

The Design in Shield Tunneling Machine Simulated Bedstand and Research in Cutter Abrasion

【作者】 罗力维

【导师】 王守城;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 盾构法是在土层或岩层中暗挖隧道的一种方法,具有施工速度快、振动小、噪声低、对周围环境影响较小等优点。盾构施工法作为现代隧道施工最先进的工法代表,在国内外运用非常广泛。盾构机是盾构施工法的主要设备,而盾构机的刀盘与刀具作为盾构机的开挖土体部件,在盾构施工中起着非常关键的作用。在地层中施工,盾构刀具磨耗严重,容易磨损脱落。一旦出现这种情况,将导致刀盘扭矩上升,施工困难。研究如何减少刀具磨损,到盾构施工具有重要的意义。本文研制了一种盾构机模拟试验系统,包括试验台鞍座、土箱、切削机构、输送机构、液压系统等。该试验系统可以模拟对各种地质条件岩土的掘进,为施工工艺参数和技术决策提供科学依据。在核心参数计算基础上,设计了试验台的刀盘、刀盘驱动系统、推进系统、输送系统、土箱等部件。对于液压系统进行了设计和计算。对整个系统设计的液压元件、减速箱以及各种传感器进行了元件选型。论文以土力学、岩石破碎学为基础,从土体性能研究入手,对不同盾构刀具切削机理进行研究,通过对刀盘扭矩构成因素的全面分析,建立了刀盘扭矩估算的理论模型,导出了各扭矩分量的计算公式,由岩土性能参数分析计算了切削刀具的受力,分别计算出刀盘上每把刀具所承受的力和扭矩。论文系统分析了刀具的磨损原因和影响因素,并通过算例说明刀具寿命预测的分析方法,运用掘进参数检测滚刀的失效原理,滚刀磨损和失效的判断方法,介绍了刀具失效的常用判断方法,并给出了提高刀具寿命的建议。运用PRO/E设计软件对盾构机模拟试验台的主要组件进行了结构设计,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对主轴和切削刀具工作过程中所受的剪切力进行了有限元分析,为刀具的选择、安全系数的选取等提供了重要参考。

【Abstract】 Shield method is a way of tunneling in soft or rock,it has many advantages,such as high speed,high precision,small vibration,low noise,has little impact on the surrounding environment,etc.As a representative of the most advanced tunneling techniques of today,tunnel boring method is applied very widely both at home and abroad.Shield tunneling machine is the main equitment of this new method,and the shield cutter and the cutter pan are the main tunneling part of the tunnel boring machine and play a very important role in tunnel boring construction.When tunneling in stratum,the abrasiong of shield cutters is serious,meanwhile the cutter bits are easily chip and scale.If such situations occur,the cutter torque will become higher and the shield will hard to advance.Therefore,it is of great signigicance to research on reducing the abrasion of cutters.A new developed shield tunneling test system was introduced by this thesis.This test system inclueded test saddle,soil box,cutting head conveyer system,hydraulic system,etc.The test system was used for excavating experiments in different soil and rock,and the results of the experiment will be used to support for better tunneling organization.Based on parameters obtained by theoretical study,the overall mechanical system was designed.Parts such as cutter head,driven system,trust system,conveyer system and soil box all designed through calculation.The hydraulic system was also designed through detailed calculation.All standard patrts involved in the test system included hydraulic component,gear box and sensors were selected by calculation. This thesis based on soil and rock mechanics,studied the cutting mechanism of the different shield cutters in accordance with the different soil bodies,based on the knowledge of soil body performance and the simulation test of tunnel boring machine through different soil bodies. A theoreticalmodel was proposed based on the systematic analysis of cutter head torque in shield tunneling. Formulae of calculating torque components in this model were deduced.Forces on cutters when cutting soil or rock were analysed and calculated based on soil and rock mechanics.Furthermore,the force and torque of each cutter was calculated.The abrasion reasons and influencing factors of all kinds of cutters were analyzed in this thesis.The cutters life were analysed according to calculating.General approaches for estimating the cutter wear,the principle of estimating the cutter wear and case studies are also introduced.Suggestions were given to increase cutters life.In the use of three-dimensional designed software Pro/ENGINEER design the main parts of the shield tunneling machine simulated bedstand equipment. At last analyse the shearing force of principal axis and cutters by finite element analysis software ANSYS. By analysis the results, important reference for the structure and safety factor choose of cutters was provided.
