

The Research on Hunan Extant Pagoda with the Pavilion Style in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 院芳

【导师】 柳肃;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从中国传统楼阁建筑发展而来的楼阁式古塔,融合了外来文化与中华传统建筑艺术的精华,在中国古塔中最为常见,规模也最大。湖南现存古塔以明清时期的楼阁式古塔为主,作为历史发展的见证,社会变革的遗存,科学技术的结晶,文化艺术的记录,现存的楼阁式古塔是湖南宝贵的历史文化遗产。然而,到目前为止,湖南古塔的价值却没有能得到足够的重视,有关湖南古塔的研究和保护尚处于初始阶段。因此,通过对湖南现存明清时期楼阁式古塔的研究,不仅可以丰富对湖南古建研究的内容,而且可以起到一定的宣传作用,增强全社会对湖南古塔的关注程度,在认识到其价值的同时,积极行动起来,保护好这份珍贵的历史遗产。论文主要沿湖南四大水系湘江、资水、沅江、澧水及其支流展开现场调研,收集和整理楼阁式古塔的研究资料,在此基础上展开论文的写作。论文主要分为三个部分,第一部分为理论基础部分,主要进行选题研究和楼阁式塔的哲学理论分析。选题研究阐述了选题背景、文献综述、研究意义,界定了研究主要内容,确定了工作框架;哲学理论分析部分是在大量文献资料的基础上,分析和总结楼阁式塔的产生原因和发展变化。第二部分为湖南明清楼阁式吉塔研究,主要包括湖南楼阁式古塔的背景概况分析和特点文化研究。背景概况部分首先阐述了湖南地理环境、人文历史、佛教文化的背景,然后对湖南现存明清楼阁式古塔的分布、类型性质进行总结概述。而特点文化研究部分首先对湖南明清楼阁式古塔选址特点和建筑特点进行细致分析,然后深入剖析其文化内涵和多种艺术意蕴。第三部分为古塔的保护研究,参考国内外保护古建的基本原则和先进方法,并结合湖南现存楼阁式古塔的现状,对如何保护好湖南现存古塔提出一些建议。

【Abstract】 The pavilion-type pagoda which comes from the traditional Chinese pavilion, integrates the essences of the exotic culture and the traditional Chinese architectural art.In the Chinese pagodas,it is the most common and has the largest scale.Hunan extant pagodas are mainly the pavilion-type pagodas built in Ming and Qing dynasties.As the witness of the historical development, the remains of social change, the crystallization of science and technology, the records of arts and culture, the extant pavilion-style pagodas are valuable historical and cultural heritages of Hunan.However, to date, the value of Hunan pagodas has not been given sufficient attention and the related Hunan ancient towers’research and the protection are still in the preliminary stage.So the research on the extant Hunan Pagoda with the pavilion style and brick stone material built in Ming and Qing dynasties,may not only enrich the study of Hunan ancient architecture, but also may play a certain propaganda role and strengthen the entire society’s attention on Hunan ancient pagodas.At the same time we will realize their values and then actively protect these precious historical heritages.The paper mainly launches the scene investigation and study along Hunan four river systems-Xiangjiang River, Zishui,Yuanjiang River, Lishui and their branch.In the meanwhile,I collect and reorganize the research materials of the pavilion -type pagoda.And then based on these dataⅠlaunch the paper’s writing.The paper primarily divides into three parts.The first part for the rationale part mainly carries on the selected topic research and the philosophy theoretical analysis on pavilion-style pagoda. The selected topic research elaborates the selected topic background, the literature review and the research significance, while having limited the research primary coverage and determined the work frame. The philosophy theoretical analysis part analyzes and summarizes the produced reasons, the characteristics and the development changes of pavilion-style pagoda on the base of the massive literature materials.The second part for the research on Hunan pavilion-type pagodas built in Ming and Qing dynasties, mainly includes the background survey analysis, the characteristic and the culture research.The background survey part firstly elaborates Hunan geographical environment, the humanities history and the Buddhism culture’s background, and then summarizes the distribution and the type of Hunan pagoda with the pavilion type built in Ming and Qing dynasties.The characteristic and the culture research firstly deeply analyses site features and architectural characteristics of Hunan pavilion-type pagodas.And then it elaborates different cultures and arts which these pagodas reflect.The third part for the pagoda’s protection, refers to the basic principle and the advanced method with which the domestic and foreign protect the ancient construction and unifies the present situation of the Hunan extant pavilion-type pagoda,to put forward some proposals to protect Hunan pagoda and seek for the new way for Hunan pagoda’s development.

【关键词】 湖南楼阁式古塔特点文化保护
【Key words】 Hunanpavilion-type pagodacharacteristiccultureprotection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期