

Analysis of Efficiency Evaluation on the Circular Economy in China

【作者】 程明

【导师】 韩颖;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 数量经济学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着人口增加,资源加速消耗,环境的严重破坏,人类社会的持续发展面临严重的威胁。提高资源的使用效率、保护生态环境、促进经济社会可持续发展已成为当今世界共同关注的焦点问题。在科学发展观和可持续发展理念逐步成熟、深入人心的同时,循环经济这一新的经济发展模式越来越为理论界和各国政府所关注。实践证明,发展循环经济是解决经济发展与保护环境的最优方案。我国政府和有关部门已深刻意识到在我国开展循环经济的重要意义,并开展了大量的工作。众所周知,效率指如何通过最少的投入,得到最大的回报,它是经济学的核心命题。本文从效率评价角度出发,参考已有文献中的循环经济效率评价指标体系,以国家统计机构颁布的统计年鉴和环境年鉴为基础,初步建立了具有普遍意义的循环经济发展水平的效率评价指标体系。并且,运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对我国30个地区2003~2005年循环经济发展水平进行效率评价,计算并分析了各地区的DEA效率值、超效率DEA值、DEA规模效率和DEA投影分析等几个方面。将投影分析结果与循环经济中的资源配置相结合,分析各地区循环经济投入产出效率低下的原因,找出提高循环经济投入产出效率的措施和对策。最后提出了关于发展循环经济的政策建议和可以继续深入研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Along with fast increase in population, rapid consumption of resources, together with loose environmental requirements, sustainable development of society is now at stake. Therefore, the focus of moden society is efficient use of resources, protection of the ecological environment, and promotion of the sustainable development of the economy & society. While the idea of sustainable development has gradually become mature and strikes root in the hearts of the people, increasing theorists and policy makers in all countries concern an effective means for the sustainable development, i.e. circular economy. It turns out to be a fact that circular economy is the best option to solve the aforementioned problems.Nowadays, our government and relevant departments have deeply understood the importance of developing circular economy, and thus make plenty of work. As is known, efficiency is defined as a means by which the maximum output can be obtained via the minimum input. It is the key of economics. Started with the viewpoint of efficiency evaluation, this paper basically builded up a universal index system of efficiency evaluation on the developing level of circular economy, with the corresponding index systems found in documents as reference, based on China Statistical Yearbook 2006 and China Environment Yearbook 2006. Moreover, by means of data envelopment analysis, or DEA, of the efficiency evaluation on the developing level of 30 regions in china during 2003~2005, this paper caculated such aspects as DEA efficiency value, super-efficiency DEA value, DEA scale efficiency and projecting analysis of each region. Combining the results from DEA projecting analysis with resource allocation of circular economy, the optimium allocation of circular economy can be achieced. Furthore, this paper also clarified the reasons for the low input/output ration of circular economy for each region, and put forward the corresponding measurements of promoting this ratio. The last part put forward the further research issue for this subject.

【关键词】 循环经济DEA效率评价
【Key words】 Circular economyDEAEfficiency evaluation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期