

The Research on Beijing City Wall Site Park Landscape

【作者】 纪思佳

【导师】 李文;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会的不断进步和我国经济的不断发展,人们对于古老文化的保护意识逐渐增强,景观的建设也已经不仅仅局限于只有简单游憩功能的公园,人们在休闲的同时越来越注重历史文化的沉淀。城墙遗址公园是与城市中与古城墙相联的带状公园绿地,凭借公园内古城墙这一特殊因素的存在,使城墙遗址公园也日益受到关注。北京市作为我国的首都,是我国政治、文化中心,有着极其悠久的历史,一个好的城墙遗址公园更能够给人们带来深刻的历史性和文化性的思索。本文通过对国内外城墙遗址公园的经典案例进行借鉴性研究,对国内外该类公园的景观建设的不同原则进行总结,并对国内不同城市的城墙遗址公园景观设计方法进行重点研究,归纳出城墙遗址公园的发展趋势,为北京市城墙遗址公园景观研究提供相应的指导。北京市现存的城墙最早建于元朝,以梯形土城墙的形态存在。明朝时期砖砌的城墙得以发展,经过明朝的扩建与修善,形成了紫禁城、皇城、内城和外城的“凸”字形城市格局,这种形式保存至清末。之后,由于各种历史和政治等因素,使北京市的城墙遭到破坏。20世纪80年代末北京市第一座城墙遗址公园建成,此后优秀的城墙遗址公园不断涌现,成为北京城的一大亮点。本文总结了老北京城墙的历史演变和北京市城墙遗址公园发展历程,进一步掌握北京市城墙遗址的历史文化信息,了解北京市城墙遗址公园的地域特色和历史人文特色。本文着重对北京市城墙遗址公园景观的设计手法进行研究。首先,将北京市6处城墙遗址公园概况进行对比,并以实地调查为依据,对公园的基本状况进行总结性分析,并与传统的城市带状公园进行类比研究,提炼出北京市城墙遗址公园的独特之处。而后,以“景观要素——景观节点——景观序列”的逻辑顺序,对北京市城墙遗址公园的景观的设计手法进行系统性研究。以北京市各城墙遗址公园为研究对象,对独具特色的景观要素的设计手法进行提炼、总结,对不同类型的景观节点的表达方式进行归纳、类比,对不同形式的景观序列组织模式进行分析、演绎,进而从局部到整体,从微观到宏观,层层深入地对北京市城墙遗址公园景观的设计手法进行研究,总结出北京市城墙遗址公园表现手法,为其它城市城墙遗址公园的景观建设提供一定的参考与借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the continuous society progress and the country’s economic development, people for the protection of ancient cultural awareness is gradually increased, the construction of the landscape has also not limited to only a simple function of park recreation, leisure, while more and more people pay attention to history and culture of precipitation. City Wall Site Park is the city associated with the ancient city wall strip spaces and parks with the park special factors in this ancient city wall there, so City Wall Site Park is also growing concern. As China’s capital, Beijing is China’s political and cultural center, has an extremely long history, an excellent City Wall Site Park to give people more profound historical and cultural reflections.This article, based on the City Wall Site Park at home and abroad to learn the classic case study of domestic and international landscape construction of such park summary of the different principles, and to different cities of the City Wall Site Park landscape design focuses on methods, summarize the City Wall Site Park, the development trend of the Beijing City Wall Site Park landscape provide guidance.Beijing existing wall was built in Yuan Dynasty, the earliest to form trapezoidal earth wall there. Brick walls of the Ming Dynasty to the development, expansion and rehabilitated through the Ming Dynasty, the formation of the Forbidden City, Imperial City, the inner city and outer city "convex" shape urban structure, this form of preservation to the late Qing Dynasty. After that, the walls of Beijing, for various historical and political factors have been destroyed. The late of the 1980s, the first City Wall Site Park in Beijing, since excellent City Wall Site Parks are emerging as a major highlight of Beijing. This article summarizes the historical evolution of the old Beijing city wall and the course of development of Beijing City Wall Site Park, and well understands the historical and cultural information about Beijing City Wall Site Park, geographical features and historical cultural characteristics.This article focuses on the Beijing City Wall Site Park to study landscape design techniques. Firstly,6 profiles of Beijing City Wall Site Park were compared, and to field survey, based on the basic status of the park summary analysis of the city with the traditional analogy of ribbon parks, to extract the Beijing City Wall Site Park is unique. Then, in order to "landscape elements-landscape node-landscape series" logical order, in Beijing City Wall Site Park, systematic study on the landscape design technique. The City Wall Site Park in Beijing for the study object, the unique landscape elements to refine the design approach, summarize, different types of landscape expression nodes for induction, analogy, different forms of sequence organization patterns of landscape analysis, interpretation, and then from the local to the whole, from the micro to the macro, layers of depth to the Beijing City Wall Site Park is a landscape design technique to study and summarize the performance practices of Beijing City Wall Site Park, for other landscape building a reference and reference.
