

【作者】 陈慕春

【导师】 杨聪;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 区域竞争力主要研究的是一个地区的综合经济实力,系一个“小区域”在其所在的大区域中对市场的争夺能力和对临近区域的资源的吸引能力,是经济学科中出现的新概念。近几年来,国内外对区域竞争力的研究方兴未艾,一个区域的竞争力的强弱、综合竞争力排名已经成为权衡该地区是否具有经济发展潜力,是否具有经济实力的一个重要标志,各地区也越来越重视在大区域中的综合竞争力排名。广西壮族自治区地处中国南部沿海,是中国经济比较发达地区之一,改革开放以来,国民经济发展取得了很大的成就,但其所属的十四个地级市也存在着一些发展问题。如何准确、客观地评价各市国民经济发展总体状况,发现各市国民经济发展中的薄弱环节,促使各地区加快发展,是广西统筹区域内经济协调发展的关键。本文分为三部分:第一部分介绍了目前理论界对区域竞争力的理解和分歧,阐述了目前比较流行的几种衡量一个地区区域竞争力的模型,提出了建立衡量区域竞争力的指标体系的方法,并陈述了目前有关区域竞争力研究的新进展。第二部分是本文的理论和模型基础。本文采用因子分析方法来衡量广西十四个地级市的综合竞争力排名,本部分建立了衡量各市综合竞争力的指标体系,阐述了因子分析方法的基本思想和在实际运用中应该注意的问题。并结合本人获取的数据,利用功能强大的数学软件MATLAB和SPSS,对所获取的数据进行标准化处理,提取了主成分因子,并根据各因子的得分得出了广西十四个地级市的综合竞争力的排名。第三部分是根据因子分析排名的结果,提出了广西各市未来发展的总体策略构想,并就如何发展当地经济,提升综合竞争力提出了政策建议。得出了加快基础设施建设、提升产业水平、加大开发力度和促进科技文化交流是广西各市提升综合竞争力要遵循的原则。希望本研究成果能为行政部门、研究机构和学者提供促进广西经济发展的研究思路和对策。

【Abstract】 Regional Competition, a new concept in Regional Economics, means the resource attraction and market contention of a region among the large upper region it belongs to. Recently, regional competition has been a very important symbol to indicate whether a region has strong economic power and whether it owns economic development potential.GuangXi, a province in the southern part of China and along the South See and whose economy ranks the top class in China, has made great social and economic progress in recent years, but there are also some problems confronted by its 14 cities. So how to evaluate the overall economic develop state and find out the differences of those cities objectively and exactly, figure out the economic develop weaknesses and potential advantages of those cities to accelerate their economic development paces has been a key factor to harmonize GuangXi’s regional development.The paper consists of three parts:The first part introduces the understandings and conflicts about Regional competition among the academic field, states several popular modules how to evaluate regional competition currently, provides a method to establish a indicator system to estimate regional competition and presents the new findings of studies on regional competition nowadays.The second part is the principal and module foundation of this paper. The paper takes advantage of factor analyses method to rank the integrate competition of the 14 cities in GuangXi. This part establishes the indicator system to evaluate the cities’integrate competition, states the fundamental principles of factor analyses and points out several important problems while using factor analyses method. It is a demonstrational analysis of regional competitions of those cities in GuangXi. Together with the data obtained from the National Library, network and magazines and by using the powerful mathematic software MATLAB and SPSS, this part standardizes all the data, picks up the main factors and ranks the 14 cities according to their integrate competitions of the factor analysis.The third part bases on the ranking-result of the third part, concludes the overall future development strategies and blueprints. Also, it gives advices and policies to expedite local economics and upgrade the integrate competitions of those cities. It concludes that quicken up the infrastructure construction, advance industry development, increase the city development power and promote science and culture communication and corporation are the basic principles those cities must comply with to lift their integrate competitions.Based on investigation, the paper employs economic theories and factor analysis method to evaluate the social and economic development state of those cities in GuangXi. It also does a demonstrational study on the current economics of those cities. It hopes these findings can provide research thought and strategies for administrative departments, research institutions and scholars to expedite the economic development of GuangXi.

【关键词】 广西区域竞争力MATLAB
【Key words】 GuangXiregional competitionMATLAB