

【作者】 徐洪强

【导师】 王建新;

【作者基本信息】 财政部财政科学研究所 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “三农”问题是中国农村发展的核心。要从根本上解决“三农”问题,实现农业发展、农村繁荣和农民增收,离不开农村金融强有力的支持。发达完善的农村金融体系,可以促进社会资源在城乡之间的合理配置,缩小城乡差距,保护农民的合法权益。农村金融体系能否切实承担起应有职责,关系到农业现代化和新农村建设的成败,以及内需型经济战略的实施。因此,发展农村金融体系已经成为影响国家核心利益的关键问题。农业的弱质性决定了农村金融具有风险高、收益低的特点,农村金融市场信息不对称,风险补偿机制不健全,正规金融垄断农村市场,经营效率低下,农村金融市场处于市场失灵状态。因此单纯依靠市场机制,农村金融无法自我发展。另一方面,我国农村金融体系一直沿用从上到下的制度变迁模式,其变革必然需要政府的大力支持。基于对农村金融生态环境的分析,为了促进农村金融发展,财政无需面面俱到,只需抓住其中的关键环节发力即可。财政应着力做好以下五个方面的工作:农村金融生态环境、农村产业经济、农村金融客户、农村金融机构体系、农村金融风险分担体系。农村金融生态环境是整个金融体系的基础环节,财政应大力支持农村信用环境的发展,创造良好的社会信用风气,为农村金融发展提供优质的土壤。农村产业经济发展方面,财政部门加大补助力度,引导农村经济进行产业结构升级,大力发展现代农业,提高农业生产效率和效益,弱化农业风险高、收益低的不足。同时大力发展涉农第三产业,减轻农业发展对自然天气的依赖。为了促进农村金融客户发展,大力发展社会保障事业,加大对农民的转移支付力度,让农民的教育、医疗、卫生等各个方面均有保障,减少生活性借贷,防止农民陷入“越穷越借、越借越穷”的恶性循环。同时加大对农民的教育力度,培养新型农民,增强其自我发展的能力,实现自我发展,自我致富。在农村金融机构体系方面,重塑农村金融机构体系。对信用社加大内部改革力度,转换经营机制,降低经营风险;对农业发展银行,重新进行功能定位,切实做好财政支农的政策性任务;对于邮政储蓄,引导农村信贷资金重回农村地区,减少农村资金外流;最后大力发展农村新型金融机构,弥补正规金融服务空白地带,进一步加大金融支农力度。最后,大力发展农村金融风险分担体系,全面化解农村金融风险。一方面要加快农村信用体系建设,减少借贷的逆向选择,另一方面,促进担保公司的大力发展,创新抵押品,加快贷款保险、农业保险的发展,降低贷款的事后风险。

【Abstract】 "Three Rural Issues" is the core of Chinese rural development. In order to fundamentally solve "three rural issues",to promote the agricultural development, to achieve prosperity in the countryside and to increase farmers’ income, the support of rural finance is indispensable.A fully developed rural financial system can optimize the allocation of social resources between urban and rural areas, narrow down the socioeconomic disparities between urban and rural sectors, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of farmers. Whether the rural financial system could shoulder its due responsibilities or not, is the key to the agricultural modernization and the successful construction of the new countryside,as well as the implementation of domestic demand oriented economic development strategy. Therefore,the development of rural financial has become a key issue which is capable of affecting the core interests of China.The weakness of agriculture determines the characteristics of rural finance which is high risk and low return,at the same time,rural financial market exists asymmetric information,faulted risk compensation mechanism and monopoly of formal financial organizations,which shows that market failures exists in rural financial markets.As a result, rural finance cannot develop independently without support of concerned authorities of government. On the other hand,Chinese rural finance system is built according to the institution building models from top to bottom,so the reform of rural finance inevitably requires government support.Based on the analysis of rural financial ecological environment, in order to promote development of rural finance,there is no need for public finance authorities to pay attention to every area of rural finance,only to grasp the key points.Therefore, public finance authorities need to focus on the following five areas:rural financial ecological environment, rural economy, rural finance clients, the rural financial system, and rural financial risk-sharing system.Rural financial ecological environment is the base of financial system;public finance sector should focus on the development of rural credit environment and improvement of social credit culture,so as to provide high-quality soil for rural finance developmentAs to rural economic development, public finance sector would make efforts to increase subsidies,take measures to guide rural economy to upgrade industrial structure. At the same time,it is essential to develop modern agriculture to weaken the nature risk of agriculture.What’s more,in order to reduce dependence on weather, it is dispensable to develop tertiary industries related to agriculture.About rural financial clients,measures below should be taken:first, perfecting rural area social security and increase transfer payments to farmers. Second, increasing education to farmers to train new farmers and increases their self-development capacity.Restructuring rural financial system:first, internal reform of the credit cooperatives is conducted to transform their operating mechanism and reduce business risk. Second,the function of China Agricultural Development Bank should be re-positioned so as to take on the responsibilities to support the development of agriculture.About postal savings,measures should be taken to guide rural credit funds back to rural areas and reduce the outflow of rural funds. At last, public finance sector should support development of new-type rural financial institutions to make up services gaps of the formal finance organization in rural area.Rural finance risk-sharing system should be perfected to disperse rural financial risks:On one hand,development of rural credit-assess system is needed to speed up to reduce adverse selection in lending.On the other hand,to reduce the ex-risk of the loan,measures should be taken to develop security companies,to innovate qualified mortgage and grantee bid,to develop loan and agricultural insurance further.

  • 【分类号】F812.45;F832
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】605