

The Work Engagement of Primary and Secondary School Teachers and Its Impact Factors

【作者】 韦官玲

【导师】 刘毅;

【作者基本信息】 广州大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 工作投入是在世纪之交受积极心理学的影响而形成的一个新的研究领域。在国外,关于工作投入的研究依旧存在很大的争议,主要表现在工作投入的定义、测量及产生机制几个方面。在国内,大部分研究者停留在对工作投入理论进行介绍的阶段,个别研究者针对工作投入的测量也做了一些有益的尝试,但总体而言,大部分量表涉及的是企业员工,专门针对中小学教师编制的量表很少。针对以上不足,本研究拟定结合我国中小学教师工作的特点,编制一套信效度良好的测评工具,为继续深入研究我国教师工作投入奠定一定的基础。本研究根据文献综述、访谈和开放式问卷调查的结果,编制了中小学教师工作投入的初始问卷;在预研究中,根据探索性因素分析的结果,抽取了四个因素,即工作价值、工作愉悦、工作进取和工作负责,结构清晰,符合理论构想;在正式研究中,用另外一批被试对问卷进行了验证性因素分析和正式问卷的信效度分析,研究结果显示本问卷的信效度良好,可以作为中小学教师工作投入的测评工具;在应用研究中,根据正式施测的数据,分析了不同人口学变量的中小学教师其工作投入的现状及差异情况;此外,还初步探讨了教学效能感、教师职业认同感与工作投入之间的关系;最后对本研究的结果进行了总结,指出了研究的价值和局限,提出今后研究的建议。本研究的主要结论:⑴中小学教师工作投入的结构由四个维度组成,分别是工作价值、工作愉悦、工作进取和工作负责;⑵中小学教师工作投入问卷结构合理,信效度良好,不仅符合我国的社会文化背景,而且体现了中小学教师的职业特点,可以作为我国中小学教师工作投入的测评工具;⑶中小学教师工作投入在任课年级、年龄、教龄上存在显著性差异,而在性别、学校性质、学校级别上没有显著性差异。⑷教师职业认同感和教学效能感显著影响中小学教师的工作投入,教师职业认同感在教学效能感与工作投入之间发挥中介作用。

【Abstract】 Work engagement is an emerging psychological study field, which came into being by the influence of active psychology at the end of last century. Work engagement is from the west, and its study is still in primary stage now. There are many disputations about how to measure the work engagement, up till now, nobody has developed the primary and secondary teachers’work engagement questionnaire. In our country, only several researchers have introduced this theory, nobody has developed work engagement questionnaire according to the situation of our country, saying nothing of the primary and secondary teachers’work engagement questionnaire. Therefore we hope that we can develope the primary and secondary teachers’work engagement questionnaire, in order to offer a tool that has good reliability and validity for researchers to measure.We had compiled the items of primary and secondary teachers’work engagement according to literature review, interview, and open questionnaire investigation, and then established the item store. After that, we had invited many Primary and Secondary teachers, Psychologists, graduate students of the psychology department , and students of The Art to evaluate each dimensionality and item, and then we had designed the original questionnaire according to their advice. In the prepared study, we had extracted four factors, namely work pleasure, work value, work ahead and work obligation according to the results of explore factor analysis. This structure is very clear and accord with our frame of reference. In the formal study, we had used the other sample to make the confirm factory analysis and analyze the reliability and validity. The results of analysis show that the reliability and validity of the primary and secondary teachers. Work engagement questionnaire are very good which can act as the measurement tool of the primary and wecondary teachers’work engagement. In the applied study, we had studied the actuality of primary and wecondary teachers’work engagement according to the formal study data, and analyzed the differences from different degree of work engagement in the main demographic variables. In addition, we had a preliminary study of the relationship between the teaching efficacy,vocational identity and job involvement. In the end, we had summaried the results of the study,pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of the study, and giving some advice for the future study.The main conclusions of the study:⑴The structure of the Primary and Secondary teachers’work engagement is made up of four dimensionalities, namely work pleasure, work value, work ahead and work obligation.⑵The structure of teachers, work engagement is reasonable, and its reliability and validity are very good. It is a good tool to measure the primary and secondary teachers’work engagement, which incarnated the culture characteristics of our country and the particularity of the primary and secondary teacher.⑶The degree of the Primary and Secondary teachers’work engagement of has the significant differences among the grade of teaching, the age, the length of service. But there have not significant differences among the sex, the kind of school, school level and the monthly income.⑷Professional identity and teaching efficacy significantly affected primary and secondary school teachers, work engagement, professional identity in teaching efficacy and play an intermediary role between work engagement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期