

The Design and Research of Three-station Solid Tire Injection Molding Curing Unit

【作者】 巩家伟

【导师】 吕柏源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在汽车轮胎中可分为空气轮胎和实心轮胎两大类。轮胎工业在国民经济中具有重大的作用,而且与人民生活息息相关,因此,近代社会十分重视轮胎工业的发展,尤其在充气轮胎工业中发展十分迅速,在我国的轮胎产量已超过了4亿条。但在另一方面,实心轮胎工业在国内却一直没有得到应有的发展,其产量也不过几万条,这里面有观念问题,也有生产技术问题。在欧美国家,实心轮胎应用领域相当广泛,只要在行驶速度不超过80km/h的车辆轮胎都普遍使用实心轮胎,它不需要充气,也无爆胎之忧,而且直径比较小,承压能力高,使用寿命长,维修比较方便。现在,实心轮胎成型仍采用传统的模压法、缠绕法、离心浇注法,这些方法使用设备多、工艺复杂、能耗大,而且轮胎制品成品率低,轮胎质量差,无法满足对实心轮胎数量和质量的需求。为了实心轮胎注射成型的发展,在此背景下,我们对三工位一步法注射实心轮胎技术与设备进行了设计研究。在《三工位实心轮胎注射成型及硫化装置的设计研究》课题中,做了相关的工作和获得以下成果:1.在国内外首次设计了三工位一步法注射实心轮胎成套全套设备,其可一次注射20,000g的主战坦克负载实心轮胎;2.在国内首次设计了实心轮胎电动脱模装置,本装置运用了现代工业高精度的滚珠丝杠的非自锁工作原理结合电磁离合器的特点,成功地设计了电动脱模装置,并对按本设计制造出来的装置,通过实验完全达到了设计的预期效果;3.本设计对一步法注射机的合模移动装置的压力传感机构进行了改进,把原来刚性的传输路线改为弹性的传输路线,解决了压力传感器发出信号与显示仪表产生滞后的问题,保证了压力控制的稳定性,进而保证整机工作的可靠性;4.在没有参考材料的条件下,在国内首次设计了一步法注射实心轮胎的模具,它同时考虑了模具的排气问题、注射流道系统问题和脱模问题,为一步法注射实心轮胎奠定了基础;5.首次设计了三工位整体式注射成型硫化结构。整个装置生产效率高,受力合理,变形小,而且工作可靠,可以实现自动化和连续化生产。6.采用下注法为模具系统设计了流道板,将注射胶料口下移避免了因流道受力不均产生的漏胶现象。7.设计时运用了有限元法分析软件。设计中对重要部件进行了有限元法分析,对不同方案的结构进行分析,并对有限元法计算得出的变形值进行比较,再对各个方案作出评价进行优化设计,使结构更加合理可靠。8.对设计进行了参数化三维造型设计和动态过程模拟。利用整机的运动仿真,来发现设计中存在的不合理、干涉等现象,以实现优化设计,提高了设计水平。

【Abstract】 Tires can be divided into two major categories,solid tires and pneumatic tires. Tire industry has a significant role in the national economy, and it is closely related to people’s lives. Thus, this country attaches great importance to the development of the tire industry in modern society. Especially in the pneumatic tire industry there was a rapid development. At present, tire production in China has exceeded 400 million each year. On the other hand, solid tire industry in China has never been properly developed, whose production is only tens of thousands eacn year. Cause problems are not only ideas but also the production technology. Solid tires have a wide range of applications in the USA and European countries. As long as the speed is not more than 80km / h they are commonly used in vehicle tires. Solid tires do not require inflation, and do not worry for puncture. And they have high pressure capability, for they have a relatively small diameter. They also have long life and maintenance more convenient.Now, the solid tire is still using the traditional molding, winding method and centrifugal casting method. These methods use more equipment, complex process, energy consumption, and low tire finished products, poor quality tires etc. They can not meet the demand for quantity and quality of solid tires. For the development of solid tire injection molding, we conducted a design study for three-station one-step injection of solid tire technology and equipment.In this issue, we have done related work and got the following results:1. Design the three-station one-step injection of solid tires equipment at home and abroad for the first time. This equipment can inject 200,000 g’s main battle tank load solid tire one time .2. Design solid tires electric ejection device for the first time in China. The devices use a modern industrial high-precision ball screw principle of non-self-locking, combining of the characteristics of electromagnetic clutch. Successfully designed electric ejection equipment. Though the experiments on devices by the design, it fully achieved the expected result of the design.3. Improve the one-step injection machine mold pressure sensor body mobile devices. This institution changed original rigid transmission line to a flexible transmission line. It solved the phenomenon of the lag between pressure sensor signal and display instrument. And guaranteed the stability of pressure control .And then ensured the reliability of machine work.4. Design a one-step injection solid tires mold at home for the first time, in the absence of reference material conditions. It considered the issue of mold exhaust, flow injection system problems and stripping problems. It established the foundation of the one-step injection solid tires.5. Design the overall structure of the three-station injection molding and curing. The whole equipment has high productivity, reasonable force, small deformation and reliable working. It can be automated and continuous production.6. Design the flow channel plate for the mold which use BET method. The rubber injection port due to flow down to avoid leakage generated by uneven forces the flow suffered.7. Using finite element analysis software in design. We carried out finite element analysis for important components. The structure of the analysis of different options had been analyzed. The deformation calculated with finite element method were compared. And then made evaluation of various options for optimization. Make the structure more reasonable and reliable.8. Make parameterized three-dimensional shape design and dynamic process simulation. Using motion simulation of the machinec, we discovered and solved the existence of irrational design and finterference phenomena. To achieve the optimal design and improve the design level.
