

Study on Extraction, Purification and Quality Analysis of Anti-inflammatory Active Site of Smilax China L.

【作者】 尹玲

【导师】 陈树和;

【作者基本信息】 湖北中医药大学 , 中药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 金刚藤,原植物名为菝葜(Smilax china L.),为常用中药,收载于《中国药典》2005年版一部,具有祛风利湿、解毒散淤等功效,可用于筋骨酸痛、小便淋漓、带下量多、疔疮痈肿。以金刚藤的药用部位为原料药研制的中药制剂主要用于治疗慢性盆腔炎、附件炎,且疗效显著。本论文对金刚藤的抗炎活性部位群进行提取纯化工艺研究,对金刚藤提取物进行了质量标准及指纹图谱研究,为金刚藤制剂的二次开发研究奠定基础。采用乙醇回流提取和D101大孔吸附树脂纯化技术,通过单因素和正交试验相结合的方法,对金刚藤抗炎活性部位群进行了提取和分离纯化工艺研究,获得了可靠的技术参数,进行了中试验证,可过渡到产业化。采用薄层色谱法,以槲皮素、薯蓣皂苷元为对照品,对金刚藤提取物进行了定性鉴别;采用可见—紫外分光光度法,以芦丁、薯蓣皂苷、没食子酸为对照品,对金刚藤提取物中总黄酮、总皂苷和总鞣质进行了含量测定,建立了较为完善的质量标准,为金刚藤提取物的质量控制提供了依据。首次采用高效毛细管电泳(HPCE)法,对金刚藤提取物进行了指纹图谱的研究,按照国家食品药品监督管理局颁布的《中药注射剂指纹图谱研究的技术要求(暂行)》,建立了该提取物的指纹图谱,标定了14个共有峰,指认了白藜芦醇、芦丁、山奈素、槲皮素四个指纹峰,方法重现性和稳定性良好,色谱峰分离度好,相似度高,为金刚藤提取物建立与国际接轨的质量评价方法奠定了一定的基础。

【Abstract】 Smilax china L. popularly known in China as "Jin Gang Teng", belongs to the Liliaceae family. It’s commonly used Chinese medicine, which was collected in the "The Chinese Pharmacopoeia" in 2005 version. It has various pharmacological effects including relieve sickness wet and disintoxication and so on. In China it has been extensively used for clinical treatment of anti-inflammatory, anticancer and axtioxidant activity. The Chinese medicine preparation of the active sites of Smilax china L. has good therapeutie efficacy against annexitis, and various gynecological inflammation diseases.Using the extracted method of reflowing ethanol and D101 macroporous resin purification technology to extract, separate and purify the active site of Jin Gang Teng, which obtain a reliable technical parameters. Carried out the verifying will be a transition to industrialization.With Quercetin, diosgenin as reference substance, using TLC method to identify the extract of Smilax china L.; with rutin, dioscin, gallic acid as reference substance, using UV method to detect total flavonoids, total saponins, total tannin of the extract of Smilax china L.. The quality standard were improved which can provide a basis for quality control.It is the first that formulate the fingerprint of the extract of Smilax china L. by HPCE. The analytical method has good credibility and stability. According to country medicines and chemical reagents food without exception superintending the relevance request that the administration bureau promulgates, fourteen shared peaks were found in the fingerprints and four peaks was identified to Resveratrol、rutin、kaempferide、Quercetin. The method is stable, well repeated and may offer abundant scientific basis of the quality evaluation of the extract of Smilax china L..
