

An ERP Study on the Representation of Two-Digit Number in Stroop Paradigm

【作者】 程大志

【导师】 隋光远;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 数量表征是指个体如何认识并理解数字,主要涉及数字加工的过程,它是数学认知领域关注的重点问题之一。人们在加工单个阿拉伯数字时,将具体数量涵义转化为抽象的心理数字线进行表征,由于信息存储的方式不同,两位数的加工机制不同于一位数。数量物理一致性效应和个位十位协调性效应是数字Stroop实验范式中的两个重要现象。数字Stroop任务中的数字刺激具有数量维度和物理两个维度的信息,具有数量物理大小一致或不一致条件,当两维度的信息不一致时,产生冲突效应,而当两维度的信息一致时,出现易化效应,这种效应被称为数量物理一致性效应,它包括大小一致效应和明暗一致效应。两位数的数字对分为协调和冲突两个条件:十位和个位都较大的数字对为协调条件,例如4257,4<5且2<7;十位较大而个位较小的为冲突条件,例如4762,4<6,但7>2。冲突条件的反应时显著长于协调条件,这种现象被称为个位十位协调效应。ERP技术可以记录两位数加工过程中的脑电成分:P300主要反映了数字属性的识别和注意加工的程度;N400是语义关联信息处理的电信号;LRP代表了个体在做出外部反应之前的动作准备和反应启动。数量物理一致性效应和个位十位协调效应可以体现在这些成分潜伏期和波幅的变化上。本研究假设两位数既有整体加工又有部分加工,分别表现为数量物理一致性效应和个位十位协调效应。以成人大学生为被试,设计了两个ERP实验来验证这些假设。实验一采用两位数形状比较的实验任务,脑电仪记录被试的反应时、潜伏期等数据。对数据的分析表明:在反应时以及P300、LRP的潜伏期、波幅上,大小一致性效应显著,表明两位数以整体形式进行表征;在P300、N400和LRP成分的潜伏期和波幅上,个位十位协调效应显著,说明两位数存在部分加工;脑区分析结果显示,左右半球以相互协同分工的方式对两位数进行自动加工。实验二使用两位数明暗比较的实验任务。统计结果表明:在反应时和P300、N400的潜伏期、波幅上,明暗一致性效应显著,表明两位数的数量信息以整体形式加工;在同样的反应指标上,个位十位协调效应显著,提供了两位数部分加工的证据;脑区分析显示,两位数的加工需要两半球的共同作用。综上所述,Stroop范式下两位数表征的ERP研究证实了实验假设。在数量自动加工任务中,两位数的加工表现出数量物理一致性效应和个位十位协调效应,表明两位数的加工存在整体和部分两种表征方式。本研究从理论上加深了我们对两位数加工方式的理解,揭示了两位数的心理表征机制。这些发现丰富了数字加工的理论,也有助于指导学校数学教学研究和发展数学思维能力。

【Abstract】 Numeral representation mainly involving in number processing refers to the awareness and understanding of number, which remains the focus in mathematical cognition. In one-digit Arabic numerals processing, individuals transform specific magnitude or number to abstractly mental number line. Due to the different types of information recording, the processing mechanism of two-digit is different from that of one-digit number.The magnitude and physical size congruency effect and unit-decade compatible effect are the two important phenomena in Stroop experimental paradigm. The stimuli in numerical Stroop task have magnitude dimension and physical dimension, and two conditions of congruent and incongruent in magnitude size and physical size. The inconsistence of the two dimensions causes conflict effect, whereas the consistence of the two dimensions leads to facilitation effect. This effect is known as congruency effect of magnitude size and physical size. A pair of two-digit number divides into compatible and incompatible condition:a given number comparison is defined as unit-decade-compatible if both comparisons between tens and units led to the same decision (e.g., for 4257,both 4<5 and 2<7). In contrast, a number comparison is defined as unit-decade incompatible, if the two comparisons for units and tens lead to different decisions (e.g., for 4762; 4<6,but 7>2). Incompatible number pairs are responded to more slowly than compatible number pairs, which is called unit-decade compatible effect.ERP technology can record the EEG during two-digit number processing:P300 mainly reflects the recognition to the number attribute and degree of attention; N400 is the electric signal of information processing to semantic association; LRP is a measure of motor cortex activation, and it indicates selective motor preparation and response initiation before an overt response is given. Magnitude and physical size congruency effect and unit-decade compatible effect can be reflected in the changes of P300/N400/LRP latency and amplitude. It was hypothesized that the two-digit number involved both holistic and decomposed processing, manifesting in magnitude and physical size congruency effect and unit-decade compatible effect. Taken adult college students as participants, two ERP experiments were designed to verify these hypotheses.Experiment 1 employed physical size comparison task of two-digit Arabic number. Electrical Geodesics Incorporated system was used to record the response time, latency, et al. The statistics analysis showed that:in reaction time as well as the P300, LRP latency, amplitude, size congruency effect was significant, indicating a holistic processing of two-digit representation; in the P300, N400 and LRP latency and amplitude, unit-decade compatibility had significant effect, indicating that there was decomposed processing in two-digit number; the topography results showed that left and right hemisphere automatically processed the two-digit number in mutual cooperation.The luminance comparison task of two-digit number was used in Experiment 2. The results indicated:in the reaction time and P300,N400 latency, amplitude,the luminance congruency effect was significant, showing that the magnitude information of two-digit number had holistic processing; in the same response index, unit-decade compatible effect was significant, providing decomposed processing evidence; topography analysis suggested two-digit number processing needs two hemispheres together.Conclusively, the ERP research on the representation of two-digit number in Stroop paradigm confirms all the hypotheses. In automatic processing of number magnitude, the processing of two-digit number shows magnitude and physical size congruency effect and unit-decade compatible effect, which suggests that the two-digit number has holistic and decomposition representation. This study deepens the understanding of our understanding of double-digit processing, and reveals the mental representation mechanism of two-digit number. These findings enrich the theory of digital processing; and also help to guide education and research in school mathematics and develop mathematical thinking abilities.
