

Moxibustion Sense and Moxibustion Effect Relationship between a Sense of Clinical Research in Mild Moxibustion for Treatment of Hyperlipidemia

【作者】 薛宁

【导师】 王玲玲;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 灸法是我国古代劳动人民在长期与疾病作斗争的过程中创造的一种非药物疗法。其治疗效果受到古今医家的肯定。然而,同时和灸量与灸效有密切关系的灸感,获得了众多针灸治疗学者的关注。本研究在系统梳理古今医家对灸感现象的认识和灸感理论阐述的基础上,就灸感灸感与灸效之间的相关性展开研究。另一方面,温和灸治疗高脂血症疗效经多年来研究已获肯定。温和灸治疗中诱发的灸感,与治疗效应之间的关系是探索灸感内涵的重要方面,其相关性也为临床规范艾灸操作和界定临床有效灸量等,提供了依据和基础。目的:在温和灸治疗高血脂中探究灸感与灸效之间的关系。方法:收集62例高脂血症患者,观察其灸感强度和灸感种类及最终中医症候改善情况及血脂各主要组分改变情况,包括血总胆固醇(Total Cholesterol)、甘油三脂(Triglyeeride, TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(lower density lipoprotein, LDL)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high density lipoprotein, HDL)、载脂蛋白-Al(apoprotein-Al, Apo-Al)、载脂蛋白B(apoprotein-B, Apo-B)。将62例患者,依据首次艾灸时灸感强弱程度分为A、B两组,灸感明显者为A组,灸感不明显者为B组。最后统计分析两组间灸效差异情况。1.A组总治愈率较B组要高(p<0.05),两组中医症候均有较大改善(p>0.05);2.艾灸治疗对调整总胆固醇血高和LDL高效果较好,对甘油三酯血高改善情况不明显;3.艾灸治疗能够对多种中医症候起到广泛而良好的改善作用,特别是头重、下肢沉重、畏寒、大便稀塘症状(p<0.05);4.A组灸感中出现最多的是包括局部强烈温热感和灼痛感的温煦感和感传现象,占A组的96.88%;5.出现温煦感和感传现象的患者血脂情况改善情况较好,控显率达77.50%。1.温和灸治疗高脂血症在灸疗获得良好灸感的情况下,往往能够有效地改善患者的血脂状况和中医症候情况。2.在温和灸治疗时,患者温煦感和感传现象的出现往往是症状改善和血脂异常指标向愈的征兆。3.在温和灸治疗中,出现包括局部强烈的温热感和灼痛感的温煦感乃至感传现象的灸感比其他类型的灸感治疗效果要好。

【Abstract】 Moxibustion is the working people in ancient China to fight the disease in the long process of creating a non-drug therapy. The treatment of the recognition by the ancient physician. However, at the same time and the amount and moxibustion moxibustion moxibustion effect closely related to the sense of access to many acupuncture attention of scholars. This study systematically reviews past and present physicians of the moxibustion moxibustion sense of awareness and a sense of the phenomenon of set theory, based on a sense of the moxibustion moxibustion moxibustion effect being and the correlation between the start of.On the other hand, mild moxibustion treatment of hyperlipidemia has been affirmed by years of study. Mild moxibustion moxibustion treatment induced a sense of the treatment effect and the relationship between the sense of meaning to explore an important aspect of moxibustion, and its relevance to clinical practices, operations and define the clinically effective moxibustion moxibustion volume, etc. provide the basis and foundationObjective:In mild moxibustion moxibustion treatment of high blood lipids in the sense of exploring the relationship between efficiency and moxibustion.Methods:62 patients with hyperlipidemia were observed moxibustion moxibustion feel a sense of strength and TCM syndrome type and ultimately to improve the situation and the major components of change in lipids, including total cholesterol (Total Cholesterol, TC), triglycerides (Triglyeeride, TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (lower density lipoprotein, LDL), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (high density lipoprotein, HDL), apolipoprotein-Al (apoprotein-Al, Apo-Al), apolipoprotein B (apoprotein-B, Apo-B). The 62 patients, based on when the first moxibustion moxibustion were divided into strong and weak sense of A, B groups with obvious feeling for the A moxibustion group, moxibustion sense for the B group were not obvious. Statistical analysis of the final difference between the two groups moxibustion effect the situation.1.A The total cure rate is higher than the B group (p<0.05), two groups of Chinese medicine have greatly improved symptoms (p>0.05);2. Moxibustion treatment on the adjustment of high blood cholesterol and high LDL is better, to improve the situation on the obvious high blood triglycerides; 3. Moxibustion treatment can play a wide variety of TCM symptoms and good improvement in function, in particular, is head heavy, heavy lower limbs, chills, loose stool Tong symptoms (p <0.05);4.A group of moxibustion appears the most sense to include the strong local feeling and the burning sense of warm feeling and a sense of warmth transfer phenomena, accounting for 96.88% group A;5. Appears very inviting feeling and a sense of lipid transfer in the situation to improve the situation of patients better control rate was 77.50%.1. Mild moxibustion for treatment of hyperlipidemia for good moxibustion moxibustion in the case of influenza, are often able to effectively improve the blood lipid status and situation of TCM symptoms.2. In mild moxibustion treatment, the patient a sense of warmth and a sense of mass phenomenon is often the symptoms and abnormal blood lipid indicators to more signs.3. Moxibustion in the treatment of mild, warm there, including a strong sense of local and burning sense of warmth and even a sense of feeling a sense of mass phenomena moxibustion sense than other types of moxibustion treatment is better.

【关键词】 温和灸高脂血症灸感
【Key words】 mild moxibustiondyslipidemiamoxibustion flu