

Optimization of Grinding Technique Used in Dagushan Beneficiation Plant

【作者】 杨海龙

【导师】 魏德洲; 刘文刚;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文是针对大孤山选矿厂的生产实际情况进行的,旨在优化其目前正在使用的磨矿制度,减少磨矿过程中微细粒级的产生,使其磨矿产品更加有利于之后的选别作业,并同时提高能量利用率以达到节能降耗的目的。近几年国内矿石的开采量快速增长,同时碎磨工艺又有高投入、高磨损、高能耗、低效率的特点,因此,对碎磨工艺的优化研究有其迫切的必要性。本课题主要研究了磨矿制度中的球径、磨机转速、磨矿时间、入磨粒度等因素对磨矿效果的影响,并使用先进的激光粒度仪对磨矿产品进行了粒度测定。同时,对矿石做了邦德功指数测定、矿石的冲击破碎特性试验、矿石抗压硬度测定试验,作为分析磨矿试验数据的辅助方法。本课题的创新点主要体现在将磨机内钢球的运动状态及其所具有的能量、动量进行定量计算,结合矿石的破碎特性试验,从能量转化和动量转化的角度,初步探讨磨机内物料破碎过程所需能量及动量的关系。试验结果表明,大孤山选矿厂现场磨矿的磨机转速率偏低。抗压强度试验和邦德功指数试验结果说明大孤山矿石为中等硬度矿石;冲击试验结果说明将原来的77.6%的转速率提高到85%-90%后磨矿效果更佳,磨矿试验结果也证明了适当将磨机转速率提高有利于磨矿。实际临界转速要高于传统理论上的临界转速。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is the actual item of Dagushan concentration plant. The aim of this item is to optimizing the mill mineral process currently used, and reduce the quantity of tiny fine fraction in the mine course, and make sure the products of the mill-mineral are more advantageous on the mineral concentration, at the same time, raise energy utilization to implementation energy-saving and wastage-reducing.In late years, productionvolume and import volume of ore increased rapidly, and at the same time, grinding technics have the feature of high-involvement, high-abration, high energy consumption, low ineffectiveness. So, the optimize research of grinding technics is very necessary to t save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge.The dissertation mainly studied the influence of factors about ball diameter, grinding revolving speed, grinding time, feeding size etc to grinding effect. Individual take different conditions to testing cross in detail, and use advanced Laser Particle Sizer to analyzing the grinding product. At the same time, do the Bond work index test, striking-crashing characteristic test, compression strength test to by way of the assistant means to analysis the test data of grinding.The innovations of the issue were mainly revealed in quantitative calculation the energy,momentum and the kinestate of balls, and integrate the grinding test of ore to discus the relation between grinding and energy,momentum from the standpoint of the transform of energy and momentum.The result indicate that the rotation rate of mill is on the low side in Dagushan Beneficiation Plant. Result of cmpression strength test and Bond work index test indicate the ore is medium hard; result of striking-crashing characteristic test indicate if increase the rotation rate from 77.6% to 85%-90% the grinding result is better, and the result of grinding test indicate increase is propitious to grinding. The actual whirling speed is higher than the tradition theory whirling speed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TD921
  • 【下载频次】148