

The Sex-Based Discrimination in Employment in the Perspective of Harmonious Society

【作者】 金鑫

【导师】 许婕;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 构建社会主义和谐社会,是我党从全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的出发提出的一项重大任务。女性是推动和谐社会建设的主要力量,也是构建和谐社会的必然要求。就业对于女性来具有重要意义,它标志着女性的进步和性别平等。毫无疑问,随着经济的发展,女性在政治、社会、经济领域享有前所未有的平等。但是,就业性别歧视开始出现并成为了一个社会问题。如果处理不好这个问题,它将成为制约和谐社会发展的一个瓶颈。本论文梳理了国内外的研究现状,并且评析了现有研究情况。论文从构建和谐社会的时代主题出发,同时结合社会性别理论来研究我国女性就业性别歧视问题。论文厘清了女性就业性别歧视的概念。在回顾了我党指导女性就业的历史沿革之后,客观分析目前存在的显性和隐性的社会性别不平等状况。在此基础上,本文探索了女性就业性别歧视背后的制度性和结构性因素,认为、现阶段生产力的不发达、经济转轨、政治法律体系的不健全、落后的性别文化和现代不良文化、教育程度低以及社会舆论和全球化的负面效应是女性就业性别歧视的一系列原因。本论文针对原因提出解决我国女性就业性别歧视的对策。在经济领域方面:多为女性就业提供机会,完善与就业相关的社会保障制度,开展性别预算;在政治法律方面:强化政府责任和职能,推进社会性别主流化,主张通过提高女性参政比例和完善法律政策来消除女性就业性别歧视;在文化和教育方面:一是要构建先进的性别文化,二是要提高女性受教育水平;在社会领域方面:将女性发展纳入和谐社会发展目标,改善社会舆论环境,发挥女性组织作用,增强对外开放程度。本文意在通过对我国女性就业性别歧视的研究,寻求女性平等就业的途径。更重要的意义就是以推动女性的解放、发展作支点来构建公平正义、民主法治的和谐社会。

【Abstract】 The construction of a harmonious socialistic society, is one of our party’s most significant duty which is raised under the precondition of forming a comprehensively constructed well-off society, and founding a new era with Chinese-characteristic socialism.. Women are the important strength and necessary condition to construct and impel harmonious society. Employment had great meaning for women. It marks women’s liberalization and gender equality. No doubt that with the development of economy, women enjoy much greater political, social, and economic equality today than ever before. But the sex-based discrimination against women is emerging and becoming a social problem. If handled this problem not properly, it will become a bottleneck that constrain harmonious socialistic society development.This paper reviews the domestic and foreign research systematically, meanwhile making the assessment. The paper at the view of social harmonious society, combined with gender theory to study the subject about sex-based discrimination in employment in China. Paper clarified the concept of sex-based discrimination in employment. After reviewing the history of our Party’s guidance about female employment, the paper analyzed objectively the status quo of explicit and implicit gender inequality. On the basis, the article explored the institutional and structural factors that lead the sex-based discrimination in employment.The paper thinks the factors that lead to sex-based discrimination in employment including:underdeveloped productive forces, economic transition, political and legal system is not perfect, backward gender culture and modern unhealthy culture, low education, and public opinion and the negative effects of globalization. Accordance to reasons of discrimination, the paper proposed solutions and strategies for sex-based discrimination in employment. In the economic sphere:offering more opportunities for women, improving the social security system, carrying out the gender budget; In the political and legal aspects:strengthening the responsibilities and functions of government, promoting gender mainstreaming, increasing the proportion of women in politics, improving laws and policies to eliminate gender discrimination in women’s employment; In cultural and educational aspects:it is necessary to construct advanced gender culture and raise the educational level of women. In the social field: putting women’s development objectives into the development goals of a harmonious society, improving the social environment of public opinion, giving full play to the role of women’s organizations and enhancing the openness. This article aims to seek out the way of equal employment for women. More important is building harmonious society that is equity, justice, democracy and rule of law.
