benefit of it are divided by GaCha. The nomad lived and worked within the production teams. So "ail-aimag" in the collective economy era, changed into GACha and the production team.When the collective economy area came into the end, prairie herd experience a more compete vicissitude. When the government try to shape an individual society, the nomad are constructing a new "ail-aimag" on the basis of their environment and the existing kinship networks, by sacrificing Aobao.exchanging fire-meal and whishing each other a happy new year.

【关键词】 国家牧民“阿寅勒-爱马克”
【Key words】 countrythe nomadail-aimag
  • 【分类号】C912.8
  • 【下载频次】149