

Regression Method Used to Determine the Net Energy Requirement for Maintenance and Determination of Retained Net Energy of Protein Feed Related to Research of Exactly Substitution Ratio

【作者】 王骁

【导师】 王康宁;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验旨在研究回归法测定0-21日龄黄羽肉鸡的维持净能;确定套算法评定蛋白饲料净能值时,基础日粮粗蛋白水平及适宜替代比例。本研究分为两个试验:回归法测定0-21日龄黄羽肉鸡的维持净能。选取正常饲养至6.5日龄,禁食36小时(8日龄),空腹体重为(42±1g)的黄羽肉公雏85只,颈椎错位致死5只冷冻保存作为对照,剩余的80只随机分为4个处理组,分别是自由采食组、限饲30%组、50%组和70%组。每个处理5个重复,每个重复4只鸡。试验日粮CP水平为17%,饲喂至第14.5日龄,所有试验鸡禁食36 h(16日龄),按重复空腹称重,颈椎错位法致死并冷冻保存。试验期为8日龄到16日龄,共7 d,试验期间的沉积净能用比较屠宰法测定。套算法评定蛋白饲料净能值时,基础日粮CP水平及适宜替代比例的确定。试验设置了0%、10%、20%、30%和40%五个替代比例,基础日粮CP水平设置以用20%豆粕替代后,CP水平能达到正常所需的21%为准。选取正常饲养至6.5日龄,禁食36小时(8日龄),65只空腹体重为(45±1 g)黄羽肉公雏,颈椎错位致死5只冷冻保存作为对照,剩余60只随机分为5个处理组(根据替代比例),每个处理6个重复,每个重复2只鸡。饲喂至第14.5日龄,所有试验鸡饥饿36 h(16日龄),按重复空腹称重,颈椎错位致死并冷冻保存。试验期为8日龄到16日龄,共7 d,试验期间的沉积净能用比较屠宰法测定。结果表明:在30±2℃环境温度下,0-21日龄黄羽肉鸡的维持净能回归公式为HP=357.61e0001MEI (R2=0.89, P<0.01)、NEm=357.61 KJ/kgBW0.75perd。试验日粮的代谢能值(AME)随着豆粕替代比例的增加,呈线性极显著下降(P<0.01)。按插值法计算,豆粕AME值为9.60 MJ/kg。按套算法所得结果平均值计算,豆粕AME值为10.12 MJ/kg。试验日粮的净能值(NE)以替代豆粕20%组为最大,与0%和10%组相比差异不显著(P>0.05),但极显著高于30%和40%组(P<0.01)。豆粕替代20%组所得豆粕净能计算值6.25 MJ/kg。结论:在本试验条件下,套算法评定豆粕NE值适宜的豆粕替代比例为20%。基础日粮粗蛋白水平以替代豆粕20%后,达到动物正常生理所需的粗蛋白水平为宜。

【Abstract】 (Animal Nutrition Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya’an 625014,China)Abstract:This experiment was conducted to study regression method used to determine the net energy requirement for maintenance for 0-21-d-old male Chinese Color-feathered Chicks; To establish crude protein levels of basal diet and exactly substitution ratio when using methods of substitution to evaluate net energy value of soybean meal. Two experiments were carried out to achieve that:regression method used to determine the net energy requirement for maintenance for 0-21-d-old Chinese Color-feathered Chicks. Eighty five 8-d-old (empty body weighted 42±1 g) male Chinese color-feathered chicks were used in this experiment, five birds were killed by cervical dislocation and cryopreservation to regard as control, remaining Eighty brids were randomly assigned to four treatments with five replicates each, each replicate containing four chicks. Four treatments were divided into ad libitum intake, 30%,50%, and 70%of restricted feeding respectively. CP level of basal diet was 17%. The birds were fed to 14.5 day of age, fasting 36 hours (16 day of age). All of birds were killed by cervical dislocation and cryopreservation. The length of the experimental period was from 8 to 16 days of age, total 7 days. Comparative Slaughter were applied to determine the retained energy in experimental period.To establish crude protein levels of basal diet and exactly substitution ratio when using methods of substitution to evaluate net energy value of soybean meal. Tested chicks in different treatments were fed basal diet, which was substituted by different ratio of tested feedstuff (0%,10%,20%,30%and 40%). Sixty five 8-d-old (empty body weighted 45±1 g) male Chinese color-feathered chicks were used in this experiment, five birds were killed by cervical dislocation and cryopreservation to regard as control, remaining sixty brids were randomly assigned to five treatments with six replicates each, each containing two chicks. The. birds were fed to 14.5 day of age, fasting 36 hours (16 day of age). All of birds were killed by cervical dislocation and cryopreservation. The length of the experimental period was from 8 to 16 days of age, total 7 days. Comparative Slaughter were applied to determine the retained energy in experimental period.The results showed that 1) The results showed that Regression equation of NEm is HP=357.61e0001MEI(R2=0.98, P<0.01),NEm=357.61 KJ/kgBW0.75perd for 0-21-d-old Chinese Color-feathered Chicks at 30±2℃.2) The AME value of tested feedstuff decreased linearly (P<0.01) as the substitution ratio of soybean meal increased. The AME value of soybean meal was 9.60 MJ/kg by using method of extrapolation. The average AME value was 10.12 MJ/kg by using method of substitution.3) Substitution ratio of 20%group achieved the highest NE value. Compare with 0%and 10%substitution ratio groups, no significant difference of NE Value was showed (P>0.05), while comparing with 30%and 40%substitution ratio groups, NE value was significantly higher (P<0.01). The NE value of soybean meal was 6.25 MJ/kg as tested soybean meal substitution 20% in basal diet.Conclusion:Exactly substitution ratio is 20%when used method of Substitution to evaluate Net Energy Value of Soybean Meal. Crude protein levels of basal diet is after substitute 20%can be satisfied with requirement of animal normal physiological.
