

Cylindrical Mr Fluid Coupling Design and Experimental Study

【作者】 李名杰

【导师】 吕勇;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 磁流变液(Magnetorheological Fluids,MRF)是近年来新兴的智能材料,因其独特的磁流变效应、良好的性能、广阔的应用前景,被认为是材料科学领域最具有发展潜力的新型智能材料之一。本研究的目的是将磁流变液试图应用于冲击减震和离合控制的重载传动场合,这意味着作为扭矩传递的MRF传动装置其扭矩必须提高到一个新的数量级,不但需要高性能高品质的磁流变液,而且需要对MR传动装置的结构、外加电源、输入动力参数等进行详细设计。本文首先介绍了磁流变液及器件的研究现状和发展情况,根据磁流变液的流变学机理推导了在剪切模式下工作的磁流变液联轴器(Magnetorheological Coupler,以下都简称为MRC)的理论设计公式,利用PRO/E和ANSYS计算机建模和仿真软件,在理论上详细分析了MRC的结构和工作原理,并结合CAJCZ-A机械传动性能综合实验台的功能特点和MRC的传动要求,设计了磁流变液联轴器样机,最后对样机进行了实验研究。本研究主要包括以下内容:1.磁流变液及其器件的理论和应用研究现状以及发展情况,阐述了磁流变传动技术的重要性和可行性,明确了本设计和研究的任务和内容;2.根据磁流变液的三种工作模式,推导了剪切模式下盘式、筒式磁流变液联轴器的理论设计公式,确定采用能够传递更大扭矩的筒式MRC作为最终的结构方案;3.对MRC的结构、磁流变液的工作间隙、磁线圈、MR密封等进行了设计,并最终制作了实验样机。4.利用ANSYS有限元工具对磁流变液的工作区磁场进行了分析,求得了平均磁场强度,分析得出了磁场强度与电流之间的关系。5.依靠所提供的实验平台,对MRC的工作性能进行了实验研究,得出了MRC所传递的扭矩趋近于确定极限值等一系列关键结论。

【Abstract】 MRF (Magnetorheological Fluids, MRF) is one kind of smart materials which are emerging recently. Because of its unique rheological effect, good properties and potential wide applications, it is considered as one of the most promising new smart materials in the field of materials science. This paper tries to apply a MRF to overload transmission with a shock absorber and clutch controlling. This means that MRC must been increased its torque to a new order of magnitude as a torque transmission gear. Meanwhile MRF will need higher requirements, not only need high quality fluids, but also require the structure of MRC, external power supply and dynamic input parameters to be designed. Firstly, this article describes the magnetorheological fluids,its development and contributions that have been made. From the magnetic mechanism of the rheological fluids in this paper, formulas for the theoretical MRC designs are derived which account for the Magnetorheological Fluid Coupling in the shear mode (Magnetorheological Coupler, the following are referred as MRC).In theory, MRC working principle and structure are also detailed analyzed by using PRO / E and ANSYS computer modeling and simulation software. Immediately, on the basis of theoretical analysis and CAJCZ-A mechanical transmission testing platform, MR fluid coupling prototype has been designed. In the last the prototype was experimental studied. This study includes the following topics:1. Introducing the MRF and the theory and application of the device status and development, explaining the importance of MR technology and feasibility of specific design and research of this task and content.2. From the MRF working models, deducing the theoretical formulas of disc and cylindrical magneto-rheological fluid coupling in the shear working mode, analysising identified that cylinder MRC can deliver more torque.3. The structure of the MRC, the work of MRF gap, magnetic coil and sealing structure are designed, and ultimately producing an experimental prototype and experimental platform.4. Using ANSYS finite element tools to analyze the magnetic field of the working area MRF, obtained an average magnetic field strength of magnetic field and the relationships between the current and them.5. Relying on experimental platform, MRC working performance were studied, obtained a series of key conclusions one of which is that MRC torque approaches a determinate limits value.
