

A Contrastive Study of Lu Xun’s and Liang Shiqiu’s Translation Viewpoints: A Manipulative Approach

【作者】 董洋萍

【导师】 洪岗;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 鲁迅和梁实秋都是中国近代文坛大家,也是译坛大家,19世纪30年代左右二者有关翻译问题进行了一场激烈的论战,有关这场论战前人也已进行了诸多的研究,与以往研究不同的是,此次研究并不是从语言学角度分析两人的翻译技巧,也不对两人翻译论战的是非功过进行评价,而是从操控论角度出发,研究操控论各要素是怎样操控二者对翻译各方面的看法从而引发了他们之间这场激烈的翻译论战的,以及通过操控的结果来窥探二者有关翻译各方面看法的分歧所在。操控论将为鲁迅和梁实秋二者翻译思想的对比研究提供新的理论依据和研究视角。在操控理论各方面操控因素的指导下,鲁迅和梁实秋二者的翻译思想在当时二者特定的社会背景下有其各自的合理性和必要性,二者有关翻译方面的论争也存在着不可避免性。本论文以操控理论为基础,深入探讨鲁迅梁实秋有关翻译方方面面的论争,拟在探讨论争背后的真正操控动因,并且为操控翻译研究和翻译对比研究带来一些新的启示。此项研究是对操控理论研究的进一步深化。操控理论中的意识形态和诗学是指社会主流意识形态和主流诗学,鲁迅和梁实秋有关翻译的论争发生在相同的时代背景下,相同的时代背景毫无疑问有着相同的社会主流意识形态和主流诗学,二者在相同的社会主流意识形态和主流诗学的操控作用下应该对翻译有着相同或相似的看法,然而二者的翻译论争证明了他们对翻译有着截然不同的看法。因此,二者的翻译思想除了受到社会主流意识形态和主流诗学的操控作用之外,同时也受到各自周围集体意识形态和诗学的操控,并且在社会主流意识形态和主流诗学以及各自周围的集体意识形态和集体诗学操控作用下,译者更多的是受到自身周围集体意识形态和集体诗学的操控,从而也说明了社会主流意识形态和主流诗学对翻译操控的相对性。此外,目标读者对翻译的操控研究是对操控理论研究的一个补充。译者所意指的目标读者对翻译也有着一定的操控,怎样满足目标读者对翻译的“期待视野”是译者在整个翻译过程中都要考虑的问题。因此在这篇论文中目标读者也将作为操控因素来研究鲁迅和梁实秋之间翻译思想的分歧。从意识形态和诗学操控方面来讲,对鲁迅和梁实秋的翻译思想的对比研究是对操控理论的进一步深化,而在目标读者操控方面是对操控理论所做的一点补充。操控因素操控的相对性也说明了集体意识形态和诗学可以用于对同时代的译家对比研究。

【Abstract】 Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu are the great giants in both literary and translation fields. Around 1930, a furious translation debate was carried out between them. And lots of Studies have been made about that debate. Different from the traditional translation studies, the present thesis is not intended to make an evaluative study of their translation skills and techniques or to make a judgment to the merits and demerits of their views on translation. It is intended to investigate how the manipulative factors influence their viewpoints on translation.The manipulation theory would take a new angle to contrastively study Lu Xun’s and Liang Shiqiu’s viewpoints on translation. This theory could give reasonable explanations to the translation controversies between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu concerning their respective special social backgrounds. Based on the manipulation theory, the present thesis will deeply study the translation debate between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu in order to dig out the real manipulative factors hiding behind their debate and will also bring some inspirations for both manipulation theory and the contrastive translation study.This study is an in-depth study under the manipulation theory to some degree. In the manipulation theory, both ideology and poetics refer to the social dominant ideology and poetics. The debate between Lu Xun and Liang Shiqiu occurs under the same social background with the same social dominant ideology and poetics under which the translators should have the same or similar viewpoints on translation. However, their debate on translation demonstrates their totally different attitudes towards translation in various aspects. Since the ideology and poetics mainly dictate the translation strategy, apart from the social dominant ideology and dominant poetics, there should be some different kinds of ideology and poetics that manipulate Lu Xun’s and Liang Shiqiu’s viewpoints on translation. Owning to their different surrounding environments, their respective group ideology and group poetics could and do exert great impact on their viewpoints on translation. Furthermore, under the manipulation of these two kinds of ideology, the group ideology or poetics outweighs the social dominant one, which embodies the relativity of the manipulation of the social dominant ideology and poetics.The manipulation from the target readers is a complement to the manipulation theory, too. Target readers existing in the translator’s mind also exert forceful manipulation on translation. By taking the target readers into consideration, the translator could satisfy their "expectation horizon" better and thus make his/her translated works more attractive to them. So in this thesis, the target readers will be regarded as a manipulative factor during the contrastive study of Lu Xun’s and Liang Shiqiu’s viewpoints on translation.Thus, in the aspect of the manipulation from ideology and poetics, the contrastive study between Lu Xun’s and Liang Shiqiu’s viewpoints on translation is the in-depth study to the manipulation theory, and in the aspect of the manipulation from the target readers, it is the breadth study to the theory. The relativity of the manipulation theory also demonstrates that the group ideology, group poetics, and the translator’s subjective initiative in translation could be applied to the contrastive study of the translators in the same social setting.
