

China Southern Airline Shenyang Overhaul Department Employee Motivation Study

【作者】 宋慧志

【导师】 窦胜功;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 自二十世纪七十年代末改革开放以来,我国的民航事业取得了令世人瞩目的发展,民航运力成倍增长。民航运输业的持续健康发展也带动了我国民用航空飞机维修业的蓬勃发展。同时,随着我国加入WTO,很多国外企业在中国境内成立了合资飞机维修企业。这些合资企业以先进的管理手段和优秀的员工队伍对我国民航维修企业形成了有力的冲击。由于计划经济体制下传统人力资源管理体制的惯性作用,我国民航飞机维修企业人力资源管理只能随着改革的一步步调整而逐步转换,这种惯性延时性使得现阶段的民航飞机维修企业人力资源管理仍在按计划经济条件下的管理模式去进行补充与加强,在一定程度上制约了企业其他资源的有效使用,因而开发管理效果欠佳,与市场经济的要求存在较大的差距。本文以南航沈阳大修部为研究对象,从人力资源现状入手,通过对员工数量、员工素质、年龄结构等方面进行深入细致的分析,并采取发放员工满意度调查问卷的方式对员工满意度进行调查,目的是找出其中存在的问题并针对问题提出若干改革措施。在立足于实际情况的基础上,提出了改进大修部员工激励的具体方案。本文共由六部分组成,具体内容如下:第一部分是引言。首先提出问题,指出为什么要研究大修部员工激励状况,并介绍了研究的意义和方法。第二部分是关于激励的理论综述,包括激励的含义,特征及各种相关的激励理论。第三部分是南航沈阳大修部简介,包括大修部的发展状况和现存的问题。第四部分是利用作者设计的调查问卷对大修部员工队伍激励状况进行大样本问卷调查和分析,在此基础上,得出一系列相应的具体结论。第五部分围绕问卷调查发现的问题,提出了南航沈阳大修部员工激励的若干相应改进对策措施。第六部分是结束语。

【Abstract】 China civil aviation industry has made remarkable progress since China adopted reform and opening-up policy in late of 1970s, the number of planes have increased many times than before. The sustainable and healthy development also brought the prosperity of civil aviation maintenance industry. In addition, as China enters into WTO, many foreign companies have established joint ventures for aircraft maintenance. With advanced management mechanism and superior staff, these joint ventures have brought great challenge to our civil aviation maintenance enterprise.The stereotype of plan economy still exerts influence on the human resources management of civil aviation maintenance enterprises after a long time of plan economy. Human resources management can only be adjusted step by step with the reform. To some extent, this lag will prevent other resources of enterprises from being fully used.The article chooses China Southern Airline Shenyang Overhaul Department as object. Number analysis, qualification analysis and age structure analysis were employed to give a general idea about the current situation of human resources of the Overhaul Department. After basic analysis, employee satisfaction survey was introduced to reveal the problem existing in the human resource management system, then gave some suggestions to perfect Overhaul Department human resource management system, and increase the competition ability of Overhaul Department in maintenance market.The article consists of six parts:The first section put the question, point out the reason to study motivation of Overhaul Department employee, then introduce the meaning and method of study.The second section is about the general introduction of motivation theory including the meaning, content and some relevant theory.The third section simply introduce Overhaul Department including the development process and the existing problem.The fourth section put emphasis on Overhaul Department employee motivation survey and analysis, then draw the conclusion.The fifth section put forward some reform suggestions.The sixth is the final speech of the article.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F562
  • 【下载频次】114