

【作者】 于丽萍

【导师】 许广里;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 腰椎间盘突出症(简称腰突症,LDH),是指腰椎间盘纤维环破裂致髓核脱出,突入椎管,压迫脊髓或脊神经根,引起腰痛或坐骨神经痛为主的一组综合症候群.是临床常见病、多发病,复发率高,严重影响患者的工作和生活.在腰椎间盘突出症的治疗方法中,非手术治疗占据首要地位,而国内外大量的临床资料表明,电针治疗腰突症具有更好的临床疗效.夹脊穴,亦称华佗夹脊穴,中医经络学说认为腰部夹脊穴与督、任、冲、膀胱、脾、胃、肾等经脉、经筋都发生联系,针刺腰夹脊穴可贯通多经气血,疏导经络,调气止痛,从而达到临床治愈或缓解症状的目的;现代医学认为,腰夹脊穴和神经根距离最近,针刺夹脊穴可以直接刺激脊神经根部,引起针感传导反应,直达病所,改善局部血液循环、消除受压神经根的无菌性炎症引起的炎性水肿,提高治疗效果.本研究通过电针夹脊穴为主和针刺夹脊穴为主对腰椎间盘突出症进行治疗,将本课题所选择的60例患者随机分为二组,每组30例,主穴取突出节段双侧腰夹脊穴,配穴选环跳、秩边、阿是穴、阳陵泉、委中、绝骨、太冲.治疗组接G6805-C低频电子脉冲治疗仪,连续波,频率为40H z,电流强度2 mA,持续时间为30 m in,每日1次,10次为1个疗程.观察二组的临床疗效,结果显示电针夹脊穴为主治疗腰椎间盘突出症与对照组纯针刺治疗腰椎间盘突出症相比较.前者总有效率为86.7%,后者总有效率为66.7%.两组临床疗效经统计学处理,治疗组的有效率与对照组相比较有显著差异(P<0.05),提示前者疗效明显优于后者.

【Abstract】 Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc (referred to as lumbar sudden disease, LDH), refers to rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc annulus fibrosus induced by nucleus pulposus prolapse, protruding into the spinal canal, spinal cord compression or spinal nerve root, causing low back pain or sciatica, mainly a group of General syndrome. Clinical diseases, frequently-occurring disease, relapse rate, patients with serious impact on work and life. Lumbar disc herniation in the treatment methods, non-surgical treatment to occupy the primary position, while many domestic and foreign clinical data showed that electro-acupuncture treatment of lumbar disease process has better clinical efficacy.Jiaji, also known as Huatuo Jiaji, traditional Chinese medicine meridian theory and consider the waist Jiaji Governor, Ren, Chong, bladder, spleen, stomach, kidney meridians, etc., have taken place by the tendon contact, acupuncture can be lumbar Jiaji through the many by the blood, the need to ease the meridian, Tiu gas pain relief, so as to achieve clinical cure or alleviate the symptoms of purpose; modern medicine, Jiaji lumbar and nerve roots from the nearest, acupuncture Jiaji can directly stimulate the spinal nerve roots, sense of conduction caused by the needle response, direct access to disease, improve local blood circulation, elimination of nerve root compression of the aseptic inflammation caused by inflammatory edema, improve treatment outcome.In this study, through the electro-acupuncture and acupuncture mainly Jiaji Jiaji mainly on the treatment of lumbar disc herniation, the selection of the projects undertaken by the 60 patients were randomly divided into two groups of 30 cases, the main access point to highlight Bilateral segmental lumbar Jiaji with election Huantiao Point, rank edge, are the Arab-Israeli point, Yanglingquan Venezuela must bones, Taichong. Treatment group received G6805-C low-frequency electronic pulse therapeutic apparatus, continuous wave, frequency of 40H z, the current intensity of 2 mA, duration 30 m in, day one times, 10 times for a course of treatment. Observation of the clinical effect of two groups showed Jiaji Electroacupuncture treatment of lumbar disc herniation mainly with the control group, net of acupuncture treatment of lumbar disc herniation in comparison. The former total effective rate was 86.7%, which is the total effective rate was 66.7%. Clinical efficacy of the two groups by the statistical treatment, there is the efficiency of the treatment group compared with the control group were significantly different (P <0.05), prompted the former effect was superior to the latter.

  • 【分类号】R246
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】237