

Forecast Methods of Dioryctria Rubella and Conogethes Punctiferalis

【作者】 王国兴

【导师】 嵇保中;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 动物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过林间调查、引诱方法筛选、室内饲养、性诱、灯诱等途径进行微红梢斑螟和桃蛀螟的预测预报,最终给出测报结论,并进行林间验证。在此基础上,提出防治意见,供相关部门参考。主要结果如下:(1)危害调查结果:微红梢斑螟危害最重的为下蜀林场,最轻的为马鞍山林场;火炬松平均受害株率为44.4%,马尾松为31.6%;主梢受害率高达62.1%,平均受害梢率为8.49%,受害梢率与树高、胸径显著负相关。桃蛀螟仅在两处实验地危害严重,来安半塔林场危害率高达87.6%,双牌石松林为45.8%;双牌石松林平均受害梢率为7.78%,每株平均虫苞数为2.55个,每苞虫口平均数为6.95个,每株平均虫口数16.45头;受害梢率与胸径显著负相关。(2)林间诱捕对比试验结果表明:黑光灯对桃蛀螟的引诱效果显著;性诱剂对微红梢斑螟的引诱效果最佳,黑光灯次之,水盆诱捕器诱集效果较粘虫板好,其余各引诱方法均未能达到理想的效果,有待进一步研究。(3)林间剖查微红梢斑螟越冬代化蛹进度,加上相应历期,测报越冬代成虫高峰期为5月18日~5月25日,第一代成虫高峰期为7月6日~7月13日。油菜大面积开花期为越冬代幼虫危害盛期,板栗开花始盛期为成虫盛期;成虫发生量与危害关系测报模型:y1=13.7+1.638x,y2=0.174+0.019x(其中y1为林间危害率,y2为平均每株幼虫数,x为诱集成虫数)。据灯诱预测,越冬代桃蛀螟成虫5月下旬始见,7月下旬至8月下旬为发蛾高峰期。(4)利用性诱得到的发蛾动态图检验微红梢斑螟发生期测报的准确性,结果表明误差在5天以内,能基本反映林间的发生情况;通过林间实地引诱、调查,验证发生量的符合率达到90%以上,其测报结果与实际结果之间显著相关。由此证明,此项测报方法是可行的。

【Abstract】 This article studied forecasting and predicting of D.rubella and C.punctiferalis through ways of field investigation, attracting methods’screening, rearing in laboratory, attraction of synthetic sex pheromone, light-traps and finally got the forecast methods. On the basis, the researchers proceeded field examinations and gave referenced suggestions to correlative departments. The results are summarized as follows:(1)Investigation results of insect damage: The most serious damage of D.rubella occurred in Nanjing Forestry University-owned forestry farms and the least one occurred in Forest Farm of Maanshan. The average percentage of damage of Pinus taeda was 44.4%, of which Pinus massoniana was 31.6%. The average percentage of damage of primary branches and the average rate of damaged shoots was 62.1% and 8.49% respectively. The average rate of damaged shoots negatively related to tree height and diameter. Only two areas had the damage of C.punctiferalis. The damage rate of Forest Farm of Banta was 87.6% and that of Shuangpaishi pinewood was 45.8%. The average rate of damaged shoots was 7.78% in Shuangpaishi pinewood. Every pine had 2.55 wormy bags with silk. Every wormy bag averagely had 6.95 larvae. And every pine averagely had 16.45 larvae. The average rate of damaged shoots negatively related to tree diameter.(2)The black light luring was significant on C.punctiferalis. As to D.rubella, the sex attractant alluring was the best with black light lamp lure in second. The effect of water basin was better than that of trapping board. The rest methods didn’t reach desired results, which needs further studies.(3)Through surveying pupation progress with the addition of corresponding development period in filed the author obtained following conclusions. The peak period of the overwintering adults was from May 18th to May 25th, which of the first generation was from July 6th to July 13th.The period of rape large bloom was coincident simulated with the peak period of winter generation larval harm. Established forecasting model with occurrence quantity of adults and damage’s relation, which was y1=13.7+1.638x, y2=0.174+0.019x. On the basis of lamp luring, the overwintering adults of C.punctiferalis initially appeared in late May, and the peak period of adults was from late July to late August.(4)The forecasting occurrent date of D.rubella was coincident simulated with the real results and the error was wihin 5 days. The forecast of amount was significantly correlated to the real facts. Tests showed the results of forecast had good reliability and validity.
