

【作者】 姜乾之

【导师】 朱立;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广义的产业结构内涵中就包括有就业结构的内容,产业结构和就业结构之间的关系一般是相互作用、相互影响。一个国家或地区的就业结构合理性会对该地区的产业结构演进产生较大影响,适应产业结构需求的就业结构往往能推动产业结构的优化升级,而不适应产业结构需求的就业结构则会阻碍产业结构的高级化。随着党中央科学发展观的提出,全面协调可持续地发展成为当今社会发展的主题。云南省产业结构和就业结构能否均衡发展、经济的发展能否有效推动和促进就业以及相关民生问题的解决,是云南省贯彻落实科学发展观的内在要求之一。因而研究云南省产业结构就业结构的协调性、关联性、以及云南省产业结构、就业结构调整方式方法,具有现实意义。论文从论述产业结构变迁中的就业结构变动规律开始,对产业结构与就业结构变化的各个层次进行了分析,探索云南产业结构变迁中的就业结构的变动规律和发展趋势。文章用产业结构优化升级的视角,来探讨解决就业问题的途径,提出促进云南省产业结构就业结构协调发展的政策建议。文章分为六个部分:第一部分是绪论;第二部分介绍相关理论分析及文献综述;第三部分为云南省产业结构和就业结构演进状况及合理性分析;得出了云南省产业结构与就业结构的发展非均衡的结论;第四部分分析了云南省产业结构与就业结构的关联度;得出了就业结构滞后于产业结构,三产比二产吸纳就业能力强的结论;第五部分对全国各行业的就业效应进行排名,提出发展就业效应较强的相关行业来改善三大产业内部结构,从而增加产业对就业吸纳能力的路径选择;第六章在前文研究的基础上提出对策建议。本文在借鉴相关领域研究成果的基础上,通过建立计量经济模型,借助常用统计学手段,并基于统计数据、资料的分析,结合投资对云南省就业的总体影响,提出一种利用投资手段来改善云南省产业结构从而改善就业结构的路径方法,希望会有一定学术价值。

【Abstract】 Broad meaning of the industrial structure includes the contents of the employment structure. Usually the relationship between industrial structure and employment structure is the interaction and mutual influence. The rationality of the structure of employment in the region will have a great impact on the evolution of industrial structure. The employment structure which meets the need of industrial structure can often promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, otherwise it will obstruct the promotion. With the Scientific Concept of Development proposed by party central committee, comprehensive coordinated and sustainable development becomes the theme of social development. Whether the development of industrial structure and employment structure in Yunnan Province can keep balanced, the economic development can effectively promote the solution of employment problem and livelihood issues, is one of the inherent requirements of implementing the scientific concept of development in Yunnan Province.The paper first discuss the law of which the changing industrial structure can alter the structure of employment, then analysis the various levels of changes in industrial structure and employment structure, explore the trends of changes in the structure of employment in Yunnan Province. With the perspective of optimizing and upgrading industrial structure, it attempts to explore way of solving the employment problem, and make some suggestions which can further promote the relationship of industrial structure and the employment structure. There are six parts in this paper: The first part is introduction. The second part introduces the related theories of the industrial structure and employment structure, and review the literature. The third part introduces the situation of the evolution of industrial structure and employment structures in Yunnan Province, and makes analysis of its rationality. It concludes that the development of industrial structure and employment structure in Yunnan Province is non-equilibrium. The fourth part analysis the relationship of Yunnan’s industrial structure and employment structure, conclude that employment structure lags industrial structure and the third industrial absorbs more labor than the second industry. The fifth part ranks the employment effects of all sectors across the country, proposes a path of developing the related industries which has a strong employment effects to improve the internal structure of the three major industries, thereby increasing the absorption ability of industry to employment. The sixth part give some suggestions which can further promote the transition of the employment structure base on the former conclusions.This thesis, however, is a statistic analysis, an attempt to develop a model based on the previous work related and with an emphasis to evaluate its influence on the employment structure of this country. It tries to explore the path of using investment in upgrading the industrial structure in Yunnan Province to improve the employment structure, hope to have some academic value.

  • 【分类号】F127;F249.27;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】375
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