

Study on Inspirational Education of Poverty-stricken College Students

【作者】 赵博

【导师】 李晓兰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 贫困大学生问题是伴随经济体制改革和高校体制改革出现的一个重大问题。高等教育事业的发展和改革,使得我国高等教育从精英教育向大众化教育迈进。高校招生规模逐渐扩大,为更多贫困大学生提供读大学的机会,而高校收费制度的实施和收费标准的逐年提高,也让贫困大学生比例呈现逐年上升趋势,让原本存在的高校贫困生问题更加突出,成为高等教育事业发展中的焦点和社会关注的热点。贫困大学生在思想和行为方面出现的新特征和新问题,引起了各方的高度重视,成为新时期高校教育工作者必须正视和研究的新问题。加强贫困大学生励志教育,就是要紧紧围绕励志教育目标,针对新时期高校贫困生问题的一些特点,探索出更适应当代贫困大学生发展的励志教育的有效途径和方法,增强励志教育工作的针对性,进而提高其实效性。本文以高校贫困生这一特殊群体作为励志教育工作的研究对象,从社会学、政治学、经济学、心理学等各个层面分析贫困大学生特殊性的表现,励志教育现状以及对贫困大学生开展励志教育工作的必要性、特殊意义和应对策略。本文主要分为五部分。第一部分:绪论。主要描述本文的研究背景,研究目的和意义,国内外研究现状以及本文研究思路,研究方法。第二部分:贫困大学生与励志教育概述。科学的界定贫困大学生的含义和阐述其特点,并详细介绍励志教育的含义和特点。第三部分:加强贫困大学生励志教育的必要性。根据贫困大学生励志教育现状,提出了加强贫困大学生励志教育,是加强高校思想政治教育实效性的必然要求,是培养贫困大学生健康心理素质的需要,是贫困大学生成长成才的需要,是建设和谐校园的需要等观点。第四部分:当前贫困大学生励志教育存在的主要问题及原因分析。现存的问题主要是,以人为本的教育理念淡薄,励志教育的内容不系统,励志教育与经济帮困相分离,教育方法的滞后与单一。究其原因,主要是因为,对贫困大学生的认识与人文关怀不够,对贫困大学生励志教育的理论研究尚处于初级阶段,忽视贫困大学生内心感受和真实需求,对贫困大学生励志教育的实践探索不足。第五部分:加强贫困大学生励志教育的对策。从增强对贫困大学生励志教育的认识,规范贫困大学生励志教育的原则,明确贫困大学生励志教育的主要内容,加强贫困大学生励志教育的有效途径等四个方面阐释,为提高完善贫困大学生励志教育提供有效对策。

【Abstract】 The problem of poverty-stricken college students has emerged with the college system and the economic system reform. With the development and reform of higher education. The higher education has transformed from elite education to mass education in our country. The expansion of college enrollment has offered more opportunities for poverty-stricken students to study in university, but the proportion of poverty-stricken students has increased year by year, while the implementation of university tuition and fees increased annually, it resulted in the original existed poor students become more obvious, it has become the focus of the development of higher education and the social attention.Poverty-stricken students produce some new characteristics and new problems in thinking and behavior, which has evoked great attention in many aspects and became new problem that educators must treat correctly and research in the new period. Strengthen inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students, must tightly encircle the goal of inspirational education, aimed at some characteristics of the poverty-stricken college students problem of new period to explore effective modes and methods of inspirational education which are more suitable for contemporary collage students, enhance the pertinence of inspirational education, thus to enhance its effectiveness.In this paper, the special group of poverty-stricken college students are researched as the object of inspirational education, from sociology, political science, economics, psychology levels to analyse the special performance, inspirational educational status, also the necessity, special significance and coping strategies of carrying out inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students.This paper is divided into five parts. PartⅠ:Introduction. This part describes the background, purpose and meaning of the paper, also the present research situation, methods and innovations. PartⅡ:Abstract of inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students. Scientific definition of the poverty-stricken college students, to explain the characteristics and details of the meaning and characteristics of inspirational education. PartⅢ: The necessity of strengthening the inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students. Due to the situation of inspirational education of college students, it proposes that strengthening inspirational education of poor students is the necessary requirement of enhancing the effectiveness of ideological and political education, is the necessary requirement of educating psychological health of poor students, is the necessary requirement for poor students to grow and success, is the necessary to build harmonious campus. PartⅣ:The analyse of the main problem and reason of the current inspirational education of poor students. The existing problems are:weak viewpoint of people-centered philosophy of education, no system inspirational content of education, separation between inspirational education and economic helping, the lag and simple of education method. The reason is mainly because of the poor college students lack of knowledge and humanistic care, the theoretics research for poor students is still in its infancy, ignore the feelings and real needs of poor students, lack of exploration and practice of inspirational education. PartⅤ:the countermeasure of strengthening the education of poverty-stricken college students. Explain from 4 aspects:enhance the understanding of inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students, standardize the principle of inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students, clear the main content of inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students, and strengthen the effective ways of inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students, just as to provide an effective countermeasures to improve perfect inspirational education of poverty-stricken college students.
