

Entropy Analysis about the Boiler of Power Plant

【作者】 张淼

【导师】 王承阳;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 工程热物理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用熵的理论对锅炉运行过程进行了分析,熵的概念出自物理学,但是随着科学技术的飞速发展,它的定义及应用已经超出了物理学的范畴。熵的性质,功能和作用,以及在其他学科的应用为讨论工业生产问题提供了理论的支撑。众所周知,能源问题已是当今世界瞩目的重要课题,能源的短缺促使人们的节能意识迅速提高,除了认真研究和大力开发各种新的能源资料外,还把合理用能即节能工作放在了重要的地位,而做好耗能设备的节能工作显然是非常重要的。电站锅炉是火力发电厂的主要耗能设备,因此,对电站锅炉进行节能分析,具有十分重要的意义。目前,热平衡方法被广泛应用于电站锅炉,但它只能从能量的数量方面分析能量的利用情况,熵分析法可以从能量的量和质两个方面分析能量的利用情况。与热平衡分析方法相比较,熵分析方法不但能反映电站锅炉的外部损失如排烟、散热等损失,而且能揭示能量转换利用过程的内部损失,即不可逆过程损失。此外,熵分析法还可以较为完善的分析电站锅炉中各受热面的能量利用情况。因此,采用熵分析方法可以更完善、更具体的衡量电站锅炉的热力学完善程度,准确的揭示系统中损失最大的环节或过程,为节约能源提供目标及对策。本文运用热力学的相关理论,将具体工业生产系统(电站锅炉)作为对象,以工业生产产生的熵增为研究手段,揭示工业生产的能量利用情况,并对各种情况进行了比较,以熵增最少为目的,即提高能量的利用率,减少浪费和污染。并将工业生产系统与自然生态系统作为一个统一体系进行研究,以熵作为研究工业生产对环境产生的综合影响的评价指标和手段。

【Abstract】 The thesis has analysed the process of industrial production by using the theory of entropy, the concept of entropy comes from physics., but with the rapid development of science and technology, the definition of entropy was beyond the scope of physics. The property, function and effect of entropy, as well as its uses in other subjects has provided the theoretic support for discussing the problem of industrial production.As it is well known to us, the question of energy sources is a significant question for discussion that people all along focus attention upon, and energy crisis enhances people’s energy-saving consciousness. We must put the reasonable use of energy on an important station, except to study and open up all kinds of new energy. It is highly important do energy-saving work of energy-consuming equipment. Boiler is a primary energy-consuming equipment in power plant. Therefore,exergy analysis of boiler in power plant has a significant meaning.Presently, the method of heat balance is widely used in boiler in power plant, but it can only analyses the status of using energy from the quantity of energy, the method of entropy analysis to exactly open out the heat-using status of boiler comes into use, and it analyses the status of using energy from the quantity and quality of energy. Compared with the method of heat balance, the method of exergy analysis not only reflects external losses of boiler in power plant, for example, waste heat loss and external heat losses, but also opens out inner losses in the course of energy conversion, for instance, nonreversible losses. Furthermore the method of entropy analysis may perfectly analyse the status of using energy of all kinds of boiler surface. Accordingly, the method of exergy analysis may perfectly and concretely weigh perfect thermodynamic degree, and exactly open out the tache and process of maximal losses, and offer the object and countermeasure for saving energy.This thesis used the thermodynamic theories, analyse the entropy increase of industry system (the boiler in power plant), revealed the state of energy use in industry production, as well as compared the different stations, this was aimed at making entropy increae minimum, so that, the utilization rate would be rased, and waste and pollution would be decreased. besides, this paper made a study on the entropy index of the synthetical effect of industrial production system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TM621.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】298