

Hydro-liquefaction of Lignified Biomass

【作者】 于光

【导师】 黎振球; 何为;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 制浆造纸工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 面对能源和环境的双重压力,开发洁净的可再生能源已经成为当今世界的紧迫课题。生物质能具有量大、分布广、易获得、易储存、环保等优势,因而生物质能源转化技术成为各国研究的热点。本文就木化生物质加氢液化进行了相关研究。本实验选用具有代表性的的农林废弃物玉米秸秆和竹子为原料,以水作为溶剂,氢氧化钠做催化剂,通过氢气提供高压氛围,在一定温度下实现木化生物质液化,制取生物质油。通过考察反应温度、压力、时间、溶剂以及催化剂种类、用量等因素对液化率和生物质油产率及其产品性能的影响,寻找最佳的液化工艺条件,然后利用多种检测手段对液化产物进行检测分析,包括热值分析、红外色谱、扫描电镜、凝胶渗透色谱和气相色谱质谱联用,综合考察产物的物化性质和液化反应历程,为木化生物质加氢液化和产物利用提供实验室依据,丰富其理论体系。通过大量实验,得出以玉米秸秆和竹子为原料的木化生物质加氢液化的最佳反应条件为:原料与溶剂质量比在1/10~1/6之间,反应温度210~240℃;氢气初始压力7~8MPa;反应停留时间20~30min;氢氧化钠用量为原料绝干质量的10~15%。在此条件下,木化生物质的液化率达到90%,生物质油产率达到50%。所得生物质油为黑褐色沥青状液体,高位热值为30MJ/kg,比原料热值提高了66%~68%。对生物质油的GC-MS分析结果显示,生物质油成分复杂,多达几十种,以有机酸、酮和酚类物质居多,含氧量高。加氢液化后得到的生物质油要在实际中得以应用,还需进一步分离和提纯。

【Abstract】 Under pressure of energy and environment, developing clean and reproducible energy becomes to be urgent problem all over the world. Biomass has large quantity, distribution, available to obtain and storage and environmentally, so biomass energy converting technology has been hot spot in many countries. Hydro-liquefaction of lignified biomass was studied in this article.Corn stalk and bamboo was selected for material in this experiment, water as solvent, NaOH as catalyst, with hydrogen Providing high pressure, and then liquefaction was realized under proper temperature, to produce bio-oil. By reviewing the effect of reaction temperature, pressure, time, solvent and catalyst on liquefaction the optimal process condition was obtained. Then the physical and chemical character of liquefaction product and reaction mechanism was studied by using different detection method including calorific value analysis, IR, SEM, GPC and GC-MS so that the theory system was enriched.Through lots of experiments the optimal condition of hydro-liquefaction of biomass was concluded: weight ratio of biomass and solvent was 1/10~1/6, reaction temperature was 210~240℃, initial pressure of hydrogen was 7~8MPa, remaining time was 20~30min, weight of NaOH was 10~15% of dried material. The liquefaction rate was up to 90%, and bio-oil yield was 50% under this condition. The bio-oil was black brawn liquid like tar. Its gross calorific value was 30MJ/kg, increasing by 66%~68%。GC-MS detection result shows that components of bio-oil were complex, up to 40 species or more, much of which was organic acid, ketone and phenolic and that oxygen ratio was high. The bio-oil obtained by hydro-liquefaction needed to be separated and purified further if applied in practice.
