

The Application of Intertextuality in the Text of Animated Movies

【作者】 范李娜

【导师】 赵速梅;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 互文性作为一种新的认识论及方法论,是当代西方后现代主义文化思潮中产生的一种文本理论。自法国的后结构主义文艺批评家朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃于上个世纪六十年代提出这一概念后,互文性成了许多学者研究的重要课题。它原是被用来解决文学领域的文学批评,文本分析等一系列问题,但在当今,它己经被扩展到了非常广泛的领域,例如翻译和媒体等。鉴于此,本文拟作一个实践性的尝试,旨在运用互文性理论探讨其在动画片文本应用中的可行性。为了使研究更加深入,本文选取了四部美国经典动画片作为研究个案,具体分析了互文性理论在其中的运用。文章共分为六个章节。文章第一章首先介绍了本文的研究目的及理论基础,篇章结构和资源出处等。第二章引入了互文性理论的相关概念,并对该理论进行了全面的文献回顾。第三章在此基础上对该理论在动画片文本中的应用进行了初步研究。第四章选取四部美国迪士尼和梦工厂经典动画片作为研究对象,从互文性理论在文本中的表现形式出发,具体分析了该理论在动画片文本中的应用。第五章在前文结论的基础上,进一步就互文性在动画片文本中的应用进行探究和分析。第六章是对全文进行回顾总结,得出运用互文性理论来解读动画片文本是具有可行性的结论。文章最后简要地总结了本文的研究发现和不足之处以及对动画片文本研究的启发。该论文从两个方面进行了新的诠释:一方面,尝试提出用互文性理论分析动画片文本的方法;另一方面,通过理论分析法和案例分析法把互文性理论具体运用于动画片文本分析之中,归纳出该理论在动画片文本中的六种主要表现形式,即:典故,原型,粘贴,戏仿,模仿和无法追溯来源的代码。从而得出互文性理论在动画片文本研究领域有一定的应用价值。

【Abstract】 As a new epistemology and methodology, intertexuality is a textual theory which was yielded in the contemporary western postmodernism. Since it being first put forward by the French post-structuralist semiotician Julia Kristeva in the late sixties of the last century, it has become a hot research topic. It is a concept firstly used by an increasing number of scholars to seize upon it to propagate a new idea of literature and literary criticism. But nowadays, it has also been put into a wider field such as translation and media. In this thesis, the author attempts to do a practical study by incorporating the theory of intertextuality into the application of the text of animated movies and explore its feasibility.This thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One gives a brief introduction to this thesis including the research background, main purpose, the data selection and the structure of the thesis. Literature review constitutes Chapter Two in which relevant concepts of intertextuality and previous researches in this field at home and abroad are given. Chapter Three carries out a primary study. It includes the basic concepts on intertextuality and the application of intertextuality in the texts of animates movies. Then Chapter Four analyzes four American animated movies made by Disney and DreamWorks in details to expound the application of intertextuality. Based on the research, Chapter Five focuses on the results of the research. At last, Chapter Six is the conclusion part of the thesis which consists of renovation and limitations of the study and suggestions for further studies.The thesis consists of the following two new theoretical statements:On one hand, proposing the methodology of intertextuality in a creative way.On the other hand, applying the theory of intertextuality to the texts of animated movies by the methods of theoretical analysis and case analysis and concluding six representation forms of intertextuality in the texts of animated movies. The six kinds of manifestation are as follows:ⅠAllusionⅡA rchetypeⅢCollageⅣParodyⅤI mitationⅥCode without originThus the thesis finally finds out that the theory has its application value in this field.

【关键词】 互文性动画片文本应用
【Key words】 intertexualityanimated movietextapplication
  • 【分类号】J954
  • 【被引频次】1
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