

【作者】 李科

【导师】 展江;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 影像盛筵成为感官消费时代新闻行业的重要特征。与之相生相伴的是,自工业社会以来形形色色相关伦理问题正以空前放大的情态层出不穷,例如,新闻实践领域由影像视觉拟象特征所带来的对于专业主义真实性、客观性的消解。此外,关涉“媒介奇观”的伦理问题,诸如新闻影像对于隐私领域的嗜热以及“煽、色、腥”等相关报道形式,亦为新闻行业招致来自伦理学视域的种种批评,并由此成为颇为有价值的崭新研究领域:在新闻影像报道实践中,系统地看,有哪些类型的伦理问题需要我们去思索考量?而在具体案例中,又该借助何种伦理工具以及如何去分析研判可能存在的各种伦理争议?本研究正是旨在尝试为新闻实践者作每一步的相关伦理抉择提供一个思考指南。主要围绕“影像生产者和被摄者”、“影像传播者和受众、被摄者”两对关系,综合运用伦理学基本原则、符号学分析以及文化批评理论工具,从结构和阐释这两个视觉文化研究视角,采用二手文献、理论思辨等研究方法,对于战争、苦难以及常态这三个典型时期存在的各种具体而复杂的新闻影像伦理问题分别作了详细的探讨,最后尝试结合现代与后现代语境对上述问题进行小结与延展。文章第一章对研究背景、既往研究进行了综述,对本研究所借助的四种主要理论与三种主要方法进行了介绍,并提出了其学术理论与新闻实践价值。第二章第一节首先对两次世界大战时期分别占据新闻与宣传高地的新闻照片、新闻电影、电视新闻三种媒介形式中各自存在的影像伦理问题进行案例分析,得出以下结论:战争最先牺牲的就是新闻的真实性、客观性,真相往往在被塞入意识形态话语的过程中被扭曲或阉割掉。第二节探讨了战时拍摄与发表尸照等反映痛苦、死亡的战灾影像时可能遇到的问题,对“旁观他人之痛”的目的性与可能的后果作了探讨。第三章分节讨论了苦难事件新闻现场存在争议的三种“视觉暴力”情形。包括:视觉恐怖、镜头侵扰及其分别与受众知情权的冲突,以及新闻工作者参与苦难救助与超然报道的冲突。主要使用了“博克模式”、功利主义与无知之幕等伦理工具。第四章对社会发展当下的新闻影像伦理问题进行了梳理。第一节通过符号学分析等得出结论:常态时期对真实性的要求是至少让受众明白他们所见的是何种程度上的“真实”。第二节通过厘清知情权、知情需要、知情欲望三个概念,分析了三者与镜头下公民隐私权的各自关联。第三、四节则主要从公民新闻时代公民以“微媒体”形式参与新闻影像建构的角度,对肖像权与色情等问题进行了探讨。第五章阐明了“现代性”语境下对于新闻客观性、真实性及人伦价值追求及其所依附的“主与客”、“真与假”、“善与恶”二元对立价值观正不断消解于后现代解构语义的实质。最后以“主体间性”总结了本研究所持的主要价值观。

【Abstract】 The feast of image becomes an important feature of the sense consuming era. Accompanying, all kinds of related ethical problems are emerging endlessly in a record-breaking way. For instance, in the domain of journalistic practice, the characteristic iconicity of image perception comes with the melting of authenticity and objectivity for professionalism. Besides,ethical issues concerning the "media spectacle",such as the enthusiasm for news image regarding the private range and the forms of reporting "instigating, sexual,bloody" things, lead to variety of criticism of journalism on the perspective of ethics.And it comes to be a brand new and valuable area of research:in the practice of news report, systemically, what types of ethic issues is there that we have to ponder; and in specific cases,what kind of ethical tools should we analyze with, and how could we study and judge the probable ethics dispute.This research intend to offer a thinking guide for the journalist in making choices concerning ethics.Around two relationships-the image producer vs.the photographed","the image transmitter vs.the audiences and the photographed", comprehensive using the principles of ethics, semeiotic analyses and theoretical tools of cultural criticism, from the structure and interpretation of both researching perspective of the visual culture, using the research methods of secondary documents and theoretical speculations etc.,the research make discussions on many specific and complicated ethic issues of news image in the typical periods of wars, tribulations and normality,.and attempt to make a conclusion and some extension in the context of modernity and post-modernity.The first chapter consist of a summary of backgrounds and existing studies,the main four theories and three methods used in the research, and evaluation of its academic and practical worth.In the first section of chapter 2,analyses of the ethic problems in the most popular cases of news photos,news reel and television news in the World WarⅠandⅡ, leads to the conclusion:war sacrifices the authenticity and objectivity of news in the first place; the truth is always twisted or castrated by ideology. In section 2,the possible problem of photographing and publishing the image of war disaster, e.g.the photos of bodies or something else reflecting misery and death, is discussed, as well as the purpose and the possible consequences of "spectating of other’s pain".In chapter 3 it is discussed three kinds of controversial situation called "visual violence" in news practice of thoses misery incidents, including:visual horror, lens intrusion and their conflict with the audiences’right to know, and the conflict of journalists’participation of helping the miserable people or standing apart with aloof reporting. Ethical tools such as utilitarianism, the veil of ignorance are used mainly. Chapter 4 includes ethic issues of news image in the society nowadays.Semeiotic analyses lead to an conclusion in section 1:the minimum requirement of authenticity in normal days is to indicate to the audience that how real the seeing "reality" is.Section 2 is the argument of the relationship between the privacy of citizens with the conception of the right to know, the need to know, and the desire to know. The rest sections include the discussions of issues involving the right of portrait and eroticism etc, from the point of view that the citizens take part in the construction of news image as "micro-media" in the civil journalism era.The last chapter clarifys an essence that both the journalistic professionalism and the binary opposition system related has been constantly deconstructed in the context of post-modernity. And summarize the primary ethical values in this research by the conception of inter-subjectivity finally.

【关键词】 新闻影像真实性媒介奇观功利主义
【Key words】 news imageauthenticitymedia spectacleutilitarianism