

Study on Graduate Employment of Liaoning Provincial Local Universities

【作者】 吉广华

【导师】 娄成武; 王颖;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中指出“就业是民生之本”,要“积极做好高校毕业生就业工作”。高校毕业生的就业工作,关系到社会经济发展和社会稳定的大局。随着高等教育改革的不断深化,尤其是随着市场经济体制模式的逐步完善,我国大学生就业市场产生了不少新的变化,高校毕业生就业中出现了一些新问题,如何采取行之有效的措施解决这些问题显得尤为重要和迫切。辽宁省是高教大省,省属地方高校是辽宁省高等教育的主要承担体。省属地方高校的毕业生人数在省内高校毕业生人数中占有较大的比重。解决好省属地方高校毕业生就业是做好辽宁省大学生就业工作之关键,具有积极的现实意义。因此,本文首先根据近几年辽宁省属地方高校毕业生就业的相关统计数据,分析了其就业的整体现状,即毕业生人数庞大,就业率统计不科学,实际就业率逐年下降等;而后在数据分析的基础上,进一步分析了当前辽宁省属地方高校毕业生就业存在的问题及原因,指出省属地方高校就业方面存在着总量上的压力,如协议就业率呈下降趋势,又有结构上的矛盾,如毕业生由于学历、性别、专业、家庭环境、地域等导致的就业差异;进而分析了导致这些问题的深层次原因,运用比较的方法从政府、社会、高校及学生本身这四个方面探究了辽宁省属高校毕业生就业难的根源;同时借鉴国内外在高校毕业生就业方面的有益经验;最后,有针对性的从政府、社会、高校及学生本身这四个方面提出了改善辽宁省属高校毕业生就业的一系列措施。

【Abstract】 In the report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out that "the employment is foundation of the livelihood of the people" and "we must do a good job in obtaining employment of university graduates". The employment works of university graduates are related to the development of society and economy and the general situation of social stability. With the ever-development of higher education reform, especially with the perfection of the market economy system, there are many new changes in the employment market of university graduates in our country. There have been some new problems in employment of college graduates. How to take effective measures to solve these problems appears to be particularly important and urgent.Liaoning Province is a major province of Higher Education. Provincial Local Universities is a major commitment of Higher Education in Liaoning Province. Graduates of provincial local colleges accounts for a large proportion of the college graduates in Liaoning Province. Solving the graduates employment of provincial local colleges well is a key to employment of university students and have a positive and practical significance. So in this paper, the overall status of their employment was first analyzed by the relevant statistical data in recent years of the graduates employment of provincial local colleges. For example, the number of graduates is huge, the statistics of employment rate is unscientific, the actual employment rate decreased year by year, etc. Also, large number of problems in employment of college graduates of Liaoning Provincial local colleges has been proposed. These problems include both the pressure of gross such as the decreasing employment rate of agreement and the structural contradictions such as the differences in employment caused by education, sexuality, profession, family environment, region, etc. And then the paper focused on the analysis of deep-seated reasons causing these issues. It explored the root causes of the difficult employment of the Liaoning provincial college graduates from four aspects—government, society, colleges and students themselves. At the same time, the useful experience at home and abroad in the employment of college graduates was made a reference. At last, the paper put forward a series of measures which is beneficial to the employment of college graduates of Liaoning Provincial local colleges from the four aspects—Government, society, colleges and the students.

【关键词】 省属地方高校毕业生就业研究
【Key words】 Provincial Local UniversitiesGraduatesEmploymentResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期