

Research of Safety Monitoring and Warning System on the Main Hoisting System of Metal Mine

【作者】 何衍兴

【导师】 梅甫定;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 社会经济的飞速发展,对能源的需求日益增大。矿产资源作为一种重要的基础能源,在社会经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。因此,矿产资源能否安全开发,也就成了影响社会飞速发展的重要因素。矿井主提升设备作为矿井安全生产运输的主要通道,其能否在工作期间正常运行,直接影响着矿山的安全生产和矿产资源的产量。新中国成立以来,我国的矿井提升技术得到了迅速发展,从1953年抚顺重型机械厂制造出的第一台仿苏型单绳缠绕式提升机开始到今天的井塔式、落地式、多绳缠绕式等各种大滚筒提升机,短短的50年间,我国的矿井提升技术取得了令人瞩目的成绩,正向世界先进行列迈进。在此期间,尽管矿井提升技术发展迅猛,提升设备逐渐大型化、一体化,但是矿井提升事故却呈现逐年上升趋势,伤亡人数逐年递增,财产损失也在逐年增大。据不完全统计,目前,我国的金属矿山已达到1多万家,在创造巨大的社会效益的同时,金属矿山每年发生的有关矿井提升运输的事故造成死亡的人数占各类工伤事故死亡人数仅次于煤矿。由此造成的直接损失高达上千亿元,伤亡事故造成的总损失数目十分惊人,已超过了国民生产总值的1%。而目前世界各国的实际情况表明:矿井提升设备的安全监测技术的发展远远跟不上矿井提升技术发展的步伐,出现了严重滞后的现象,此种情况在我国显得尤为明显,如当前国内还没有能够实现主提升设备全面监测的监测系统。尽管如此,我国的矿井提升设备安全监测技术也得到了一定的发展,同时也取得了一些研究成果,先后出现了如"KTA-UP系列矿井提升安全监控系统装置”、“M12-3B提升机综合后备保护仪”等一大批安全监测装置。这些监测系统或装置在局部监测方面能够取得比较好的效果,但大都存在着以下不足:(1)提升设备的监测系统很零碎,缺乏系统性,都是针对矿井提升设备的某一部件或几个部件的监测,如针对提升钢丝绳的监测系统;(2)监测系统数据传输的可靠性和稳定性较低;(3)监测系统的可移植性差,不利于推广。(4)软件界面不友好,操作复杂,容易导致操作失误;(5)开发工具选择和设计不合理,各系统之间无法兼容或兼容性差;(6)系统无扩展功能或扩展功能差。基于我国矿井提升设备安全监测技术的严峻形势,本课题以程潮铁矿为载体,在充分研究国内矿井提升设备监测系统的基础上,开发了一套矿井主提升设备安全监测与预警系统,以期能为金属矿山主提升设备的安全监测与预警技术的发展提供一种参考。论文是基于上述课题展开的,所作的研究工作主要如下:1、前期准备本阶段所作的工作主要如下:①现场调研,熟悉提升设备的结构,收集矿井主提升设备及监控技术相关的资料;②文献查阅,通过查阅大量的国内外文献,了解当前提升设备的监测水平及最新发展趋势,找出当前监测系统存在的问题;③确定研究目的、研究内容,以及课题研究的技术路线。2、课题研发本阶段的研究工作主要包括以下三个部分:(1)主提升设备的故障分析率先将安全工程中的专业故障分析方法应用到主提升设备的故障分析中,采用故障树分析法(FTA)和故障类型及影响分析方法(FMEA)分别对制动系统、提升钢丝绳、提升容器、电气控制设备以及井架和天轮的故障进行了分析,从而得出了导致各顶上事件(主提升设备的故障)发生的的基本事件(诱发故障的原因),为监测系统的建立作铺垫。(2)系统总体设计系统总体设计阶段所做的主要工作有:①选取了系统的开发工具和软件应用平台。监测系统采用组态软件MCGS6.0和Microsoft Visual Basic6.0来进行系统开发,以Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为系统数据库的开发平台;监测系统将能应用于Windows98、WindowsNT4.0 (sp3)及其以上系统的操作平台。②进行了系统硬件框架的设计。③软件系统总体设计。软件系统总体设计主要包括以下几个方面:(?)系统需求分析。根据程潮铁矿主提升设备的安全现状和矿方要求进行了系统需求分析;令监测参数选择。基于需求分析,进行了系统的监测参数的选择。(?)监测方案设计。系统从主提升设备的运行状态、主提升钢丝绳以及主提升设备制动系统三个方面来实现对主提升设备的安全监测;令进行了监测系统的软件总体结构设计。(3)系统的实现系统实现所作的主要工作有:①硬件选择。根据监测目的和监测现场的环境等因素,为本系统选择了传感器,数据采集卡、工控机等一整套监测设备,并对各设备的主要技术参数进行了介绍。②软件实现。软件的实现主要有以下三个方面:(?)基于总体设计,从主提升设备的运行状态、主提升钢丝绳以及主提升设备制动系统三方面对本系统的监测方案进行了细化,并对各监测功能的具体实现进行了详细论述。(?)报警处理。针对四种不同情况下的故障,分别设计了不同的报警处理方法。(?)功能模块设计。分别从故障诊断、数据处理、数据库管理、系统检测、工矿动画显示等八个方面对功能模块进行了设计。③抗干扰技术。系统通过从硬件和软件两方面采取了不同的措施来实现对监测系统的干扰信号的有效屏蔽,达到抗干扰的目的。3、现场调试及应用本阶段所作的主要工作有:在系统开发完成后,进行了系统的现场安装,组建了金属矿山主提升设备安全监测与预警系统。系统的现场试运行结果表明:系统能够满足现场环境的要求,能够实现预期的监测目标。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of the social economy, the energy demand is becoming larger day by day. As a kind of important basic energy, mineral resources play a key role during the improvement of the social economy. Therefore, whether mineral resources can be extracted safely is one of important factors for the fast development of the society. As the main thoroughfare for the safe transportation of the safety production, whether the mine main hoisting equipments operate normally at work will directly impact the mine safety in production and the output of mineral resource.The mine hoisting technology of China has developed fast since the P.R.C founded.Fushun Heavy Mechanical Complex made the first single rope winding type elevator which imitated the Soviet Union in 1953, till now well tower type elevator, Console-model elevator, multi-rope winding type elevator all can be made in China. During the 50 years or so, the Chinese mine hoisting technology improved fast, and are becoming the most advanced technology in the world.During the period, although the hoisting technology improved fast and the hoisting equipments enlarged and integrated gradually, the number of the mine hoisting accidents was rising, casualties were growing and wealth was losing yearly. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 10.000 metal mines presently, and huge social benefits have been created by that. Meanwhile, the deaths which were caused by the accidents of the hoist and transportation on metal mines are only less than the coal mines.Because of the accidents, the direct losses has increased to 100 billions, and the losses caused by injuries and deaths are astonished that it has past 1% of the GDP.However, the whole world’s actual situation indicated that the development of the technology on safety monitoring and warning is much slower than the progress of the mine hoisting technology, especially in China,for example,there isn’t monitoring system which can monitor the hoisting equipment roundly at present in China.For all this, the safety monitoring technology on mine hoisting equipments has improved partly, it also obtained some research results such as "the KTA-UP series mine hoist safe supervisory system installment", "the M12-3B elevator synthesis reserve protection meter" and so on. These observation systems or installments can make quite good progress on the partial monitoring, but mostly have the following insufficiency:(1) Monitoring systems of hoisting techniques are very fragmentary, and aim at only one or several parts’ monitor of mine hoisting equipments, like hoisting cable observation system.(2) The low reliability and stability of the data transfer of monitoring systems(3) Monitoring systems are not easy to transplant and promote.