

【作者】 刘栋

【导师】 肖东生;

【作者基本信息】 南华大学 , 应用经济学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 作为经济增长的引擎,产业集群在世界各国的经济中表现出极大的活力。这一经济形式引起了地理学、经济学学者和各国政府广泛的关注。就目前世界各国产业集群存在的问题来看,信任一直是制约产业集群健康发展的一大障碍。特别是我国的产业集群,更是存在着信任度不高的现象。由此导致了产业集群内企业间交易成本的上升和产业集群溢出效应的降低,甚至导致产业集群的消亡。本文采用规范分析的研究方法。通过整理关于产业集群和产业集群信任的研究成果,提出了产业集群内企业间信任的影响因素。本文界定了产业集群内企业间信任的影响因素:对方企业的实力、对方企业的人际关系和对方企业的制度环境、双方的沟通、对企业的认知和合作的水平。并在分析了各个因素的具体因素后提出了相应的假设。针对文章提出的假设模型,文章通过设计结构化问卷,采用收集数据的方法,运用衡阳市输变电产业集群的实证进行检验。在此基础上对产业集群内企业间信任的构建进行分析。为提高产业集群内企业间的信任水平,本文对要构建企业间信任的企业提出建议,包括努力提升自身企业的实力,建立良好的人际关系网络并和对方积极的沟通。并呼吁相关政府部门采取措施积极应对。最后,文章得出文章的研究结论。

【Abstract】 As the engine of the economic growth, the industrial cluster embodies extraordinary economic vitality in every county. As a result, it has already drawn common concern of academia and government. According to the question of industrial clusters, the trust problem is the main obstacle for restricting the healthy development of industry cluster. There exists a phenomenon that the firms in the cluster have a low-level trust, especially in China. The trust problem raises the transaction-cost, slows down the spillover effects and even leads to the demise of the clusters.In this paper, by integrating to research achievements on the industrial cluster and the trust of cluster and using the standard analysis methods, a model of trust factor between firms in cluster is put forward. The dissertation defined the trust factor: The strength ,the relationships ,institutional environment, communications ,and the level of cooperation between enterprises .And after the analysis of the variables of factors, the author puts forward the corresponding hypotheses.According to the hypothesis model, the author collected mass data to empirical the Hengyang Transmission Cluster test, which gets from the structural questionnaires. After analysis the inter-enterprise trust based on it, the author building trust mode of enterprise within industrial cluster.In order to improve the trust of the firms, the paper puts forward some advices for firms, including promoting the competence of the company, establish strong Inter-enterprise relationships and actively communication and appeal government department take active measures to affect it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【下载频次】198