

Research on Functional Optimization of Bacterial Strains of Sufu

【作者】 李璘佼

【导师】 车振明;

【作者基本信息】 西华大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 四川大邑唐桥豆腐乳以其独特的风味风靡国内外,但目前整个豆腐乳产业水平相对落后,仍采用自然发酵进行生产,不安全隐患普遍存在。对于食品安全问题凸显的食品产业来说,对豆腐乳的安全生产也提出了更高的要求。本文针对该自然发酵微生物群进行毛霉菌种的分离,筛选出2株适宜生产发酵的纯种毛霉菌种M-5、M-16。M-5:具有不同于其它毛霉的明显生理形态。生长时间30h菌丝高度可达11~13 mm,菌落周围颜色则随时间的变化由浅黄色逐渐呈现黄绿色,且培菌时间48h菌落变得稠密,呈中心微白周围黄绿的状态;M-16:较强的耐高温性。菌落均呈白色,培养24h可见疏松的菌丝生长,而到72h菌落变的浓密且菌丝高度可达14mm以上,而在温度实验中在30℃的温度下其它菌株的生长均明显受到影响,只有M-16并未受到影响,只有温度升高到32℃以后由于水分的快速散失生长受到些许影响但仍然能够生长。这两株目标菌株均为产中性蛋白酶毛霉,二者最适培菌时间在50h左右,且在培菌期间积累大量的糖化酶、α-淀粉酶、脂肪酶,培菌72h后菌体开始老化,酶活有所下降。整个培菌过程的生化变化是,部分蛋白质水解成可溶性蛋白质。对M-16进行最佳培菌条件的探索。在单因素试验基础上,利用响应面法对腐乳生产的培菌条件进行优化。响应面分析结果表明,培菌最佳条件为:温度28℃、时间72.7h、接种量10.2%。本研究同生产密切结合,对唐桥豆腐乳行业水平提高有很好的指导作用。

【Abstract】 Tangqiao sufu of Sichuan Dayi is popular at home and abroad for its unique flavor, but the industrial level of the sufu production is lower. Natural fermentation is still used, and existence of unsafe risks. For food safety issues highlighted in the food industry, the safety of the sufu production also put forward higher requirements. In this paper, the natural fermentation of the microorganisms Mucor strains were isolated, two suitable for fermentation of pure Mucor strains M-5, M-16 were selected.M-5: with the obvious different from other Mucor physiology. 30h mycelium growth time high up to 11 ~ 13 mm, color around the colonies were the changes over time by the light yellow takes on a yellowish green, and the bacteria culture time of 48h to become dense colony, was central whitish yellow and green around the state; M- 16th: Strong temperature resistance. Colonies showed a white, loose cultured 24h visible mycelial growth, while the 72h and the colonies become thick mycelium height up to 14mm above the temperature experiments in the temperature at 30℃the growth of other strains were significantly affected Only M-16 were not affected, only the temperature was increased to 32℃after the rapid loss of water because growth was slightly affected but still able to grow. This two target strains were neutral protease produced by Mucor, both optimal and bacteria culture in 50h time around, and bacteria in culture accumulated during the large amount of glucoamylase,α-amylase, lipase, and bacteria culture cell after 72h begin to age, activity declined. The whole process of biochemical changes in the Culture is part of the protein hydrolysis into soluble protein.M-16 carried out on the best conditions for bacteria culture to explore. In the single-factor test based on the response surface method sufu production and bacteria culture conditions were optimized. Response surface analysis results showed that the bacteria culture the best conditions are: temperature 28℃, time of 72.7h, 10.2% inoculum.This study closely integrated with the production of Tangqiao sufu industry, the level of Tang Bridge will be raised effectively.

【关键词】 豆腐乳毛霉响应面
【Key words】 SufuMucorResponse Surface
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期