(4) the system is easy to make mistake for the software interface is unfriendly and the operation is complex,(5) The choice and design of development tools are not reasonable, so various systems are incompatible or badly compatible.(6) The systems can’t be extended or extended badly.Base on the austere situation of safety monitoring technology on mine hoisting equipments and full research on the supervisory systems of the domestic mine hoisting equipment, taking the ChengChao iron ore for example, a set of safety monitoring and warning system on the main hoisting system of metal mine has been developed, in order to provide references for the development of safety monitoring and warning technology on mine hoisting equipments.The study is carried out according to the above-mentioned project, and the research is mainly as follows:1. Pre-task preparationThe main work of the period is as follows:①Field research. Familiar with the structure of the hoisting equipment, the materials about the hoisting equipment and monitoring technology were collected.②Consulting literature:after massive domestic and foreign literature being consulted, the current monitoring situations of the hoisting equipment were found out, and the most recent development tendency.Besides,the problems of the current supervisory system has been discovered.③The purpose, content and technical route of the study has been determined.2. Project research and developmentThe main work of the period is as follows:(1) Fault analysis of the main hoisting equiomentThe professional fault analysis methods of safety engineering were taken to apply to the fault analysis of the main hoisting equipment. The braking system, the hoisting cable, the hoisting container, the electric control equipment as well as the derrick and sheave’s breakdown were analyzed separately by the fault tree analysis (FTA) or the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). Consequently, the basic events (inducement of failure) resulting in the top events (main lift technique’s breakdown) were obtained, which is the underlay for the establishment of the monitoring system.(2) System total designThe prime task in the system total design stage includes: ①The system’s development tools and the software application platform have been selected. The configuration software MCGS6.0 and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 are used to develop this monitoring system, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 was taken as the development platform of the database. The monitoring system will be able to apply to Windows 98, WindowsNT4.0 (sp3) and above the systematic service platform.②The design on the hardware framework of the system was carried on.③The entire software system design was implemented. It includes several parts as follows:(?) System requirements analysis:The system requirements analysis were carried on, according to the security situation of the main hoisting equipment of the Chengchao iron ore and the mine authorities’ request.(?) Selection of monitoring parameters:Based on the requirements analysis,the monitoring parameters of the system were selected.(?) Monitoring project design:the safety monitoring system was implemented from the running status, the braking system as well as the hoisting cable of the main hoisting equipment.(?) Software structure design:the software gross structure design of the monitoring system was carried on.(3)System implementationThe main task of the period is as follows:①hardware selection:according to the monitor purpose, the field environment and some other factors, a whole set of monitoring facilities such as the sensors, the data acquisition card, the industrial control computer and so on were selected for this system, and the main technical parameters of each equipment was introduced.②software implementationThere are three parts as follows:(?) Based on the overall design, the monitoring alternative of the system has been introduced in detail from the running status of the hoisting equipment, the hoisting cable as well as the braking system of the hoisting equipment, and the implementation of each monitoring function has also been expounded in detail.(?) Warning processing:the different warning processing methods are designed separately in view of four kinds of breakdown in different situations.(?) Functional module design:the functional module is designed separately from eight aspects of the failure diagnosis, the data processing, the database management, the system monitoring, the animation demonstration and so on.③Anti-jamming technology:the anti-jamming technology has been carried on from the two aspects of the hardware and the software to shield the interfering signals, and achieving the anti-jamming goal. 3. Field debugging and applicationThe main work of theperiod is as follows:After the system development completed, the field installation was done, and the safety monitoring and warning system of the main hoisting equipment on metal mine has been set up. The results of the preoperation indicated that the system could satisfy the request of the field environment and achieved the anticipated monitor purpose.
