

On Translation of Kinship Terms from the Perspective of the Reception Aesthetics

【作者】 陈彩丹

【导师】 李建军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 亲属称谓语作为称谓语的一部分,在人们的日常交流中起着举足轻重的作用。同时,亲属称谓系统作为一个民族的文化组成部分,带有浓厚的文化特征。由于受中西不同文化的影响,中西亲属称谓系统存在着巨大差别,其内涵和功能都有很大的不同。因此,在跨文化交流中,如何将源语中的亲属称谓语有效地传达给目的语读者显得至关重要。本文首先分析和比较了中西文化取向、社会结构和价值观念等分别对汉语亲属称谓语和英语亲属称谓语的影响,指出汉英亲属称谓语的差异主要体现在四个方面—数量的不同、语义的不同、功能的不同以及使用范围的不同,并论述了这些不同对翻译带来的诸多问题。随后,本文以由姚斯(Robert Jauss)和伊瑟尔(Wolfgang Iser)为代表的接受美学理论为指导,以《红楼梦》为例,对其中亲属称谓语的英译作了比较系统的探讨。本研究旨在跳出以往以文本为中心的传统译论的桎梏,为亲属称谓语的翻译提供以读者接受为中心的视角。一方面,翻译不是简单得遵循原文,而是一种文本、译者和读者之间的对话。翻译应以读者的接受为中心,译文要尽量满足读者的期待视野,达到最佳的接受效果。另一方面,读者对亲属称谓语翻译的态度是动态的,是不断变化的。具体来说,随着翻译实践的不断深化,读者的期待视野也会不断变化,亲属称谓语的翻译也应相应变化。因此,重新研究亲属称谓语的翻译可以满足不断变化的读者需要。作者认为,在亲属称谓语的翻译过程中,译者应该充分考虑目的语读者的期待视野及接受效果,采用灵活恰当的翻译方法,尽量做到文化的适应性和语用的恰当性,从而使跨文化交流顺利有效地实现。

【Abstract】 Being parts of address terms, kinship terms deserve a decisive place in the people’s daily communication. Because of the different cultural influences, there have been great differences between the Chinese and the English kinship addressing systems. Therefore, to properly translate Chinese kinship terms into English kinship terms is crucial to the cross-cultural communication.In this thesis, the influence of Chinese culture-cultural orientation, social structure and axiology on Chinese kinship addressing forms and that of western culture on English kinship addressing forms are first analyzed. On the basis of this analysis, the main differences between these two systems are examined from four aspects-quantity, meaning, function and rang of use, which bring lots of obstacles to the translation kinship terms. Then, under the guidance of reception aesthetics, this thesis makes a relatively systematic study and exploration of kinship term translation, through a case study of A Dream of Red Mansions.This study tries to free the translation from the bondage of text-oriented traditional translation theories, and provides a reader-oriented viewing angle for the kinship term translation. First, translation is a kind of dialogue among the text, the translator and the target readers. The emphasis of translating should be placed on the readers’reception effects. Second, the readers’attitude towards kinship term translation will not remain unchanged all the time. With a better understanding of translations, readers’horizon of expectation will keep changing, and then translations have to keep changing. Therefore, it is necessary to re-study on the kinship term translation, in order to meet the readers’horizon of expectation.The author holds that translation of kinship terms should be reader-centered-culturally adapted and pragmatically appropriate. An appropriate strategy-flexible and proper strategy as the final resolution of translating kinship terms is suggested in this thesis.
