

【作者】 曾维政

【导师】 尹松波;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 伦理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国社会经济发展中,生态环境问题已经成为制约我国国家发展整体战略的一个瓶颈。农村环境问题主要表现在生态破坏和环境污染两大方面。生态破坏包括:土地荒漠化、水土流失、土地盐渍化和土地潜育化。环境污染包括内源污染和外源污染两个方面。内源污染主要是农药污染、化肥污染、地膜污染、秸秆污染、乡镇企业污染、禽畜集约养殖污染和生活污染7个方面。外源污染主要是污染物转移污染和污染源转移污染两种。农村环境问题有其独特的特点:来源复杂、影响纵深、治理困难。主要危害表现在政治、经济、生态、资源、健康和其他等6个方面。农村环境问题产生的原因有五个方面。一是观念方面的原因,认为人是宇宙万物的最终目的,环境是经济发展的必然代价,以及环保意识淡薄、法制观念淡薄、生育观念落后等。二是制度方面的原因,主要在以下几个方面:行政管理制度,干部任用制度,产业转移制度,财政制度,城乡制度和环境管理制度等。三是环境立法方面的原因,包括:立法主体方面的欠缺,立法目的方面的欠缺和立法内容方面的欠缺。四是管理方面的原因,包括:规划落后,传统农业管理方式落后,服务体系不健全,企业环境保护责任欠缺。五是政治方面的原因,包括农村环保执法不力,地方政府保护主义严重。解决农村环境问题有以下建议:一是确立生态正义的理念。二是加强生态道德教育,包括生态意识教育和生态规范教育。三是健全农村生态法律法规,包括立法、执法和守法三个方面。四是完善社会主义新农村建设中的其它几种制度,包括完善农村环境管理体制,改变传统的农业生产方式、积极开展有机农业生产,建立生态补偿机制,实施独立的环境保护税税制以及企业实施绿色管理制等。

【Abstract】 With the construction of socialism new countryside, the environmental problems in rural areas has become a bottle-neck of integral strategy of state development in China. The environmental problems in rural areas mainly include ecological destruction and environment pollution. Ecological pollution includes: land desertification, soil and water loss, soil salinization , and land gleization. Environment pollution includes: endogenous pollution and exogenous pollution. Endogenous pollution includes: pesticide pollution, fertilize pollution, film pollution, straw pollution, rural industry pollution, poultry and livestock pollution and living pollution. Exogenous pollution mainly includes pollutant transfer pollution and pollution sources transfer pollution.The characteristics and hazards of the environmental problems in rural areas : complex sources, influence depth and difficulties of government. The main harms show in six aspects: policy, economy, ecology, resources , health and the other.Causes bringing out the environmental problems in rural areas follow as: , false conceptions such as ,human is the ultimate goal of everything in the universe, the environment t is the unvoidable cost of economic development , weak awareness of environment protection, weak awareness of legal concept, and the backward concept of the fertility; unsound system( administrative system, official personal system, industry transfer system, financial system, urban and rural system, and environmental administration system); Demerit of law and regulation;. unreasonable management (planning lag, backwardness of traditional agricultural management methods, unsound service system and lack of corporate environmental responsibility); absence of politics ( lacking of effective environmental protection in rural areas and harmful local protectionism).In order to realize the ecological justice of construction socialist new countryside. Some advice is as follows: First, set up the idea of ecological justice. Second, strengthen the ecologically moral education, which includes ecological consciousness education and ecological regulation education. Third, perfect the rural ecological law and regulation, which includes its legislation, enforcement and abiding. Fourth, improve the older system of construction socialist new countryside, which includes improving rural production style, actively developing the organic agriculture production, and setting up ecological compensation system.
